Warmly vs. Qualified

Qualified offers enterprise chatbots for Salesforce, while Warmly helps SMB teams convert more traffic across multiple CRMs with chat, email & LinkedIn re-engagement.

All of Drift’s features that Warmly has

Account & Lead Scoring
Custom Lead Filtering
Inbound Chat Routing
Live Chat Tool
Custom Chatbots
AI Powered Chatbots
Conversational Landing Pages
Data Enrichment
Firmographic Routing
Advanced Routing
Salesforce Multi-Owner Routing
Salesforce Flex Routing
Video Messaging
Basic Reporting
Pipeline & Revenue Reporting
Conversations & Conversion Reporting
SOC2 Type II

We threw in a few features of our own that Drift doesn’t offer

Contact Level De-Anonymization
Third Party Research Intent Signals
Job Change Tracking
LinkedIn Integration
Out-Of-The-Box Data Vendors (Clearbit, 6sense, Bombora)
Live Video Chat
Live Session Replays
Audible Alerts
AI Outbound Chat
Warm Intros
Auto Emailing (Outreach, SalesLoft, Apollo, Hubspot)

For more context, take a look at some of the comparable features offered by Warmly and Drift:

‎Inbound Chat Workflows + Front End Chatbot

Warmly's inbound chat workflows, are a cost-effective, SMB focused alternative to Drift's conversational marketing function. These chat workflows operate through a customer-led interaction with a chatbot, guiding them through personalized conversations based on their responses, much like navigating a "choose your own story" book. 

With Warmly, users can customize these workflows extensively, including tailoring messages, defining potential responses, and specifying outcomes. Additionally, Warmly enables personalized workflows by leveraging visitor de-anonymization, allowing businesses to automatically activate specific workflows based on various criteria such as demographic data, intent signals, CRM criteria, and traffic sources.

(Front End)




(Back End Workflows)




Segment Targeting

In addition to segmenting by CRM data, Warmly enables segment target by demographic factors such as age, gender, or location, as well as firmographic data like company size, industry, and employee count. Another way Warmly customers can do it is by website behavior, including visit frequency, duration, and specific pages visited. Plus, third-party intent data can be leveraged to target users based on their search queries or keyword topics of interest.




Warmly's reporting really focuses on chat interactions and user engagement, detailing metrics like total chats and conversations, distinguishing between bot and human interactions. It also tracks engagement levels and user behavior beyond chats, covering link clicks, meetings booked, and emails captured. This comprehensive approach aids in evaluating chat workflow effectiveness and its impact on website engagement and conversions.

In contrast, Drift focuses on capturing data from conversations and visitors through its playbooks, tracking initiated conversations and engaged visitors. Drift emphasizes ROI measurement by assessing chat interactions' impact on website performance and conversions.



What’s The Difference?

There is clear overlap between what Warmly and Drift do, and for some features it is an apples to apples comparison. But the nuances are important and our roadmaps are pointed towards slightly different end goals. Here are some of the big picture differences between the two:

AI When Possible, Human When Necessary

AI should save you time, not detract from your customers’ experience. Warmly uses AI to do the upfront work like engaging prospects and filtering based on ideal customer profile data. But we loop in a real life human to make the interaction feel, well, more human. The moment someone indicates they want to speak to a Warmply rep, the relevant SDR is alerted and can jump in. 

So you get something like this...

Warmly inbound chatbot

‎Compared to something like this...

Drift Inbound Chatbot

Contact Level Data Enrichment

On average, Warmly de-anonymizes 15% of the visitors to your website (and 65% of the companies). We’re talking contact level data — name, title, company, LinkedIn profile, and email as well as account information like ICP fit and buyer stage. Basically, we hand you the warm leads and customer support information that you would otherwise spend valuable time on hunting down manually. 

Contact over Company

Drift provides company level, not contact level data. While company level intent data is great, knowing which individual is on your site opens the door to deeper buyer intent understanding and targeted introductions (more on that later). 

Get Notified

Plus, Warmly notifies you when a key contact is on your website, giving you the opportunity to hop online and engage them in a person-to-person live chat.


Leverage Your Chatbot, LinkedIn, Email, and Salesloft

Our inbound workflows include personalized AI chat on your sales reps behalf (triggered when a site visitor meets your set segment filters) as well as automated outbound follow-up sequences via LinkedIn, Outreach, and Salesloft. This helps SMBs avoid the rock-and-a-hard-place scenario of being rich in data but lacking in the headcount needed to properly utilize it.

Warmly Segment Targeting

Drift Segment Targeting


Built and Priced For SMBs

Price is a major constraint for most SMBs; it’s hard to find a cool $30K laying around to invest in a new tool, no matter how beneficial it might be in the long run. And as is the case with warm intro follow-up, SMBs are likely to be strapped for headcount. 

Our most basic paid plan is $5K a year. Integrations are also a top priority, drastically reducing the orchestration work that goes into managing an influx of data. AI is leveraged to supplement for additional SDRs, amplifying the efforts of scrappy sales teams without sacrificing the personalization of human touch. 

Launch In A Day

The process of onboarding with Warmly takes just one day (compared to Drift’s 30 day set-up period). We just need you to: 

Add Script Tag

Firstly, integrating Warmly into your website is as simple as adding a script tag. This step enables communication between your site and the platform.

Define Your ICP

By setting up detailed personas and identifying target accounts within your CRM, you help Warmly focus on the prospects that align closely with your ideal customer criteria.

Warm Intros

Warmly partners with ConnectTheDots, providing an integration that takes your website visitor data and injects it with the most powerful prospecting fuel of all: genuine personalized connection. 

Leverage Your Teams' Networks

By connecting your teammates’ personal email and LinkedIn information, you can see which of your colleagues are linked to key decision makers on your target accounts. Plus, the feature takes the guesswork out of which of these to pursue — The relationship strength feature indicates which of the surfaced connections is the strongest. Just hit the “ask” button to ask for a warm intro.

Take The Work Out of Saying "Yes"

We also provide templates that let you ask for a warm intro without needing your mutual contact to do the work (kind of like when you have a professor or boss sign a letter of recommendation that you’ve written). 

We do the legwork so you just have to hit a button.

Don’t just take our word for it

We're clearly biased, so we're giving the floor to people who aren't.



Check out what customers are saying about Warmly…





...and which pain points Drift is not addressing.



Drift is undeniably a heavyweight in the chatbot space. But how does it compare to Warmly?

Ultimately, deciding between the two products depends on matching the right product to your existing tech stack and team capabilities. And for the average SMB, we think Warmly wins out on ROI.

To decide which option is best for you, here's a breakdown of how Warmly compares to Drift - including features, integrations, and price.

Warmly vs Drift: The Breakdown

Let's start by saying that Warmly offers almost identical features to Drift. Here's a summary of all those features:

Warmly and Qualified: two software solutions that fit broadly into the account-based marketing and go-to-market spaces. However, they’re far from equal.

Not only do they serve different markets—Warmly is an SMB-facing platform with a free version and paid plans starting at $1200 a month, Qualified is enterprise-focused with a minimum investment of $42k a year—but they also serve very different needs.

Qualified aims to serve the same end goal as Warmly: revenue generation. It's basically a conversational chat tool integrating some great buyer intent data to help you serve personalized marketing promotions and book meetings with a sales rep.

Warmly, by comparison, is a comprehensive revenue orchestration platform that enables you to maximize the ROI of your entire tech stack across intent and engagement tools.

Sure, we offer chat, just like Qualified. But we’re more focused on helping SMBs access the kind of surround-sound ABM playbooks that their established competitors use, without having to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in a tech stack and sales team to run it.

Warmly vs. Qualified: The Breakdown

Let’s take a look at the features offered by Warmly and Qualified and how they differ.

Company Level De-Anonymization
Third-Party Research Intent Signals
Inbound Chat Routing
Firmographic Routing
Advanced Routing
Salesforce Multi-Owner Routing
Salesforce Flex Routing
Meeting Booker
Custom Lead Filtering
Live Session Replays
Personalized Advertising (Marketing Offers)
Live Chat Tool
AI-Powered Chatbots
Video Messaging
AI Outbound Chat
Live Video Chat
LinkedIn Integration
Data Sync with Your CRM
Salesforce only
Integrations with Sales Engagement
Basic Reporting
Pipeline & Revenue Reporting

We’ve also built out a number of powerful features that Qualified doesn’t offer.

Contact Level De-Anonymization
Data Enrichment
Job Change Tracking
Out-Of-The-Box Data Vendors (Clearbit, 6sense, Bombora)
Salesforce Multi-Owner Routing
Automated Account Multi-Threading
Account & Lead Scoring
Auto Emailing (Outreach, SalesLoft, Apollo, Hubspot)
Warm Intros
Custom Chatbots
Conversations & Conversion Reporting

Warmly vs. Qualified: The Summary

Warmly and Qualified share the same basic philosophy:

Proactive lead engagement via chat is a necessary tactic to convert high-intent prospects while they’re on your site.

Beyond that, though, things couldn't be different.

Qualified believes that a single channel (website chat) should primarily motivate a prospect to book a meeting with a sales rep.

Unfortunately, this only works if you've got thousands of prospects visiting your website, which inevitably only enterprise-level companies have. In that case, even if only 1% of your 100,000 website visitors per week are far enough down the funnel to want to book a meeting, that's still a huge number of leads for your sales reps.

Warmly's approach differs. For us, website chat is just one tool within a successful omnichannel revenue orchestration strategy.

Instead of just focusing on website chat—and our chat is still capable of solidly engaging with prospects and looping in sales reps—we bring in additional intent signals (research intent, job changes, website interactions) and channels (email, LinkedIn, live video chat) so that your sales reps get a full picture of where each lead is in their journey and when/where you should engage to see results.

Instead of focusing all attention on chatbot interactions, Warmly creates an intelligent, flexible strategy for demand generation and demand capture across multiple touchpoints. This omnichannel revenue orchestration machine continues to generate insights and manage outreach even as your reps are engaging with leads.

That's what our go-to-market strategy is all about. And for us to deliver on this philosophy, we’ve had to take a different approach to our data inputs.


Qualified: AI-First Chatbot Solution

Qualified's main offering is its AI SDR product, Piper. This fully autonomous chat solution allows your sales reps to take a totally hands-off approach and can handle qualifying prospects and booking meetings.

This AI chatbot gathers data from Qualified's 'Signals' product, which allows sales reps to see which accounts are 'warm' and manually prospect according to the signal data.

While this system works for enterprise-level companies taking a full account-based marketing approach to the sales funnel, it's also limited in its integrations and omnichannel capabilities.

Here's a breakdown of Qualified's main features.

Intent Data

Qualified’s “Signals” product is their account-based sales intelligence solution.

It combines three data sources:

  1. First-party website engagement
  2. Third-party research intent data
  3. Salesforce data

Then, an AI-powered predictive model combines this data and gives you a visual representation of how warm the lead is.


Reps can then use this info to prioritize sales activities and personalize conversations (based on the current topics that Qualified identifies the prospect is searching for).

They can also drill down into a specific account to go beyond that high-level overview and see details such as what pages the prospect has spent the most time on and which stakeholders at the account are most active.



Both Qualified and Warmly have two forms of chatbot, the first of which is a decision-tree-style chatbot (we call it inbound chat workflows).

This kind of chatbot can be manually built depending on the type of information you want to receive from your lead and the type of action you ideally want them to take.

So, the initial question will pop up when the visitor is on a particular page, and it's up to them to engage with the chat by opting for one of the multiple-choice options.


AI Chatbot - Piper

In Qualified, you can input goals for the AI SDR (Piper) based on the same kind of filter information (demographics, firmographics, etc.) and then Piper will auto-create a flow that accomplishes the goal set.


Both Qualified's chat workflows and AI Chat Piper are squarely aimed at booking meetings with your sales reps. While the AI version does have a few other tricks up its sleeve (like the ability to rope in a rep for a live conversation or to serve relevant marketing offers), meetings are still the big goal here, and Piper can automatically send over a meeting invite within the chat.

Live Video Chat

Qualified and Warmly share a lot of overlapping functionality with live video chat. Both solutions run AI chat on behalf of the sales rep (from the customer’s standpoint, it appears as if they’re speaking with a real person), and then alert the account owner to jump on a call if the customer is willing.

Both have the option to turn the video off and just have an audio call via the same chat window, and both have a “Live View” feature that allows reps to observe website browsing behavior in real time.

Qualified's chat integrates more heavily with AI. So, your human SDR can get AI-written responses recommended, and use these in the chat.


Summary: Qualified Is Missing Part Of The Picture

Don't get us wrong—there’s no denying that Qualified is a powerful solution. It works particularly well if you’re a Salesforce user and can take advantage of the best-in-class integration between the two solutions.

But while Qualified is a solid option for decision-tree and AI-driven chatbots that focus on booking a meeting with a rep, it misses out on a few other GTM signals (like job change intent data) and fails to orchestrate and coordinate an omnichannel GTM process (like running email campaigns to prospects that didn’t book a meeting.)

Warmly takes what Qualified offers and brings it to the next level. One platform for SMBs that gives them the power to run human and AI-powered campaigns, empowering your sales reps to qualify more deals and have more valuable conversations.

Warmly: End-to-End Omnichannel Optimization

Qualified's tools want to get you to a booked meeting with a prospect. That's what their AI chat is trained to do, and all their (limited) signal data goes towards understanding leads in the chatbot and getting them to speak to a live person.

What happens after that?

Well, they assume that booking a meeting is the endpoint. After that, it's over to your sales reps to attend the meetings that have been set up for them.

Just have to hope the lead is actually ready to buy, or it's a huge waste of your sales reps' time.

With Warmly, we take things a step (actually, more like three steps) further.

Our enriched account and contact data are synced back to your CRM and sales tools. Then, we can start launching multi-threaded and personalized outreach campaigns across social media (LinkedIn) and email.

Custom filtering routes that you've set up (which may be based on intent, firmographics, or behavioral data) categorize and route prospects appropriately. Or, you can leave it up to our AI Prospector to route low and medium-intent prospects to the right place.

We use the entire breadth of signals across all of our vendors to craft personalized outreach campaigns, tailored for who the prospect is and whether they're ready to buy or not.

For example, when Warmly detects a medium-warmth lead on your website, it can automatically enable AI Chat, or a campaign of email outreach to guide them further down the sales funnel.

Alternatively, if a hot lead lands on your site, you can enable Slack notifications to loop in one of your sales reps immediately, enabling direct contact between a lead and a rep when the lead is most likely to buy.

This blend of human interaction and flexible automation where necessary allows you to be fully reactive to leads, at the moment they're hottest.

The result? A comprehensive omnichannel sales strategy, from lead identification to conversion.


Case study: How Stage uses Warmly to convert high-intent leads faster.

Warmly Intent Scoring

Warmly’s approach to buyer intent is similar, but not the same. While Qualified focuses on account-level data (which is fine when you're working an account-based marketing strategy with high website traffic, selling high-cost software), Warmly combines account-level with contact-level data, bringing your sales teams closer to the actual people who are going to purchase.

To start with, our de-anonymization tools reveal 65% of the companies and 15% of contacts that visit your website. We then pull in data from whatever sales engagement and CRM tools you have connected (Salesforce, HubSpot, Outreach, Salesloft, or Apollo) and combine that with the best-in-class company, contact, and buyer intent data.

Our wide-reaching data inputs—we pull from Clearbit, 6sense, and Bombora—allow us to give you accurate insights into who is visiting your website and exactly where in the buying process they are.

We combine all that varied third-party data with our in-house data collection capabilities to verify and confirm data, producing data that you can have the highest confidence in.

To put it simply, we tell you the people who are visiting your website, not the companies. Because you know who buys? People.


We then categorize leads with a custom filtering system that helps you understand which leads are worth following (the warmest of warm leads) and which you should loop in a sales rep for. For each category of lead, multiple signals are combined—it's never about one signal, but the total breadth of touch points that lead may have had with your brand.


Inbound Chat Workflows

Just like Qualified, we offer decision-tree-style chat presents. These Inbound Chat workflows give you the opportunity to add presets for every interaction, instead of leaving it all up to AI. This is very similar to how Drift does it as well.

This kind of chatbot is massively helpful for discovering additional intent data. If you can get your prompts right—and persuade the lead to metaphorically raise their hand—then you can glean all kinds of information on why they're on a specific page of your website, what they're looking for, and whether they're ready to buy.

All of this information is fed back into your CRM and sales engagement system, giving your reps a holistic view of that lead every time they visit your website.


AI Chat

As well as the manually-driven chatbot options, Warmly also has AI-powered chat solutions.

However, whereas Qualified's AI Chat must be trained on your company's tone of voice and Q&As—which is almost impossible for SMB companies to accomplish if they haven't already got a tonne of data at hand to train it with— Warmly's AI Chat functions without this kind of training.

Another difference is that Warmly's AI Chat is an auto solution just for the highest-intent leads.

Inbound workflows are a great chance to get additional data from those passive visitors who may still be in your ICP. But Warmly's AI Chat brings in contextual information from several data sources (remember all that intent data we were talking about earlier?) and uses it to create personalized messaging.

So, our AI model considers data, including demographics, previous conversations, website visits, and your CRM data, to create a conversation that suits who they're talking to and where they are in the buyer journey. Qualified can only craft based on your CRM (Salesforce) information and anything else you feed it.


Warmly's AI Chat does have the capability to link your meeting scheduler data (from Calendly, Chili Piper, or HubSpot) in the chat directly, but it's not a meeting scheduler per se.

Instead, we focused Warmly’s AI chat on being a more holistic chat tool for gauging intent and routing high-intent prospects to sales reps.

For example, booking a meeting with a sales rep might be a suitable end goal. Where possible, though, if there is intent and interest in a meeting, then it is better to get a rep in a live video chat with the prospect (more on that below).


If the right level of buying intent isn’t there, or our chat can’t get them into a live call, then we’ll plug contact and company data into your sales engagement tools and run intent-driven outreach campaigns over email and LinkedIn (either using our AI Prospector or with more targeted, manually-created outreach messaging) to nurture that prospect throughout the customer journey.

And with Slack notifications enabled, your sales reps can jump into the conversation at any time. It's about taking the inherent time-saving capabilities of AI with the people skills of your sales reps to build an efficient lead qualification system.

Case study: How Kandji uses Warmly AI Chat to book qualified meetings in less than 10 minutes.

Live Video Chat

The key difference between Warmly and Qualified's live video chat is that our solution also pulls in buyer insights from a variety of data sources to give you a 360-degree view of the prospect before sales reps jump in and take over the conversation.


We combine intent data from vendors, including 6sense, Bombora, Clearbit, Apollo, and ZoomInfo, to give you a thorough picture of each and every one of your leads, where they are in the sales funnel, and how likely they are to buy. So, we can tell you who they are, what they've been searching for, what they've looked at on your website, where they work, and what their role is.

For example, we know if they've clicked through to the site from an outbound email. We know how many times they've clicked through to your pricing page. We know when they joined their company and what solutions they've been searching for online.

Warmly isn't just for recognizing when you've had prior conversations with them using CRM data (...what Qualified does.) We use data from multiple touchpoints to tell you how to reach prospects most effectively and when to loop in sales reps to get you closer to a closed (won!) deal.

And we're constantly expanding the variety of those vendor integrations. Warmly's ambition is to combine infinite signals with personalized, human interactions (and AI assistance if or when you need it) to qualify leads more effectively and allow your sales teams to have the best interactions with prospects.

Not just booking more meetings. Full, (autonomous, if you're into that) revenue orchestration.


Warmly vs. Qualified: Final Scores

Ultimately, Qualified isn't perfect. It lacks features specifically for SMBs, who often don't have the resources (in sales reps and marketing spend) to justify the kinds of tools that Qualified deploys.

Warmly, on the other hand, is a flexible, end-to-end solution for SMBs that integrates everything into a single solution and saves your sales reps valuable time.

Salesforce vs. Full Tech Stack

Qualified’s biggest win is also, in a way, its Achilles heel: it's built and staffed by ex-Salesforce people. This means the integration with Salesforce is unbeatable.

But what do you do if you're not using Salesforce? Well, then you're out of luck, as Qualified doesn't offer much in the way of flexible two-way integration.


Warmly, on the other hand, is CRM agnostic.

We’re the layer that sits on top of your GTM stack. We're the middleware.

Warmly can plug and play with your intent and channel tools (whatever they are) to maximize the return of your entire tech stack.


So, whether you’re using Salesforce, Pipedrive, or HubSpot as your CRM, and can orchestrate outreach efforts via Outreach, Salesloft, or ZoomInfo.

Plus, we’re constantly working on bringing new integrations to the table, like our most recent tool that lets you run LinkedIn outreach campaigns directly within Warmly.

Single Channel vs. Omnichannel

Qualified is strictly focused on the chat game, routing leads into meetings and leaving it there. Instead, after combining all of our best-in-class data, Warmly orchestrates omnichannel sales outreach in one place.

Once we’ve captured a website visitor's details, you can use Warmly to launch outreach across email, LinkedIn, and a website chatbot, with messaging based on your pre-specified lead sorting rules and the signals we've received.

Our powerful data integrations also find other members of the buying committee who will also be involved in the decision-making process.

For instance, a marketing associate might have visited your site, but Warmly knows the VP of Marketing holds the purse strings and will make the final decision.

Warmly will find those stakeholders for you, then orchestrate multi-threaded outreach with messaging based on their specific roles and needs.

The marketing associate might receive emails about how your tool can impact their day-to-day work, while the Marketing VP would see messaging more related to ROI and overall improvements at the business unit level.


Warmly also integrates with LinkedIn automation software Salesflow, allowing you to add LinkedIn to your sales prospecting process. Then, plug in our AI Prospector to automate the entire process of sending LinkedIn connection requests, emails, and LinkedIn messages.


The big win with this approach is that you’re surround-sounding prospects across multiple channels, reaching them where they are with messaging that is contextual to not only their role and goals but also their engagement with the content you’ve already sent and your website.

And we give you the flexibility to choose between automation and full SDR control depending on the resources you've got available and the intent level of any given prospect.

Explore Warmly's Salesflow Integration

Company Intent Data vs. Multiple Data Sources

When it comes to data sources, Warmly wins hands down.

Qualified is pretty much entirely focused on company intent data—the account-level and company-level data from your CRM and website browsing data from third-party sources such as Bombora.

We use this data too, but we integrate it with the following:

  • Contact and company data (to help you identify buying committees and target all stakeholders)
  • Third-party intent data from Bombora (a proprietary data source that’s widely regarded as more robust than the Bidstream data that most intent data suppliers use)
  • Job change tracking data (so you can jump on high ICP fit leads as soon as they get into the decision-making seat)
  • Insights from your CRM and sales engagement suites
  • Engagement with your email campaigns and chatbot workflows

We call this the data waterfall approach. We provide a full, 360-degree view of the prospect using multiple data vendors and using our best-in-class data analysis software to give each data point a confidence rating.

In short, by pulling in data from multiple sources, we can better corroborate activity and ensure a higher degree of accuracy than is available from using a single data source.


Then, we use these contact-level details to build personalized outbound prospecting campaigns across multiple channels, including LinkedIn and email. Because you can't sell well unless you know who you're selling to (and whether they're ready to buy.)

Total Automation vs. Human + AI Approach

Warmly is a holistic revenue orchestration platform. We help SMB organizations qualify leads faster so they can spend more time with the people who are actually in the market to buy your product (unfortunately, that's only ever a small proportion of your overall audience.)

We integrate AI chat solutions and AI prospecting to engage target accounts where your sales reps don't have the bandwidth for interactions—for example, on lower-priority leads or those not showing high intent.

But here's where we really differ from Qualified. We use the power of AI alongside human interactions.

So, once a prospect is hot, we loop in sales reps in real time via live video chat. And we know it's hot because we're bringing in an almost limitless variety of intent data from partner vendors.

With this approach, you can build an AI army of SDRs and close sales-qualified leads with just one or two AEs.

First, Warmly reveals website visitors and integrates contact and company data to get a 360-degree of who that visitor is.

Then, our AI bot solution proactively chats with customers, sending personalized messages based on the wide range of intel we have on them. Warmly is constantly monitoring website behavior so our AI chatbot can produce contextual conversations based on what the prospect is doing in real-time.

When the prospect is ready for a human interaction, Warmly triggers an alert via Slack.


Your sales rep can then take over the reins and suggest a live video call with the customer, closing them on the spot.

The overarching benefit here is that 95% of the sales journey is automated and orchestrated. Your human sales team only needs to jump in at the end to book a demo, meaning you can stay lean, keep costs low, and still grow qualified pipeline fast.


For Enterprise vs. Purpose-Built for SMBs

Qualified is very clearly an enterprise-facing company. That's not just reflected in its pricing (which runs into the tens of thousands per year). To use Qualified effectively, you need a large team of salespeople to run all of the sales outreach and engagement efforts since Qualified only uses chat to book meetings with a sales rep.

To start with, Warmly's pricing is much more SMB-focused. Our Business plan comes in at under $15k a year, and we even have a seriously useable free version available for you to get started with autonomous revenue orchestration at zero cost.


The benefit here is that our pricing model allows you to keep your existing tool stack, and use Warmly as the orchestration solution to drive it. It's cost-effective and enables you to run an entire revenue orchestration campaign—rather than leaving different teams to run disparate solutions.

Plus, if you've got limited sales resources (let's face it—SMBs simply don't have the same capacity as massive enterprise sales teams), you can have AI do part of your prospecting, warming up your leads nicely before you get one of your star sales reps in to finish things off.

How to Get Started with Warmly

Do you know how long it takes to implement a large enterprise software like Qualified? Well, you've got to get all your different teams on board... figure out where it sits in your existing tech stack (if you're not using Salesforce, that's going to make it pretty difficult)... and then spend time researching additional tools to accomplish all of your sales orchestration outside of Qualified.

It takes just 20 minutes to start using Warmly.

  1. Add the Warmly script tag to your website.
  2. Connect to your CRM (we support HubSpot and Salesforce).
  3. Add your additional platforms with one click (things like Outreach, Salesloft, or Apollo).
  4. Link in Slack for real-time notifications.

Once that's done, you can customize Warmly to fit your sales goals.

Set up ICPs and segments to filter traffic and optimize your outreach campaigns.

Enable AI Prospector to ensure you're reaching out to only the most qualified prospects.

Add a LinkedIn sequence with Salesflow to add another channel to your outreach.

The result? Empowered sales reps who connect with prospects who are in the market to buy, at the moment they're ready to buy.

Consolidated Tools = Better Buyer Experience

Warmly is your one-solution for warm lead qualifying and prospecting. Because why would you purchase multiple tools to accomplish what just one platform can do?

This is all part of our revenue orchestration philosophy. We're helping your sales team work smarter, not harder, by giving them all the intent signals they require and combining this with the best human and AI-powered tools to engage with the best prospects in real time.


Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

Let's hand over the floor to some (non-biased) Warmly users. Here's what people are saying about us:


And it looks like Qualified isn't quite getting the same responses...


Warmly vs. Qualified: Which Is Right For You?

Warmly and Qualified clearly have some overlapping features and a number of similar use cases.

At the end of the day, it's true that Qualified may be a better choice for enterprise companies with large sales teams and who are already deeply stuck in Salesforce.

Warmly, on the other hand, is a better fit for startups and SMBs who want the flexibility of a one-platform revenue orchestration solution. Plug it into your existing tech stack and watch how best-in-class signal data and AI-powered workflows can help you engage more warm leads—and how easy it is for a sales rep to jump in when the prospect is hot.

Want to give it a try? You can get started with Warmly for free today. Or tomorrow. (Or whenever your sales teams start complaining about lost prospects and competitors out-competing you.)

Need some extra guidance? Book a demo with a Warmly sales rep now. (No AI sales reps here!)