Kandji Overview and Value Path
Kandji is a leading device management platform for Apple devices in the enterprise. Kandji’s Device Harmony platform connects IT and InfoSec capabilities that were previously spread out across five different product categories: Device Management, Vulnerability Management, Endpoint Detection and Response, Endpoint Visibility, and Endpoint Compliance. Kandji bridges these capabilities with shared intelligence, automation, and workflows designed for the cross-functional manner in which these teams now work.
Kandji’s team utilizes Warmly to generate pipeline and qualified booked meetings.
How Warmly Delivered Value
Nick Coffeen and Malea Redding, two members of Kandji’s sales team, used Warmly’s AI Chat to successfully book two qualified meetings in the span of 8 minutes. Nick and Malea were notified via Slack notifications in two instances that key prospects on their website responded to Kandji’s AI-generated, personalized chatbot messages. They instantly took action by entering the prospects’ live sessions, engaging with the prospects via chat, and booking a meeting. These opportunities remain in Kandji’s pipeline.
Important to note is that these wins came just a few weeks after Kandji was fully onboarded and implemented onto the Warmly platform and Warmly’s AI Chat. Quick wins encourage teams to lean further into Warmly’s sales playbooks to continue generating pipeline effectively.

Opportunity #1: Direct Chat Transcript
Kandji’s AI Chat [with Malea wave]: Hey there! I noticed you're from [Company], a non-profit empowering children facing illness or disability. Kandji can help streamline device management and security for your organization. Let's chat more!
💡 This is the preliminary message sent from Warmly’s AI chat. We were able to accurately identify the company at which the prospect worked, enabling our AI to generate a personalized message to the prospect.
Kandji’s AI Chat [with Malea wave]: just wondering, what prompted you to check us out? Mind dropping your email in case we get disconnected?
💡 When the prospect did not reply to the first AI message, the AI sent a follow up a few seconds later. Asking for an email is part of our suggested playbook, so your sales team can follow up with prospects if they’re not able to enter the live session in time to catch the prospect.
Prospect:Hi Malea - I have recently had an issue where employees have left our computer yet their Apple ID is still linked to their computer. I am looking for a solution so that doesn't continue to happen.
💡 Kandji’s sales team was notified via Slack at this point, when the prospect responded to the AI’s messages. This lets the sales team know that there is a prospect on their site at this exact moment, and they’ve engaged with the chatbot.
Prospect:I am curious about pricing. Can you give me a rough idea?
Malea (human):Hi Joe, thanks for reaching out. This is something we could help with. Do you have Apple Business Manager in place?
💡 Malea (the real version, not the AI version!) entered the prospect’s live session and took over from the AI chatbot.
Malea (human): Are these macOS devices or iOS?
Prospect: We have worked with an Apple Business Manager in the past, but we aren't actively working with him. macOS.
Malea (human): Got it - macOS pricing is $6 per device.
Prospect: Per month?
Malea (human): Yes $6 per device per month. Are you available today? I can set up a quick call with someone on my team to chat and walk you through Kandji.
Prospect:Tomorrow would probably be better if that would work.
Malea (human): Sure - what's your time zone and a good email for you? I can send over a calendar invite.
Prospect: Central.
💡 The prospect also shared their email.
Malea (human): Does 10 am Central work for you?
Prospect: Yes, that would work.
Malea (human): Great, I just sent an invite. I'll CC the Account Executive you'll be meeting with so you have our contact info.
💡 This is a good example of a handoff from a BDR to an AE utilizing Warmly’s AI chatbot.
Opportunity #2: Direct Chat Transcript
Kandji’s AI Chat [with Malea wave]: Hey there! Your company's work in academic remediation is impressive. Kandji can help streamline device management for your students' education. Let's chat!
💡 Warmly was able to accurately identify this prospect’s company as well, leading to a personalized message generated by our AI.
Kandji’s AI Chat [with Malea wave]: hey, just wondering, what prompted you to check us out? Mind dropping your email in case we get disconnected?
Prospect: Your Ai is impressive! I sent in my email address and in only seconds you responded with the type of business we provide. Unless it was a lucky guess.
💡 The prospect shared their email at this point.
Nick (human): Hi there! Real human here. How can I help? Interested in scheduling a call together to learn how we can help manage your Apple devices?
💡 At this point Nick jumped into the live conversation, replacing Malea’s AI chatbot. Malea was busy engaging with the prospect from the other opportunity.
Prospect: I sent an email in to get a quote based on how many Macs we have. I'd like to hear about pricing first if that's ok
Nick (human): Sure thing! macOS pricing is $6 per macOS per month. Do you currently have an Apple MDM? Or is this your first time evaluating one?
Prospect: First time although I think I researched a bit about a year ago. We currently have 4 centers running approx a dozen Macs. We are franchising more centers and can see a use for this tool. I think I was looking at Jamf.
Nick (human): We'd love to show you why folks are choosing Kandji over Jamf if you're available today or tomorrow for a call and demo?
Prospect: I have an appointment in about an hour which will last about an hour. How about tomorrow?
Nick (human): What time works best for you tomorrow?
Prospect: How about 10am PST?
Nick (human): Yep we can do that! I'll send over a meeting invite with the Zoom info right now. You’ll be meeting with Gillian Wallace.
Prospect: Thanks again, looking forward to it.
Closing Words from Allan
Hear directly from Allan on why he decided to move forward with Warmly here or see below: