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Why B2B Sales Teams Need Contextual and Actionable Insights

Time to read

Alan Zhao

‎This blog post was co-created with the team at Pod, the first AI pipeline coach for B2B sellers.

Since the dawn of modern-day B2B sales, a battle has been brewing between the sellers who think a fully personalized, human approach is always best and those who believe 100% tech-supported (or entirely AI-led) selling is the future. 

Unfortunately, if you’re here for a straight answer to the above dilemma, we can’t give you one. The secret to successful B2B sales lies somewhere between ‘chatbots will die out’ and ‘our AI bots are 100% independent, and we human sellers retain no responsibility for their work’ (as an airline argued recently.) 

Successful selling has always been about knowing your customer. That means building out your ICP before you start selling, plus empowering your sales team to adapt to the prospect in the moment—whether that means adapting an offer or signing a deal on conditions. 

This kind of sales process requires a combination of best-in-class data and the personal relationship-building that only a human sales rep can do. Luckily for B2B sales teams, getting top-quality data to inform your selling strategy has never been easier. 

The Consequences of Flying Blind in B2B Sales

Any B2B company worth its salt knows that data is vital to operational decision-making. According to McKinsey research, companies that employ a data-driven sales method report above-market growth and an EBITDA that’s 15% to 25% higher. 

Surprisingly, though, many sales teams still aren’t using their data effectively. 40% of companies say their sales teams lack the right account intelligence to sell effectively, and 60% of marketers say the data they do have is unreliable.

Whether you’re yet to gather sales intelligence or collecting mountains of inaccurate or outdated data, the consequences for your B2B sales process are monumental. 


At any given time, as few as 15% of your buyers are actually in market. Combine this stat with the average B2B sales conversion rate, which stands at a little over 2%, and it’s obvious that the chance of inefficient selling is high for B2B sellers.

There’s also a very small window for converting each prospect. Talking to people who aren’t ready, aren’t the decision-makers, or aren’t even part of your ideal ICP (or all three) is a significant drain on your sales resources, which—let’s face it—are probably already stretched. 

When B2B sellers spend just two hours a day actually selling, you need to make those hours count. (Or find a way to reduce admin time and grant your SDRs more selling time, but we’ll cover this later.) 

Missed opportunities

What’s even worse for your revenue than selling to prospects who aren’t ready to buy? Missing the opportunity to sell to people who are

B2B buying cycles are getting longer. Typically, buyers don’t engage with sellers until about 70% of the way through the decision-making process, by which point, the chances of influencing a decision are slim. 

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Without accurate data to identify these decision-makers early, you’re likely letting ideal prospects slip through the net instead of giving yourself time to nurture the right people. 

On the other side of things, you should be fighting to keep those customers that you’ve already converted. Just a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to anywhere between a 25% to 95% profit increase—but unless you fancy manually reaching out to every existing customer and asking if they need additional services, you’ll need sales enablement tools to help you out. 

Poor customer experience

Cold door-to-door selling might be a thing of the past, but receiving email marketing for a product you have no interest in and no intention of buying can be just as annoying. 

Not only does intensive cold outreach increase your risk of selling to people who aren’t the right fit (see point one above), but it can also impact the overall customer experience. 

If you’ve been spamming a prospect for weeks who simply isn’t interested, chances are they’ll remember that experience in the future—and may pass you up for a competitor who understands them better.

Cold outreach can be a valuable tool, but only when you know who it is you’re selling to. That’s where personalized selling can come into play: giving your prospect what they need at the most opportune time. 

Enabling the Right Action at the Right Time

No B2B seller should be flying blind when talking to a prospect. The moment you hop on a call with them, you should be absolutely sure that you’re speaking to someone who can buy from you (“I’ll need to discuss this with X” is the last thing you want to hear) and is showing intent to purchase.  

Understanding who will buy and when they’re ready to buy are the biggest factors influencing your success in B2B sales. Accurate sales insights are the only way to get this information. 

Without comprehensive sales data, you’re essentially leaving your B2B sales reps stranded in the Wild West of sales calls without any of the tools they might need to survive. Grit and creativity will only get sales reps so far when the person they’re selling to just isn’t right.

Accurate research into your ICP, leads, and sales process turns every interaction with B2B buyers into a warm interaction, giving your team the best chance of converting. 

What are Contextual and Actionable Insights?

The best sales teams make decisions based on real-time data from three distinct areas of a prospect’s profile. 

Everything starts with your ICP. If you’re following an account-based marketing strategy, this includes insights related to your target companies and their firmographic data. 

After gathering data on your ICP, look at the data on your leads. How are you determining what an MQL or an SQL is? Do you have fully-enriched data on each of your leads?  

Finally, your sales reps can use signal data to determine whether the leads arriving at your website are in the market to buy and how likely they are to purchase at any given moment. This signal data provides the crucial ‘timing’ component to your sales strategy, ensuring your reps devote their valuable time to people more likely to convert. 

Together, these three data strands help you tap into buyer behavior and interest across the entire sales funnel

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ICP data

To build an effective sales funnel, you need to start with an accurate list of ‘right fit’ accounts. Both internal data (from your CRM) and external research can help you better understand who you’re targeting and why.

Start with the existing data in your CRM. Gather and analyze metrics such as the number of repeat customers and closed won or closed lost deals to determine which kinds of accounts typically buy from you. 

Afterward, you can use sales enablement software to help you identify similar accounts in the categories of repeat customers or closed wins. 

Meanwhile, closed lost data is a valuable source of information on why certain B2B buyers don’t purchase. For example, you can track how many closed lost accounts have recently purchased a competitor product, giving you a time frame for re-engaging. 

Lead data

Once you’ve clarified the types of accounts you want to prospect and adjusted your demand creation strategy accordingly, you should notice an uptick in qualified leads. Ideally, the process of acquiring qualified leads should be assisted by a tailored SEO strategy.

Your first step should be enriching your lead data as it enters your CRM. Data enrichment tools can fill your CRM with up-to-date contact information and identify additional buying committee members. 

Other data you can extract from your leads to influence your selling strategy include firm and technographic data. This could consist of company details such as:

  • Company size
  • Location
  • Revenue
  • Their current tech stack
  • Recent software renewals/purchases


Buying signals can massively enhance your sales strategy. In the past, sellers were limited to collecting signal data from lead magnets, newsletter sign-ups, and in-person interaction at a trade show or conference. Today, however, there are far more ways to understand if a prospect is likely to buy.

The first kind of signal you want to track is buyer intent: any signal that shows that a potential customer is researching or showing interest in your product or service. 

Intent signals can be divided into first-party (data that comes from your website or direct interactions with prospects) and third-party (signals collected by external software like Bombora or 6sense), and you should use a combination of both to evaluate interest. 

Other buying signals could come from the company itself. For example, if it’s just raised a funding round or has recently been hired in a key decision-maker role, you can assume it’s somewhere in the market for a new purchase. 

Not all intent signals show the same amount of intent, so evaluating the intent data you receive (or using a platform that evaluates it for you) is essential. 

Someone from a right-fit company engaging with your social content and subscribing to your newsletter is good, but if they arrive on your website and navigate directly to your pricing page, that’s an even stronger signal. 

This kind of signal-based selling is becoming more critical for sales teams. However, buying signals are part of a broader B2B sales strategy that draws accurate data from various sources to make smarter sales decisions. 

Insight-Driven Sales Strategies for Your B2B Sales Team

So, you’ve decided to turn to a more data-driven sales strategy. How do you give your sales team the best chance of success?

1. Gather the right data.

Not all data is created equally. Consider the source of any third-party data you’re considering using in your strategy and how accurate or up-to-date you expect it to be.  

Likewise, although we’ve outlined a range of data you could use, not every signal will be relevant to your company. Efficient data-driven sales depend on choosing the right data, not all the data.

2. Train and empower B2B sales teams.

The latest HubSpot Sales Trends report found that 82% of sales professionals say building relationships and connecting with people is the most important and most enjoyable element of selling. Spending weeks implementing new software is the opposite of empowering, meaning sales reps have less time than previously. 

So, preparing your sales team is just as important as finding the right data. Find tools that can make evaluating all those juicy insights quick and seamless. 

It’s not about cramming your tech stack full of trending AI assistants but selecting the tools that offer instant insights and a clean UX to boost sales productivity. 

3. Evaluate and refine. 

A data-driven sales strategy provides more opportunities for iterative improvements—but only if you regularly evaluate sales performance. 

Additionally, the problem for many sales teams when implementing a data-driven approach is adding too many tools simultaneously. Almost half of sales professionals are overwhelmed by the number of tools in their tech stack, and 29% said that actually reducing their tech stack would make them more efficient. 

So, if something isn’t working, reevaluate your strategy. The core advantage of a data-driven sales process is providing holistic insights, and your operations should be adaptable enough to change if necessary.  

Top Tools for Optimized Sales Insights

1. Warmly

Warmly combines best-in-class intent data with seamless tech stack integrations to help your sales teams work smarter, not harder. Starting with website visitor deanonymization, live video chat, and AI chatbots, we enrich your CRM with accurate prospect data and pull in buyer intent data to show you which prospects are really in the market to buy. 

After that, the magic really happens. Warmly uses those insights to automatically implement outreach sequences to the best-fit prospects. This personalized messaging co-occurs across email, chatbot, and LinkedIn, enabling you to find your prospects wherever they are and nurture them accordingly. 

2. Pod

Pod is the first AI pipeline coach for B2B sellers. It gives Account Executives direction on what deals to focus on and the information they need to close those opportunities. 

When sellers log into Pod, they can find their deals prioritized, telling them exactly what to focus on and what is at risk. Then, throughout the workday, Pod keeps reps focused on the sales tasks, including preparing for meetings and prioritizing upcoming sales deals. 

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn is a powerful space for B2B selling, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you harness the power of that social network more efficiently. It can help you prioritize accounts engaging with your content and give you essential company signals like recent hires or job changes.

4. ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is a full-stack GTM solution for enterprise organizations. Its capabilities range from visitor identification and intent data to marketing, talent outreach, and hiring. Given its extensiveness, ZoomInfo can be an excellent option for teams with the budget to invest in an end-to-end solution. 

5. HubSpot

Since it acquired Clearbit, HubSpot has significantly enhanced its sales enablement solutions. Clearbit is now the ‘HubSpot Native Data Provider,’ providing users of HubSpot’s sales solutions with tools like real-time data enrichment. Like ZoomInfo, it’s not the best solution for smaller sales teams. Still, given the breadth of HubSpot’s features and market-leading marketing solutions, it can be a valuable all-around solution. 

The Future of B2B Sales: Warmbound

‎We built Warmly to empower smaller sales teams to sell more efficiently by prioritizing warm leads over all leads. If signal-selling is the next trend in B2B sales, warmbound is the inevitable next step. 

Warmbound means identifying only the most accurate warm signals and using them to inform your outreach strategy. When all the data you’re reviewing points to a prospect being genuinely interested in your brand and product, your sales team can sell faster.

Interested in seeing how we enable smarter, warmer selling? Book a demo today, or get started with Warmly for free.

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Best 16 Sales Tools to Close More Deals in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

In 2024, modern revenue teams' sales tools will have completely changed due to AI and a tightening of companies’ budgets. 

If chosen wisely, the best B2B sales tools can significantly improve your teams' performance, accelerate your sales cycle, and boost conversion rates.

The key is to find the B2B sales software that is perfect for your specific use case, business requirements, and budget.

In this guide, we reviewed the top 16 sales tools for 2024 - covering their features, advantages and limitations, pricing structures, and more.

We divided them into 8 categories:

  1. Signal-based selling
  2. All-in-one sales 
  3. Sales prospecting
  4. Lead generation 
  5. Sales automation 
  6. Account-based sales
  7. Sales intelligence
  8. Data enrichment

Let’s go!

What to Look for in a Sales Tool?

Before we get to the list, we’ll quickly outline a few key questions you should consider when buying B2B sales software, according to what keeps coming back in public reviews and online communities.

1. Will sales teams actually adopt it?

Reps are busy. They already spend a quarter of their time on non-sales activities.

If you try to introduce software that takes them out of their workflows or isn’t easy to use, it’s a waste of money, regardless of its capabilities or features.

It’s such a crucial part of modern sales tools that Dooly built a multi-million dollar business simply by making a smoother interface on top of Salesforce. 

Otherwise, you’ll spend a lot of time and money on rep training and depend too much on the solution’s customer support team.

2. Does it play well with others?

Modern sales tools integrate well with the rest of your tech stack, such as CRMs, productivity and collaboration platforms, analytics software, etc.

Before subscribing, check which out-of-the-box integrations the tool you’re interested in offers and how easily it can be connected to other third-party solutions without tapping into developer resources or consultants.

3. Will costs sneak up on you?

Be wary of gatekeeping too many features and volume-based pricing that increase exponentially. 

4. Are AI features just a marketing stunt?

Every sales product claims to be “AI-powered.” Most of them plug ChatGPT for simple use cases that add little value. 

Some solutions listed below are expectations, and have truly introduced novel capabilities that either save salespeople time or improve the quality of their work. 

Is it an all-in-one sales solution, or is it more focused on one sales segment, e.g., prospecting, engagement, etc.?

💡 Tip: Look for concrete mentions of AI-enabled capabilities in case studies or public reviews, like this one 👇

What Are the Best Sales Tools in 2024?

Signal-based selling:

  • Warmly - Enriches visitors with intent data and helps convert them.
  • Koala - Reveals first-party intent and product usage data.

All-in-one sales:

  • Zoominfo - Sales operating system.
  • Apollo - Sales intelligence and automation in one.

Sales prospecting:

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator - LinkedIn-based prospecting.
  • Lusha - Sales prospecting anywhere on the web.

Lead generation:

  • Chili Piper - Inbound lead routing.
  • LeadGenius - Industry-specific lead generation.

Sales automation:

  • Clay - Personalized outreach powered by intent data.
  • Outreach - Cold email outreach on autopilot.

Account-based sales:

  • Demandbase - One of the more popular account-based marketing and sales platforms.
  • Keyplay - Advanced filtering and custom lead scoring for better targeting.

Sales intelligence:

  • Gong - AI-powered revenue intelligence platform.
  • - AI-driven meeting assistant.

Data enrichment:

  • Clearbit - AI-powered data enrichment.
  • Clay - Waterfall data enrichment.

Signal-Based Selling

1. Warmly

We’ll start with Warmly - our solution.

Disclaimer: We won’t try to convince you to choose our platform at all costs. We know that Warmly is the best fit for growing sales teams looking to drive more pipeline from their existing traffic and orchestrate intent-based campaigns that convert. 

Unsure if that’s you? Subscribe to our free plan and try it out - no strings attached.

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform that:

  1. Identifies website visitors
  2. Enriches them with B2B and intent data.
  3. Automates sales operations (e.g., prospecting, engagement, etc.).

Let’s look into why Warmly’s stands out in the signal-based selling category ⤵️

Reveal and enrich your website visitors

Most signal-based data and workflow solutions can identify accounts, but not visitors. Warmly finds both and gives your sales reps the data they need to craft outbound that prospect reply to. 

This feature can be a game-changer when dealing with larger companies, as the right message at the right time to the wrong person won’t generate a qualified meeting.

Secondly, it lets you track visitors who come to your website through specific email campaigns, allowing for more precise marketing attribution. 

The tool enriches each identified visitor with:

1. Essential B2B data, such as:

  • Firmographics (job titles, email addresses, company addresses, phone numbers, etc.). 
  • Technographics (a business’s tech stack).
  • CRM data (account owners, ongoing and closed deals, previous interactions with your sales representatives, etc.).
  • SEP data (e.g., interactions with specific outreach campaigns).

2. First-party intent data (i.e., visitors’ interactions with your website), including:

  • Which pages they visited.
  • How long they stayed on each page.
  • The forms they filled out.
  • The content they downloaded (e.g., whitepapers, playbooks, case studies, etc.).

3. Third-party intent data (i.e., insights into visitors’ entire digital buyer journey), including:

  • Recently searched for topics.
  • Ads they clicked on.
  • Social media posts they posted/interacted with.
  • Job changes.
  • Visits to competitors’ websites.

Signal-based automation (prospecting, engagement, and lead routing)

Warmly offers several options for streamlining sales processes, letting you:

  • Automate manual, repetitive tasks.
  • Shorten time-to-lead.
  • Replace SDRs in activities that don’t require human attention.

Here’s how ⤵️

1. Orchestrator

Warmly’s Orchestrator adds leads that match certain criteria (i.e: match your ICP or show high-intent behavior on your site) to automated engagement campaigns like:

  • Sending contextual emails.
  • Connecting with qualified prospects on LinkedIn. 
  • Sending personalized DMs to key stakeholders.
  • Adding leads to outbound sequences.

You can build workflows of various complexity and scale with Orchestrator, as it lets you customize:

➡️ ‎ The orchestration trigger, i.e., the signal or activity that will initiate the workflow (e.g., identified company lands on your website, identified prospect visits a high-intent page, etc.).

➡️ ‎ Account-level targeting (e.g., size, deal stage, industry, etc.).

➡️ ‎ Lead-level targeting (e.g., role, seniority, etc.).

➡️ The number of personas you want to be included from each company.

➡️ The sequence you want to add them to (LinkedIn, email, or both).

➡️ CRM sync to automatically create new records or edit existing ones based on the Orchestrator’s activity.

You can also choose to have Warmly’s AI engage prospects live on your site. 

2. AI Chat

Timing is everything. 

That’s especially true for website visitors. 

AI Chat engages leads that land on your website and showcase certain behaviors.

The chatbot can be trained to answer product-specific questions, book meetings, offer product tours, share case studies, and more.

While AI Chat can automatically engage all website visitors, you can configure it to target only:

🎯 ‎ Certain visitor segments (i.e., visitors who came via an email campaign or those who fit your champion persona).

🎯 High-intent visitors (i.e., accounts visiting pricing pages, read a competitor comparison blog, etc.).

3. Automated lead routing

Automated lead routing lets you set up automated Slack alerts that will notify sales reps when a website visitor:

  • Comes through one of your outbound campaigns, indicating that they’re interested in learning more.
  • Asks a high-intent question in the chatbot (inquires about the pricing or a specific feature).
  • Asks to speak with a human SDR.
  • Is part of a highly-qualified account or takes high-intent actions on your site (to be defined by you).

Alters can be customized to alert the right rep based on criteria such as previous interactions, account ownership, industry, experience, etc.

Or you can opt for round-robin lead routing. 🔄

Note: Alerts can be used separately from other automation options. 

Live engagement

While some processes can be automated, companies like Caddis Systems grew website conversions by 500% in 7 days by engaging prospects in real time on their sites.

Warmly helps them nurture leads into qualified conversions via text chat and live video calls.

In the “Warm Calls” section of Warmly’s dashboard, you’ll find all the qualified visitors surfing your website right now.

Clicking on each will reveal enriched profiles and let you monitor their web session in real time. 

Once reps assess that a visitor is qualified enough, they can:

  1. Send a contextual message, emphasizing they're talking to a real human.
  2. Initiate a video call right on the website.

The two options can be combined for the best results, as you don’t want to jumpscare your leads by video-calling them out of the blue. Here’s an example 👇

Check out our Warm Calls best practices to ensure high response rates.


Warmly offers a free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 people and companies visiting your website. It’s the perfect plan for getting a taste of one of the platform’s essential features.

If you expect higher traffic volumes and need more advanced capabilities, there are three paid tiers to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include deep integrations with sales intelligence tools such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense, allowing you to get a bundle of products at the price of one.


In addition to these data solutions, Warmly integrates with OpenAI and most modern SEP and CRM software, meaning it will easily fit into any business’s tech stack.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies both companies and individuals visiting your website.

✅ Enriches identified visitors with B2B and intent data.

✅ Lets you streamline sales prospecting, outreach, and engagement.

✅ Enables live video calls.

✅ Automated lead routing.

✅ All features and integrations are included in each paid plan.

❌ Annual pricing only.

2. Koala

Best for: Revealing first-party intent and product usage data.

Koala is a new website visitor identification solution that also provides product analytics.

Combining first-party intent data and insights into how customers interact with your product helps unearth new lead generation and cross- and up-selling opportunities.


  • Reveals website visitors and enriches them with first-party intent data.
  • Intent and ICP scoring enables you to identify heating accounts and prioritize those that best fit your ICP. 
  • Tracks product usage data and translates it to actionable insights, letting you monitor your customers’ product journeys and detect important milestones.
  • Has options for automating email outreach.

Who is it for?

Koala is a good fit for Product-Led Growth businesses that want to track their customers’ product journeys and important touchpoints and capture new leads on their websites.


Koala has a free forever plan, which includes up to 3 users and 250 identified visitors.

If you decide you need more, you can upgrade to one of two plans:

  1. Starter: $500/mo, up to 3 users ($300 a year per additional user), unlimited visitors
  2. Business: Custom plan, includes custom number of users, access to automation capabilities, lead scoring, signal reports, and more

Pros & Cons

✅ Tracks product usage and translates it into actionable insights.

✅ Automated lead scoring.

✅ Solid CRM integrations.

❌ No third-party intent data.

❌ Best features kept behind a paywall.

❌ Limited automation options.

❌ No live engagement features.

All-In-One Sales

3. Zoominfo 

Best for: Managing the entire sales process from a single point of control.

Zoominfo is one of the most popular sales tools thanks to its wide range of features and massive B2B database.

However, it’s worth noting that it comes with a price tag to match.


  • Large B2B database with over 260M professional and 100M company profiles and 135M verified phone numbers.
  • Automated multichannel sales workflows (such as cold email or cold calling campaigns) triggered by specific buying signals.
  • AI-driven sales assistant, Copilot, which can summarize key info on each important lead, give outreach suggestions based on Zoominfo’s data, uncover potential sales opportunities, etc.

Who is it for?

Enterprise businesses that need to streamline a variety of sales processes.


Zoominfo has separate plans for Sales, Marketing, and Talent teams.

No prices are disclosed, so you’ll have to contact its sales team for a custom quote.

How much you'll actually pay depends on:

  • Features and functionality you need.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other factors.

Pros & Cons

✅ Excellent B2B data coverage, especially regarding phone numbers.

✅ Wide range of features for handling various sales operations.

✅ CRM enrichment.

❌ Expensive.

❌ Limited website visitor identification functionality.

❌ Not as many automation options, focused on email outreach primarily.

4. Apollo

Best for: Sales intelligence and automated email outreach.

Apollo is a B2B sales intelligence and engagement platform that aims to provide a holistic approach to sales and marketing.

It has a solid range of features built to help GTM teams handle most of their day-to-day operations from a single platform.


  • B2B database with 275M contacts and 73M companies with solid international coverage.
  • Automates email outreach, monitors and improves email deliverability, and has an AI-powered email writing assistant.
  • Inbuilt dialer for cold calling that comes with call recordings, transcripts, and CRM logs., a full-stack sales tech platform, bags $100M at a $1.6B  valuation | Medial

Who is it for?

GTM teams that need a solution optimized for outbound sales.


Apollo has a free forever plan that includes unlimited email finder credits, 5 phone number credits, and 10 contact export credits.

If you need more, you can upgrade to one of three paid plans:

  1. Basic: $59 per user per month
  2. Professional: $99 per user per month
  3. Organization: $149 per user per month

Note: Professional and Basic plans come with a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Advanced filtering options for more targeted prospecting.

✅ Good data accuracy.

✅ Lets you put email outreach on autopilot while reducing bounce rates.

❌ Dual credit system (you spend one credit for revealing an email address and another for getting a phone number), which scales badly.

❌ Best features available only on its higher tiers.

Sales Prospecting

5. LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

Best for: LinkedIn prospecting and lead generation.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is LinkedIn’s native sales prospecting solution built to provide unlimited access to LinkedIn’s vast prospect pool.

Unlike third-party browser extensions that can get you banned from LinkedIn, Sales Navigator can be freely used on the platform, which is essentially its key selling point.


  • Advanced filtering options that let you run segmented and precise searches across industries.
  • Tracks key signals indicating the right time to engage quality prospects (e.g., job change, posting or interacting with a particular LinkedIn post, etc.).
  • Lets you export prospect lists, which you can feed into sales engagement platforms. 

Who is it for?

Businesses that rely on LinkedIn as their primary prospecting and lead generation source.


LinkedIn Sales Navigator is one of LinkedIn’s most expensive solutions.

It has three pricing tiers:

  1. Core at $74.31 per month when billed annually. 
  2. Advanced at $125.87 per month when billed annually.
  3. Advanced Plus at a custom price.

If you need access to features such as CRM integrations, data verification, etc., you'll have to upgrade to the Advanced Plus plan.

Pros & Cons

✅ Optimized for LinkedIn prospecting.

✅ Nuanced filtering.

✅ Provides 50 InMails per month to contact even the prospects you’re not connected with.

❌ Limited use case.

❌ No automation options.

6. Lusha 

Best for: Finding B2B prospects anywhere on the web.

Lusha is a sales prospecting tool and B2B intelligence database with good international coverage.

In addition to its prospecting database, it has a Chrome extension that lets you scrape relevant data and build targeted prospect lists on LinkedIn, company websites, etc.


  • 45M CCPA-compliant North American contacts and 21M GDPR-compliant European contacts.
  • Chrome extension for 1-click prospecting on LinkedIn, company websites, and CRMs.
  • Lets you create automated email outreach sequences that leverage Lusha’s data.

Who is it for?

SMBs looking for a multichannel sales prospecting solution.


Lusha has a free-forever plan with 50 email and 15 phone credits.

If you need more, you can upgrade to one of three paid plans:

  1. Pro: Starting at $49 per user per month 
  2. Premium: Starting at $79 per user per month
  3. Scale: Custom price

The total costs will depend on the number of phone credits you need. 

Each plan claims to include unlimited email credits. 

However, keep in mind that a limit is in fact set on 2,000 revealed emails per month.

Pros & Cons

✅ Various filters (such as technology, funding, buyer intent, etc.) for better-targeted prospecting.

✅ Budget-friendly.

✅ User-friendly interface.

❌ Most of its advanced filters (e.g., intent signals) and sales intelligence features (bulk enrichment, CRM enrichment, etc.) are available to top-tier users only.

❌ Limited phone number data and issues with its accuracy.

Lead Generation

7. Chili Piper

Best for: Reducing time to lead.

Chili Piper is a demand conversion platform that excels at qualifying and routing inbound leads.

It heavily relies on website forms to detect warm leads, so it’s a good option if lead capturing forms a vital part of your lead generation strategy.


  • Customizable lead qualification rules, allowing you to use your CRM data or data captured in web forms.
  • Advanced lead routing options that include letting you set up customized routing triggers, auto-removing out-of-office sales professionals from round-robin distribution, etc.
  • Chatbot that can engage leads, book meetings, and handle lead routing.

Who is it for?

Chili Piper is best suited for teams that primarily rely on inbound lead generation and sales.


Chili Piper has a specific pricing structure.

If you’re just starting, you can choose between:

  1. Chili Cal Free: Base plan that includes just a few essential features
  2. Chili Cal Teams: $22.5 per user per month that includes more advanced features, such as instant booking, round-robin, etc.

Note: Chili Cal Teams is available only for Salesforce users. If you have HubSpot, you can’t access it at all, and if you use another CRM software, you won’t get all the functionalities.

If you want additional features, you can upgrade to one of four product packages:

  1. Concierge: $45 per user per month + platform fee $225-$1,500/m based on the number of inbound leads submitted each month
  2. Chat:  $45 per user per month + platform fee of $1,500/month
  3. Distro:  $45 per user per month + platform fee of $225/month
  4. Handoff:  $45 per user per month + platform fee of $225/month

If you want access to all its products, you can opt for the bundled plan dubbed Demand Conversion Platform at $108 per user per month + $1,000/mo platform fee.

You can also create your own combinations:

  1. 2 Products: $25 per user per month per product + 1 platform fee
  2. 3 Products: $20 per user per month per product + 1 platform fee
  3. 4 Products: $18 per user per month per product + 1 platform fee

Chili Cal is included in all plans.

Pros & Cons

✅ Significantly reduces time to lead. 

✅ Customizable lead qualification rules that can be fine-tuned to your business.

❌ Complex pricing policy, the costs can quickly add up.

❌ Optimized for Salesforce, users of other CRMs can’t access its full potential.

8. LeadGenius 

Best for: Industry-specific lead generation.

LeadGenius is a B2B lead generation platform that delivers custom-curated precision data tailored to each client’s specific needs and customer base.

This approach helps you find ideal leads more easily, especially if they’re coming from a specific vertical.


  • Provides on-demand data and detailed insights based on users’ ICP, target market, and other unique business requirements.
  • Combines AI and human expertise to ensure the data it delivers is industry-relevant and verified.
  • Artificial Intelligence-powered web scraper that collects custom-tailored actionable insights from anywhere on the web.

Who is it for?

Sales teams dealing with specific industries and lead bases that need bespoke data beyond typical B2B intelligence.


LeadGenius is yet another sales intelligence solution with a non-transparent pricing policy.

The only thing stated is that each price is based on the needs and scale of a user’s business.

Contact sales for more pricing details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Delivers bespoke data tailored to your needs.

✅ Tracks 40M+ businesses and 350M+ decision-makers. 

✅ Provides 100+ deep insights on individuals and companies, allowing you to easily pinpoint the leads that best match your ICP.

❌ Non-transparent pricing.

❌ Limited functionality.

Sales Automation

9. Clay 

Best for: Data-driven inbound and outbound sales automation.

Clay is a data enrichment and sales automation tool that leverages relevant lead data to build sales workflows.

It can automate inbound and outbound lead generation and outreach.


  • Automated lead scoring based on the criteria you set up and the data Clay uncovers.
  • AI-powered assistant that does automatic lead research, drafts personalized emails, and adds them to email sequences.
  • Library of outreach sequences templates to help you kick-start outbound.

Who is it for?

GTM teams looking to automate and scale their outreach by leveraging quality data.


Clay has a free forever plan that provides 100 search credits per month and limited access to its features.

If you need more credits and features, you can choose from 4 pricing tiers:

  1. Starter: $149/mo
  2. Explorer: $349/mo
  3. Pro: $800/mo
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing

You can try Clay out with a 14-day free trial of its Pro plan.

However, if you’re interested in using Clay to automate outbound, you’ll have to choose between the Pro and Enterprise plans, as they’re the only ones that let you automate outreach at scale.

Pros & Cons

✅ Helps create personalized outreach sequences based on the data points it collects.

✅ Can be used for data and CRM enrichment as well.

✅ AI-powered agent for pulling data from anywhere on the web and crafting tailored messages based on it.

❌ Learning curve.

❌ Automation features available only on its highest tiers.

❌ Doesn’t have native email sequencing capabilities, you need to connect it with an email outreach tool.

10. Outreach 

Best for: Automated email outreach.

Outreach is a sales execution platform that helps sales teams close more deals by putting parts of the sales pipeline on autopilot.

Its strongest feature is email sequencing, making it perfect if you mostly rely on cold email outreach for lead generation and sales.


  • Automated email sequences, including auto follow-ups, out-of-office detection, and sentiment analysis.
  • Automated syncing of all reps’ activities with your Customer Relationship Management tools.
  • Customizable templates of outreach sequences.

Who is it for?

Outreach is the best fit for larger teams that want to streamline their outreach via email.


Outreach has five pricing plans:

  1. Engage
  2. Call
  3. Meet
  4. Deal
  5. Forecast

Each is geared toward a specific team and business requirements (e.g., revenue forecasting, deal management, sales engagement, etc.).

If automated sales engagement is what you’re looking for, then the Engage package would be best suited.

Pros & Cons

✅ Intuitive interface.

✅ Solid range of integrations with CRM and other popular sales tools.

❌ Non-transparent pricing, indicating it’s expensive.

❌ If you want more than sales automation, you’ll have to buy several product packages.

❌ Limited customization options.

Account-Based Sales

11. Demandbase

Best for: Advanced account-based sales and marketing.

Demandbase is an account-based sales and marketing platform that uses sales intelligence and intent data to help you create better-targeted campaigns across levels.

It also has orchestration features, allowing your teams to streamline sales activities more efficiently.


  • Real-time website personalization lets you customize the customer journey of your target accounts by displaying unique copy, offers, images, ads, etc.
  • Account-based marketing orchestration enables you to create customizable workflows aimed at specific accounts/audience segments.
  • Customizable forecasting reports that let you score accounts and identify high-value ones.

Who is it for?

Larger businesses looking to boost and track ABM and ABX across channels.


Demandbase has three essential plans that include access to all its key features:

  1. Professional
  2. Enterprise
  3. Elite

However, Demandbase doesn’t have one-size-fits-all pricing, as each package is tailored to individual users.

Some of Demandbase’s features, such as its B2B data and personalization options, are available as add-ons only.

If you’re not interested in paying for all of Demandbase’s products, the platform lets you buy “A La Carte,” i.e., purchase only those you need.

In that case, you can choose from 4 product packages:

1- ABX, which includes 3 plans:

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Elite

2- Advertising, that comes with two plans:

  • Self-Serve
  • Supported

3- Sales Intelligence with:

  • Enterprise
  • Elite

4- Data

Again, Demandbase doesn’t publish prices for any of these plans, so you must contact sales for more details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lets you build data-driven sales and marketing workflows.

✅ Actionable analytics reports.

✅ Targeted B2B advertising and retargeting.

❌ Expensive.

❌ Learning curve.

❌ Limited integration capabilities.

12. Keyplay

Best for: Building customized target accounts list and account prioritization.

Keyplay helps users find prospects who fit their ICP and prioritize the hottest accounts by tracking various relevant signals.

It’s highly customizable, meaning it can easily fit into different business goals and requirements.


  • AI Lookalike helps you find accounts that match your best-performing clients and deals.
  • Lets you build custom account-scoring systems for better prioritization.
  • Tracks intent signals and lets you set up custom signals tailored to your industry and needs.

Who is it for?

Businesses looking to find their TAM more efficiently and design better-performing marketing and sales strategies for converting high-value accounts.


Keyplay doesn’t have a free trial for its paid plans.

However, it has a free forever plan that provides access to its basic features, and subscribing to the PeerSignal community lets you access a more limited number of records. 

If you need more records and advanced features, you can subscribe to one of two paid plans:

  1. Growth: $12,000/year
  2. Scale: Custom pricing

Pros & Cons

✅ Highly customizable lead scoring features. 

✅ Nuanced signal tracking, including HR tech, accounting software, recruiting activity, etc., helping you find qualified leads more efficiently.

❌ Integrates with only two CRMs, Hubspot and Salesforce.

❌ Offers only annual paid plans.

Sales Intelligence

13. Gong

Best for: Analyzing customer interactions and unearthing actionable insights.

Gong is a sales intelligence platform that harnesses the power of AI to analyze various interactions your team has had with potential customers, translating them into valuable insights.


  • Gong’s AI model processes the entire context of all correspondence with your leads, highlighting key topics, top questions, and overall relationship dynamics.
  • Tracks over 300 unique signals to predict the outcome of any deal, allowing reps to prioritize winning deals.
  • Robust analytics tools that track KPIs and can be integrated with your CRM software or other business intelligence tools.

Who is it for?

Large sales teams looking to improve their performance and productivity by discovering hidden opportunities and bottlenecks in their communication with leads.


Gong doesn’t have fixed subscription fees.

Instead, it urges potential users to complete a simple questionnaire and specify their team size and requirements to get a custom quote. 

The pricing depends on the number and type of licenses you need.

Pros & Cons

✅ User-friendly interface.

✅ Its AI model provides concise and actionable insights that boost sales efficiency across levels.

✅ Can be used for coaching new reps.

❌ Non-transparent pricing.

❌ Limited features.


Best for: Analyzing sales calls with potential customers and detecting important touchpoints, potential opportunities, buyer sentiment, etc. transcribes, summarizes, and analyzes meetings with leads, providing sales reps and managers with insights into key moments, topics, and action items. 


  • Transcribes and summarizes meetings across Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, and other video call platforms.
  • Lets you create custom topic trackers to easily find details relevant to your business goals.
  • Allows you to filter conversations by speaker, detect buyer sentiment, identify talk-to-listen ratio, etc.

Who is it for?

Sales teams that use video meetings for prospecting and closing deals.

Pricing has a free forever plan with unlimited transcriptions, limited AI summaries, and 800 minutes of storage per seat, and access to some of its basic features.

More advanced users can choose from three paid plans:

  • Pro: $18 per user per month
  • Business: $29 per user per month
  • Enterprise: $39 per user per month

Pros & Cons

✅ Has a mobile app, providing on-the-go access.

✅ Highly accurate transcriptions and summaries.

✅ Affordable plans.

❌ Has a learning curve.

❌ Issues with accurately identifying buyer sentiment.

Data Enrichment

15. Clearbit

Best for: HubSpot data enrichment.

Clearbit is a real-time data enrichment tool that collects data from 250+ proprietary and external sources and transforms it into over 90 B2B attributes for individual and company profiles.

HubSpot acquired it late last year, which resulted in some of its features being discontinued and Clearbit becoming primarily oriented toward HubSpot record enrichment.


  • Automatic data refreshes when a change is detected.
  • Form shortening for capturing more leads without losing relevant data.
  • White-labeled API to enrich records in your own SaaS product.

Who is it for?

HubSpot users looking for quick, seamless, and accurate CRM enrichment. 

Alternatively, since it can be white-labeled, Clearbit might be a good choice if you have a SaaS product you want to improve by embedding a rich B2B database.


Clearbit doesn’t reveal its pricing structure, meaning you’ll have to contact sales for more details.

The plan is volume-based and can include add-on functionalities like Forms, Advertising, and Capture. (The add-ons are probably charged extra).

❗Note: Warmly's pricing plans include access to Clearbit’s extensive database.

Pros & Cons

✅ Accurate data.

✅ Can be integrated into your app as a white-label solution.

✅ Pulls data from a variety of sources.

❌ Opaque pricing.

❌ Some of its key features are only available as add-ons.

16. Clay 

Best for: Waterfall enrichment.

Clay made our list twice. This time, for its remarkable waterfall enrichment capabilities.


  • Data coverage of 75+ data enrichment tools ensures that all your account and contact records have the most up-to-date information.

Who is it for?

GTM teams looking to automate and scale their outreach by leveraging quality data.


See section #9 above.

Pros & Cons

See section #9 above.

Next Steps: Finding the Best Tool for You

Now that you’ve got all this information at your fingertips, what next?

Well, there’s only one thing left to do.

The best way to find out which of these powerful tools is the best fit for your specific use case is to take a few of them you like the most on a test ride and see how well they perform firsthand.

If increasing website conversions and automating a good part of your prospecting and outreach efforts sparked your interest, then you might start with Warmly.

Subscribe to its free plan and start identifying quality leads that land on your website today.

Want more information on Warmly? Book a live demo with our team, and we’ll be happy to show you what Warmly can do for you.

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The Best 9 ServiceBell Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

Need to find the best ServiceBell alternative for your GTM team?

This guide reviews the top 9 ServiceBell alternatives and competitors, analyzing each platform to the tiniest details—from key features to pricing structures.

We took several steps to get you the info you need, like:

  1. Testing most of the software ourselves.
  2. Interviewing real users for a more detailed view of their UX and UI.
  3. Sifting through dozens of G2 user reviews to get a more complete idea of the overall customer experience.

Before we begin, let’s answer one key question.

Why Do You Need a ServiceBell Alternative?

ServiceBell is an “allbound” platform that provides options for both outbound and inbound sales and marketing.

As such, it has a few nifty features worth mentioning, such as:

  • AI-powered parallel dialing features that let you dial up to 9 contacts simultaneously, with the AI distinguishing between actual humans and voicemail, allowing sales reps to focus on people.
  • It detects first-party intent and surfaces high-value accounts that show the most interest in your product or services.

However, several downsides to ServiceBell compel many users to look for an alternative solution.

1. Limited integrations

ServiceBell is a relatively new platform, which is one reason it doesn’t integrate with many sales and CRM platforms.

It only integrates with the most popular CRMs, such as Salesforce and HubSpot, stranding users of other CRMs.


2. Prone to lagging and has a learning curve

One of ServiceBell’s upsides is its wide range of features for handling both inbound and outbound channels and engagement.

The downside is that having so many features packed into one product can make it:

  • Difficult to master.


  • Prone to glitches and lags.



3. Expensive 

At first glance, ServiceBell’s plans don’t look that expensive, as there are lots of sales platforms with similar or even higher prices.

However, once you take a second look, you’ll notice a few things:

  • It has separate plans for intent, outbound, and inbound sales, meaning your total subscription fee may be much higher than expected.
  • If you want combined access to all its features, you’ll have to buy Allbound, its bundled plan.
  • The disclosed prices are just starting prices, meaning they can go up.
  • All plans are fairly limited in the number of monthly reveals (e.g., the first tier lets you reveal up to 5,000 visitors while the highest one reveals 25,000 visitors.


And now, without further ado, we present our list of the 9 best ServiceBell competitors in 2024.

What Are the Best ServiceBell Alternatives and Competitors in 2024?

1. Warmly - Reveals the hottest leads on your website and helps convert them.

2. Zoominfo - All-in-one platform for sales and marketing.

3. Apollo - Sales intelligence and engagement tool.

4. Drift - AI-powered chatbot.

5. Demandbase - Account-based marketing and sales software.

6. FlashIntel - GTM platform for revenue teams that leverages cold calling and sales automation.

7. Intercom - AI-driven customer support chatbot platform.

8. Chili Piper - Demand conversion platform with advanced lead routing capabilities.

9. CallRail - Call tracking and analytics that help improve your reps’ outbound performance.

1. Warmly

We’ll start with Warmly, which is our solution.

It’s understandable that you may have some doubts about our impartiality, but we made sure we reviewed Warmly with no bias whatsoever, just like any other platform on the list.

We know its strengths and limitations best, which is why we’re confident that many users will find it to be the best ServiceBell alternative. 

If you don’t want to take just our word for it, you can always sign up for Warmly’s free plan and try it out for size firsthand.

Now that we cleared that up, let’s get to reviewing Warmly!

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform built to help users detect high-intent leads that land on their website and engage them while they’re still hot.

Several features enable Warmly to achieve this. 

Feature #1: Website intent

Unlike most website visitor identification platforms, Warmly identifies individual as well as company visitors, allowing you to pinpoint the exact person on your website right now.

However, even when Warmly identifies only company accounts, you’ll still be able to easily discern who the vital stakeholders are since Warmly enriches each revealed visitor with essential B2B data, including:

  • Firmographic data (company location, job titles, buying committees, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.). 
  • Technographic data (a business’s tech stack).
  • CRM data ( account owners, ongoing and closed deals, previous interactions with your reps, etc.).
  • SEP data (e.g., interactions with specific outreach campaigns).
  • And much more.

But Warmly doesn’t stop at the basics, as it also provides detailed intent data on every identified lead:

  1. First-party intent data, such as pages visited, time spent on each, filled out forms, etc., because visiting and staying on high-value pages, like pricing, usually indicates that you’re dealing with a red-hot lead.
  2. Third-party intent data that tracks a trail of digital breadcrumbs your visitors left on the web - such as recently researched topics, engagement with certain social posts or ads, visits to competitors’ websites, etc. - which sends a strong signal they’re ready to convert.

Tapping into both first- and third-party intent data provides a much more complete picture of your hottest leads right now, allowing your sales reps to engage them immediately.

Moreover, having detailed intelligence on each lead, including buyer intent data and other information warmly pulled on them, enables reps to create highly personalized sales strategies bound to increase conversion rates.

Learn how to identify website visitors with Warmly here.

Feature #2: Automated outbound sequences

Losing quality leads just because you don’t have enough SDRs to reach out at the right time is a reality many businesses face.

This is why Warmly lets you automate your outbound sales while ensuring that a human can step in whenever necessary.

With Warmly’s Orchestrator, you can automatically add leads who match certain criteria to one of two outbound sequences:

  • Sending them an email.
  • Connecting with them on LinkedIn.

You can build all kinds of Orchestrator flows in just several steps:

  1. Decide which action will trigger the workflow (e.g., a company lands on your website, an important account changes jobs, researches solutions similar to yours, etc.).
  2. Specify which companies to target (e.g., those that match your ICP, show high-intent behavior, etc.) and which you want filtered out (e.g., existing customers).

  1. Specify the personas you want to contact from each company (e.g., marketing executives, content managers, etc.) and how many individuals from each account should be targeted.
  2. Choose the sequence you want (send email, connect on LinkedIn, add to CRM - or all three).
  3. End the workflow and click “Publish”.

You can also set up Slack alerts that will notify the SDR of your choice when a lead comes to your website through one of these outbound campaigns, ensuring they’ll be handled by the most adequate rep.

Feature #3: Live inbound chat

Warmly lets you monitor how leads interact with your website in real-time, enabling you to engage them via text or video chat when they exhibit high-intent behavior.

The “Warm Calls” section of Warmly’s dashboard shows who’s visiting your website right now and provides in-depth data on each identified visitor.

When reps recognize an account that fits your ICP or detect an account that’s visiting high-intent pages, they can:

Check out our Warm Calls best practices to ensure high response rates.

However, your SDRs won’t always be there at the right time to chat up high-value leads.

To avoid missing out on good opportunities, you can also leverage Warmly’s AI Chat, instructing it to engage:

  • All website visitors.
  • Only some segments (e.g., those that match your ICP, show high intent, etc.).

The chatbot will tailor its messaging to each identified visitor, providing them with a personalized experience.

Just like with the outbound feature, you can keep a human in the loop by setting up Slack alerts to notify SDRs when:

  • A target account lands on your website.
  • When a lead asks to speak with a real human or makes a high-intent query in the chatbot.


Warmly has a generous free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 people and companies visiting your website. This plan is perfect for getting a taste of one of the platform’s basic features.

If you expect higher traffic volumes and need more advanced capabilities, there are three paid plans to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include seamless integrations with sales intelligence tools such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense, allowing you to get a bundle of products at the price of one.


In addition to these data solutions, Warmly also integrates with OpenAI and most modern SEP and CRM platforms, meaning it will easily fit into any business’s existing tool stack.

How does Warmly compare to ServiceBell?

Both ServiceBell and Warmly identify website visitors and enrich them with intent data.

However, Warmly is focused on maximizing your website’s lead generation and conversion potential, with all its features optimized for achieving these goals.

ServiceBell's features are a bit all over the place. It tries to cover both live dials and website video chats equally well but does not really succeed. 

As a result, its platform often lags due to too much going on at once.

The biggest difference, however, is ROI.

With ServiceBell, the number of monthly reveals you get is far too small for the cost. In contrast, Warmly includes all features and integrations in all its pricing plans and provides significantly more monthly credits.

The conclusion?

If you rely on cold calling, then ServiceBell is a superior choice.

If you want to build data-powered workflows that convert more pipeline, try Warmly.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies individuals and companies visiting your website.

✅ Enriches leads with intent data and essential B2B data.

✅ Outbound sales on autopilot.

✅ Live video and text chat.

✅ All paid plans include all features + deep integrations with several data providers.

❌ Annual pricing only.

2. Zoominfo

Best for: Managing your sales funnel from top to bottom.

Similar to: Apollo

Zoominfo takes a holistic approach to sales management, providing a wide range of powerful features built to help talent, marketing, and sales teams handle critical business operations.

Its biggest strength by far is its massive B2B database, making Zoominfo a favorable alternative to ServiceBell for users interested in sales intelligence coupled with a variety of other functionalities.


  • Large B2B database with over 260M professional and 100M company profiles and 135M verified phone numbers.
  • Chorus conversational intelligence for analyzing all customer conversations, such as calls, emails, meetings, etc.
  • Automated sales and marketing workflows for putting multichannel outreach on autopilot.

Who is it for?

Zoominfo is best suited for enterprise businesses that need to efficiently manage a broad range of sales processes.


Zoominfo has separate plans for Sales, Marketing, and Talent teams.

No prices are disclosed, so you’ll have to contact its sales team for a custom quote.

The exact price will depend on:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other factors.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies companies visiting your website.

✅ Wide range of sales engagement options, ranging from web chats and forms to automated outreach sequences.

✅ Excellent coverage of NAM B2B data.

❌ Expensive.

❌ Can be overwhelming, especially for smaller teams.

❌ Frequent issues with data accuracy.

3. Apollo

Best for: Sales intelligence and CRM enrichment.

Similar to: Zoominfo

Apollo is a B2B sales intelligence, prospecting, and engagement platform.

Similarly to Zoominfo, it offers both a B2B database and sales orchestration options, allowing you to handle everything from prospecting to lead nurturing at a more affordable price.

Therefore, it’s a solid ServiceBell alternative for users who need to streamline the entire sales cycle from a single point of control without necessarily spending a fortune

Features, a full-stack sales tech platform, bags $100M at a $1.6B  valuation | Medial
  • B2B database with 275M contacts and 73M companies with solid international coverage.
  • Various outbound sales engagement options, including automated LinkedIn and email outreach and cold calling coupled with auto call recordings, transcripts, and CRM logs.
  • Monitors and improves email deliverability and has an AI-powered email writing assistant.

Who is it for?

SMBs looking for a well-rounded outbound sales solution.


Apollo has a free forever plan that includes unlimited email finder credits, 5 phone number credits, and 10 contact export credits.

If you need more, you can upgrade to one of three paid plans:

  1. Basic: $59 per user per month
  2. Professional: $99 per user per month
  3. Organization: $149 per user per month

Note: Professional and Basic plans come with a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Advanced filtering options for more targeted prospecting.

✅ Good data accuracy.

✅ Lets you build automated outreach sequences.

❌ Dual credit system (you spend one credit for revealing an email address and another for getting a phone number), which scales badly.

❌ Best features available only on its higher tiers.

4. Drift

Best for: Conversational sales and marketing.

Similar to: Intercom

Drift is an AI-powered chatbot platform that engages your website visitors and detects high-intent queries and responses.

It’s a good ServiceBell alternative if you need a chatbot first and foremost.


  • Customizable chatbots powered by Generative AI.
  • Reveals website visitors’ intent scores and notifies reps so they can focus on high-intent ones.
  • Lets you create personalized videos, emails, and messages at every stage of the customer’s journey and engage them live.

Who is it for?

Mid-size to enterprise-level businesses interested in getting an automated SDR present on their website 24/7.


Drift has three plans:

  1. Premium: $2,500 per month
  2. Advanced: Pricing not disclosed
  3. Enterprise: Custom price

Drift doesn’t offer a free trial.

Also, some of its most powerful features, such as intent scoring, are add-ons charged extra.

Pros & Cons

✅ User-friendly.

✅ Has a mobile app for on-the-go access.

❌ Very expensive.

❌ Prone to crashes and glitches. 

❌ Often generates low-quality interactions that lead nowhere.

5. Demandbase

Best for: Account-based marketing.

Similar to: FlashIntel

Demandbase is an ABM tool that lets you build automated marketing workflows on top of intent signals.

It’s a good ServiceBell alternative if you want to leverage intent data for orchestrating marketing operations.


  • Real-time website personalization lets you customize your target accounts’ customer journey by displaying tailored copy, offers, images, ads, etc.
  • Account-based marketing orchestration enables you to create customizable workflows (e.g., CRM record edit/creating new ones, trigger plays in marketing automation solutions, etc.) targeting specific accounts/audience segments.
  • Tracks and detects buyer intent signals across channels.

Who is it for?

Marketing teams looking for an ABM solution to target specific accounts and audiences more efficiently.


Demandbase has three essential plans that include access to all its core features:

  1. Professional
  2. Enterprise
  3. Elite

No prices are published for any plan.

Also, some of Demandbase’s features, such as its B2B data and personalization options, are available as add-ons only.

If you’re not interested in paying for all of Demandbase’s products, the platform lets you buy “A La Carte,” i.e., purchase only those you need.

In that case, you can choose from 4 product packages:

1. ABX, which includes 3 plans:

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Elite

2. Advertising, that comes with two plans:

  • Self-Serve
  • Supported

3. Sales Intelligence with:

  • Enterprise
  • Elite

4. Data

No prices are published for these either, so you’ll have to contact sales for more details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lets you build data-driven marketing workflows.

✅ Advanced analytics features that track and analyze target accounts’ online interactions.

❌ Difficult to navigate.

❌ Expensive.

❌ Limited integrations.

6. FlashIntel

Best for: Sales intelligence and data enrichment paired with handling outbound sales. 

Similar to: Apollo, Zoominfo

FlashIntel is a GTM solution with a solid B2B database that includes everything from basic B2B data to social intent, job changes, etc.

It also has cold-calling options and lets you create automated outreach sequences.

FlashIntel has more capabilities than ServiceBell, making it a better choice for GTM teams that need to handle a wider range of business processes.


  • AI-powered parallel dialing option coupled with pre-made cold calling scripts to help you kickstart outreach.
  • Database with 100M+ companies and 1B+ people with advanced search filters and 150+ data attributes for targeted lead list building and prospecting.
  • AI-driven personalized messaging across several channels that leverages the intelligence FlashIntel has on potential customers to deliver tailored customer experiences.

Who is it for?

Revenue teams that need a compact solution to manage prospecting, audience targeting, and engagement from a single platform.


FlasIntel has separate plans for its parallel dialer and revenue acceleration package:

1. AI Parallel Dialer: $399 per user per month, billed annually

2. FlashInfo (which basically includes all other FlashIntel’s features) has three plans:

  • Professional: $550 per month, $183 per month per additional user
  • Advanced: $880 per month, $283 per month per additional user
  • Elite: Custom pricing, minimum 5 users

The Parallel Dialer has a trial period, but it’s not free. You can access it for $9.99 for 7 days before being charged its full price.

FlashInfo has a limited free plan.

Pros & Cons

✅ Multiple intent data types, including social intent.

✅ User-friendly.

❌ Separate packages for cold calling and the rest of its features.

❌ Doesn’t integrate with that many CRMs.

❌ Lacks native analytics and reporting capabilities.

7. Intercom

Best for: AI-driven customer support.

Similar to: Drift

Intercom is an AI-powered tool that delivers instant customer support, reducing the volume of support requests that your customer service teams must handle.

It’s a good ServiceBell alternative if you need to put a large chunk of customer support on autopilot.


  • AI-powered multichannel customer support chat widget that can be customized to fit your business requirements.
  • AI Copilot that provides contextual recommendations and summaries and pulls relevant data, boosting support agents’ efficiency.
  • Team inboxes allow the entire customer support team to collaborate on troubleshooting complex issues. 

Who is it for?

Customer success teams that want to streamline part of their operations.


Intercom has a 14-day free trial if you want to test it before signing up.

You can upgrade to one of three plans:

  1. Essential: $39 per user per month
  2. Advanced: $99 per user per month
  3. Expert: $139 per user per month

Pros & Cons

✅ User-friendly interface.

✅ AI-driven analytics reports that provide valuable insights into your support operations across channels.

❌ Limited use case - cannot be used for sales and marketing. 

❌ Can get expensive for larger teams.

❌ Often slow to load and fails to assign chats to appropriate support agents.

8. Chili Piper

Best for: Inbound lead routing.

Similar to: Demandbase

Chili Piper is a sales platform that excels at inbound lead routing and qualification.

It primarily uses website forms to identify warm leads, so it’s a viable ServiceBell alternative if you rely heavily on lead-capturing forms.


  • Advanced lead routing options, including automatically removing out-of-office reps from round-robin distribution, allowing you to set up custom triggers based on what’s relevant to your business, etc.
  • Qualifies leads based on the forms they fill out, according to the data in the form, your CRM, or email domain.
  • Meeting scheduling features that enable automated scheduling and rescheduling meetings and auto-detect time zones.

Who is it for?

Chili Piper is best suited for teams focused on inbound sales and lead generation.


Chili Piper has an interesting pricing structure.

If you’re just starting, you can choose between:

  1. Chili Cal Free: Base plan that includes just a few essential features
  2. Chili Cal Teams: $22.5 per user per month that includes more advanced features, such as instant booking, round-robin, etc.

Note: Chili Cal Teams is available only for Salesforce users. If you have HubSpot, you can’t access it at all, and if you use another CRM, you won’t get all the functionalities.

If you want additional features, you can upgrade to one of four product packages:

  1. Concierge: $45 per user per month + platform fee $225-$1,500/m based on the number of inbound leads submitted each month
  2. Chat:  $45 per user per month + platform fee of $1,500/month
  3. Distro:  $45 per user per month + platform fee of $225/month
  4. Handoff:  $45 per user per month + platform fee of $225/month

If you want access to all its products, you can opt for the bundled plan dubbed Demand Conversion Platform at $108 per user per month + $1,000/mo platform fee.

You can also create your own combinations:

  1. 2 Products: $25 per user per month per product + 1 platform fee
  2. 3 Products: $20 per user per month per product + 1 platform fee
  3. 4 Products: $18 per user per month per product + 1 platform fee

Chili Cal is included in all plans.

Pros & Cons

✅ Significantly reduces time to lead thanks to its advanced routine options.

✅ Robust CRM integrations. 

❌ Complex pricing, your costs can easily skyrocket.

❌ Has a learning curve.

9. CallRail

Best for: Tracking and analyzing cold calls.

Similar to: Zoominfo Chorus, Apollo


  • Conversational intelligence that records, transcribes, and analyzes each call, unearthing valuable insights into campaigns’ performance.
  • Call attribution reveals how your leads found out about you and follows them through each step of their buyer journey.
  • Form tracking that reveals what compelled website visitors to fill out your forms, analyzing their behavior and connecting all the touchpoints that brough them to you.

Who is it for?

Teams that need accurate attribution of their outbound and inbound marketing and sales efforts.


CallRail has 4 pricing tiers:

  1. Call Tracking: $50 plus additional usage
  2. Call Tracking + Conversation Intelligence: $100 plus additional usage
  3. Call Tracking + Form Tracking: $100 plus additional usage
  4. Call Tracking Complete: $150 plus additional usage

Each has a 14-day free trial period.

Pros & Cons

✅ User friendly.

✅ Accurate transcripts.

✅ Robust third-party integrations.

❌ Can get expensive.

❌ Limited functionality.

Next Steps: Picking the Perfect ServiceBell Alternative for Your Business

And there you have it folks - a detailed breakdown of everything you need to weigh the pros and cons of each platform against your goals and requirements.

Some are more focused on a single sales and marketing channel or use case - such as CallRail and Intercom - while others provide a wider range of possibilities, like Apollo and Zoominfo.

If taking the middle road appeals the most to you—that is, if you need a solution that is optimized for one specific channel but provides a wide range of features to handle both inbound and outbound sales and marketing—then Warmly might be the ideal fit.

The best way to find out for sure?

Stop reading and start doing!

Sign up for Warmly’s free plan and play around with its capabilities to see how well it suits you.

If you’d like to explore it a bit more first, you can always book a personalized demo with our team.

Try it below ⬇️

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10 Best (ABM)Account-Based Marketing Software in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

Email is dead. 

You’ve heard that a bunch lately, haven’t you?

Cold outbound is not dead. But to get results from it and any other sales initiative, you need an effective marketing strategy behind it.

ABM (Account-Based Marketing) software can be the difference between a dry pipeline and a full one, as it helps:

  1. Run targeted and personalized marketing campaigns at scale. 
  2. Achieve good sales and marketing alignment.
  3. Build stronger relationships with leads by letting you tailor your marketing approach to each.
  4. Opening new opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling. 
  5. Allocate resources more efficiently instead of relying on a “spray and pray” strategy.
  6. Make marketing attribution easier, more accurate, and more precise.

However, finding the best account-based marketing tool for your specific use case and business goal is challenging, given the number of platforms on the market today, 

More importantly, ABM has changed from firmographic-based to signal-based.

We crafted a list of the 10 best modern account-based marketing platforms to help you find the one that’s best for your GTM motion and industry.

Before getting into the products - a few things to consider before you pick one ⤵️

What should I look for in Account-Based Marketing software?

🎯 ‎ Scalability

The software you pick needs to scale well as your business grows and expands. 

Be on the lookout for tools that aren’t known to handle large data volumes or have pricing structures that can creep up on you at scale.

🎯 ‎ Integration with your existing tech stack

If you need to completely change the sales and marketing suite you already use to maximize your ABM software, it's better to find an alternative tool that complements your current one.

The features might be amazing, but if it can’t talk to other tools in your arsenal, workflows will fail. 

And you already know that developers don’t have time for your marketing tasks! 

🎯 ‎ The right underlying data

The whole point of having an account-based marketing platform is to detect key accounts and run targeted campaigns to them.

If your tool, or surrounding data infrastructure is lacking, you won’t be able to run tailored campaigns. That’s why tools like Warmly, Koala, and Snitcher have been so popular with marketing teams in 2024.

🎯 ‎ Real-time engagement

“Strike while the iron is hot” is the golden rule of effective marketing strategies, as engaging high-potential accounts is a must if you want to nurture them into conversion.

Check whether the tool you’re interested in has options for engaging high-intent leads while they’re still hot.

And now, our list of the top 10 account-based marketing software ⤵️

What Is the Best Account-Based Marketing Software?

1. Warmly - Best for identifying the hottest leads among your website visitors.

2. - Provides advanced analytics and multi-touch attribution. 

3. Demandbase - ABM platform that leverages intent data and sales intelligence to help you target the right accounts.

4. RollWorks - Best for account-based advertising and retargeting.

5. Mesh - Artificial Intelligence-powered multichannel revenue and marketing attribution.

6. Propensity - ABM tool for SMBs new to account-based marketing.

7. N.Rich - Builds CRM-based ICPs to help you pinpoint your target audience.

8. Snitcher - Identifies website visitors and enriches Google Analytics with the revealed data.

9. Visitor Queue - Website traffic identification paired with real-time website personalization.

10. Signals - Intent signals-driven marketing orchestration platform.

1. Warmly

Note: Although Warmly is a powerful tool for boosting account-based marketing campaigns by providing intent data, it’s primarily aimed at sales teams.

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform that helps you identify the hottest leads among your website visitors and enables you to reach out precisely when they’re most likely to convert.

A short disclaimer is in order here.

Warmly is our solution, but we still included it in the top 10 list. 

The reason for that is simple - we know our target market and Warmly’s capabilities well, which is why we’re confident that our platform can deliver excellent results when it comes to:

  • ABM
  • Lead generation and prospecting
  • Sales engagement
  • Improving conversion rates

Of course, not everyone will find Warmly to be a match, which is one of the reasons why we reviewed it as objectively as any other platform on the list. 

It’s in both our and your best interest not to mislead you in any way.

Now that we have cleared that up, let’s examine what makes Warmly one of the sales and marketing teams’ favorite tools.

Feature #1: Website intent

Warmly lets you harness your website’s full sales and marketing potential by uncovering individual and company contacts who visit your website.

It successfully identifies about 65% of companies and 15% of people visiting your website, unlike most website traffic tracking tools that usually reveal only company accounts.

Knowing who’s visiting your website - often pinpointing the exact individual who’s surfing it right now - is crucial for any effective marketing strategy as it:

  • Helps with creating a more accurate ICP based on the accounts that visit your website the most.
  • Provides a rich pool of potentially warm leads.

However, when identifying website visitors, Warmly provides more than just basic B2B data, such as:

  • Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, geographic locations, phone numbers, etc.). 
  • Technographic data (a business’s tech stack).
  • CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your reps, etc.).
  • SEP data (e.g., interactions with outreach campaigns).
  • And more.

It also enriches each identified visitor with granular intent data, including:

  1. Actionable insights into visitors’ website sessions (which pages they visited, where they stayed the longest, which content they downloaded, forms they filled out, etc.).
  2. Third-party intent data that includes purchase intent signals gathered from across the web, such as recently searched-for topics, visits to competitors’ pages, interactions with ads, etc.

Why is intent data important for ABM?

Quality intent data lies at the core of all successful account-based marketing strategies as it reveals:

  • Who your hottest and surging accounts are right now.
  • The perfect time to contact them.
  • The optimal outreach channel for the best results.

In turn, this lets you:

  1. Create better-targeted sales and marketing campaigns.
  2. Equip reps with the intelligence they need to create marketing and sales outreach strategies optimized for success.
  3. Provide excellent customer experiences by creating a tailored approach for each potential customer.
  4. Identify accounts ready to convert and have your sales reps engage them while their interest is at its peak.
  5. Qualify and score leads with accuracy and precision.

Feature #2: Lead routing and alerts

Warmly provides automated lead routing options to avoid quality leads going under the radar.

The platform lets you set up real-time Slack notifications that alert reps when a high-value account lands on your website.

To ensure that each potential customer will be handled by the professional most capable of providing an optimal experience, you can specify the criteria by which a lead will be assigned to a particular rep, such as:

  • Geographic location
  • Industry
  • Previous interactions, etc.

The notifications will be triggered by any action you configure as relevant, such as:

  1. When a quality lead matching your ICP lands on your website.
  2. When a lead asks a high-intent question in the chatbot (e.g., wants to know more about pricing details, a specific product feature, etc.).
  3. When they specifically request to speak with a real person.

Sales reps can take it from there by engaging potential customers via Warmly’s personalized engagement features.

Feature #3: Live engagement

There’s no point in knowing who your hottest leads are right now if you cannot reach out while they’re still hot.

Warmly has several options for engaging leads, including:

  1. AI Chat
  2. Live chat
  3. Live video calls

AI Chat is a Drift-like chatbot that you can instruct to automatically engage leads by shooting contextual messages based on the high-quality data Warmly reveals.

This provides an automated option for keeping leads engaged, ensuring their questions are answered, and delivering a tailored experience for each lead.

The live chat and video call options are where your sales reps get their chance to shine.

Namely, when you go to the “Warm Calls” part of Warmly’s dashboard, you’ll see all the individual and company accounts that are on your website right now.

Clicking on any visitor shows all the intelligence Warmly has on them and lets you monitor their web session in real-time. 

When sales reps detect high-intent behavior, they can reach out by:

  1. Sending a chat message.
  2. Hopping on a video call right from Warmly’s dashboard.


Warmly has a generous free plan that lets you reveal up to 500 people and companies visiting your website. This plan is perfect for trying out the platform’s essential features.

If you expect higher traffic volumes and need more advanced capabilities, there are three paid plans to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for larger-scale users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with sales intelligence tools such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense, allowing you to get a bundle of products at the price of one.


All of Warmly's paid plans include access to these data solutions, meaning you’ll pay for one platform and get an entire bundle of products.

It also integrates with OpenAI and most modern sales tools (SEPs, Customer Relationship Management platforms, etc.) to ensure easy implementation into your existing tech stack.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies both companies and individuals visiting your website.

✅ Provides detailed intent data for each lead, letting you create personalized outreach campaigns.

✅ Versatile sales engagement capabilities.

✅ All paid plans include all features and robust integrations with several data providers.

❌ Annual pricing options only.


Best for: Intent data and marketing attribution. is a B2B intelligence, marketing attribution, and analytics tool that identifies website visitors and tracks how they interact with your marketing campaigns across channels.


  • Tracks and analyzes cross-channel marketing efforts, enabling more precise ad and retargeting campaign attribution, content attribution, and more.
  • Customer journeys show exactly how a key customer is progressing through the pipeline.
  • Marketing funnel analytics that lets you identify relevant touchpoints and points of friction and detect bottlenecks.

Who is it for?

Good option for teams looking to map out the entire customer journey and create better-targeted marketing and account-based advertising campaigns.

Pricing has a free plan that lets you reveal up to 200 companies per month and includes 2 seats with access to some of the platform’s most basic features.

If you need more, there are three paid plans to choose from:

  • Basic: $249/mo
  • Growth: $799/mo
  • Custom: Custom price

All plans are annual.

Pros & Cons

✅ Advanced campaign analytics that lets you track all relevant KPIs.

✅ Multichannel attribution.

❌ Unintuitive userface.

❌ Identifies company accounts only.

❌ The most relevant features are hidden behind a paywall.

3. Demandbase

Demandbase is a dedicated account-based marketing platform that uses sales intelligence and intent data to help you deliver more personalized experiences.

It also offers sales and marketing orchestration features, allowing your teams to streamline their processes.


  • Customizable forecasting reports that let you score accounts and identify high-value ones.
  • Personalizes website experiences for each detected account by displaying unique images, copy, and CTAs based on the intelligence Demandbase has on them.
  • Lets you build automated sales and marketing workflows on top of buying signals and account intelligence.

Who is it for?

Enterprise businesses looking to boost and track ABM and ABX across levels.


Demandbase has three essential plans that include access to all its key features:

  1. Professional
  2. Enterprise
  3. Elite

However, Demandbase doesn’t have one-size-fits-all pricing, as each package is tailored to individual users.

Some of Demandbase’s features, such as its B2B data and personalization options, are available as add-ons only.

If you’re not interested in paying for all of Demandbase’s products, the platform lets you buy “A La Carte,” i.e., purchase only those you need.

In that case, you can choose from 4 product packages:

1- ABX, which includes 3 plans:

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Elite

2- Advertising, that comes with two plans:

  • Self-Serve
  • Supported

3- Sales Intelligence with:

  • Enterprise
  • Elite

4- Data

Again, Demandbase doesn’t publish prices, so you must contact sales for more details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lets you build data-driven sales and marketing workflows.

✅ Detailed analytics reports.

✅ Targeted B2B advertising and retargeting.

❌ Expensive.

❌ Learning curve.

❌ Limited integration capabilities.

4. RollWorks

RollWorks is an account-based marketing and advertising platform that leverages account-level intelligence and AI-driven actionable insights to help you personalize marketing campaigns.


  • Identifies website visitors, allowing you to detect best-fit accounts and prioritize them accordingly.
  • Lets you create highly personalized multichannel ad campaigns tailored to high-value target accounts' specific needs and detected behaviors.
  • Robust reporting and analytics tools for tracking ABM campaigns performance.

Who is it for?

RollWorks is best suited for mid-size and enterprise-level B2B companies that need to detect and secure high-value accounts and target them with personalized advertising campaigns.


RollWorks has separate plans for ABM marketing and advertising.

It doesn’t publish prices, so you’ll have to contact sales for a custom quote.

Pros & Cons

✅ Enhances B2B display advertising.

✅ Detailed account-based analytics that lets you track ROI and marketing attribution.

❌ Opaque pricing.

❌ Steep learning curve.

5. Mesh

Mesh is a revenue marketing platform that unifies and cleans your data across 100+ relevant sources, providing a consolidated picture of your sales and marketing efforts at an account level. 


  • Real-time Slack or email alerts when the platform detects a data anomaly that indicates something with your campaigns is underperforming, allowing you to make timely adjustments.
  • AI-powered multi-channel revenue attribution that analyzes your sales and marketing data to provide a better understanding of each campaign’s ROI and detect which factors influence it the most.
  • Actionable AI-powered recommendations that suggest which actions you should take next to reach your ABM goals.

Who is it for?

Users who want to unify their sales and marketing data across levels and run it through an AI-powered analysis engine that uncovers hidden opportunities and friction points.


Mesh doesn’t disclose any pricing details.

You can book a demo or contact sales for more details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Wide range of native integrations.

✅ Identifies anonymous website visitors at the company level.

❌ Better suited for more technical users.

❌ Its reports are difficult to navigate.

6. Propensity

Propensity is an account-based marketing platform designed specifically for small B2B growth teams.

It combines intent data and marketing automation to help users create better-targeted campaigns.


  • Tracks millions of buying signals and matches them against relevant accounts to provide a clear picture of surging and heating accounts.
  • Options for putting prospecting, lead list building, advertising, and multi-channel marketing campaigns on autopilot.
  • 3B+ contact database enriched with intent data that lets you find key contacts.

Who is it for?

Small and scaling B2B teams looking to improve their ABM campaigns by leveraging intent data and automated marketing campaigns. 


Propensity has a free trial that lets you identify the top 100 in-market accounts enriched with intent data.

If you want to upgrade, there are two plans to choose between:

  1. Essential ABM: $1,000/mo, built for ABM beginners
  2. Strategic ABM: $2,000/mo, built for more advanced users

Pros & Cons

✅ Unlimited users in both its paid plans.

✅ Versatile functionality.

❌ Can have technical issues that slow it down.

❌ Its account lists can be off.

7. N.Rich

N.Rich is a European account-based marketing platform that provides good coverage of EMEA and APAC accounts.

It delivers a detailed breakdown of your B2B marketing campaigns’ performance in addition to account intelligence.


  • Advanced ABM advertising optimized for tracking and measuring various types of engagement to enable precise attribution and lead qualification.
  • Creates your ICP by analyzing your CRM historical data, pinpointing high-performing accounts, and discovering what they have in common.
  • Real-time opportunity attribution at account and product level that provides a clear understanding of ROI by tracking engagement before and after an opportunity was created.

Who is it for?

Agile, fast-scaling GTM teams whose target customer base is primarily located in EMEA and APAC regions.


N.Rich has three pricing plans:

  1. Lite: Starting at $10,470 per year + $1,130 one-time onboarding fee
  2. Growth: Starting $25,560 per year
  3. Enterprise: Custom pricing

There’s no free trial, but you can book a demo.

Pros & Cons

✅ User-friendly interface.

✅ Its reports are detailed and easy to understand.

❌ Annual plans only.

❌ Struggles with pulling data on smaller accounts.

8. Snitcher

Snitcher is a B2B lead generation and sales acceleration tool that identifies website visitors and tracks their engagement with it, mapping out their customer journey.

This makes it a good option for teams looking to build better-targeted, more personalized campaigns on top of intent data.


  • Uncovers companies visiting your website and enriches them with essential B2B and contact data, letting you track their journeys from start to finish.
  • Lets you put lead scoring on autopilot.
  • Integrates with Google Analytics and enriches it with the intelligence it revealed, providing a complete picture of your website performance, target audience, and key accounts.

Who is it for?

Good option for teams keen on getting a robust integration with Google Analytics for a better overview of their website and marketing campaign performance.


Snitcher’s pricing is based on the number of identified website visitors.

It starts from €59/mo for up to 100 identifications and can go up to €1.339/mo for up to 10,000 identifications.

If you need more than that, you can get a custom package.

There’s also a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Native integration with Google Analytics.

✅ All plans include access to all features.

❌ Reveals only company accounts.

❌ Lack of advanced filtering and segmentation.

9. Visitor Queue

Visitor Queue is a website visitor identification platform that lets you personalize your website for specific leads and target audiences, allowing you to provide tailored experiences.


  • Advanced filtering options for creating lead segments or excluding website visitors who don’t match your Ideal Customer Profile from showing up in your dashboard.
  • Lets you display relevant content to key accounts and segments.
  • Identifies company-level accounts visiting your website.

Who is it for?

Marketing and sales teams interested in real-time website personalization to boost their ABM efforts.


Visitor Queue has as many as 11 pricing plans whose cost depends on the number of unique companies captured per month:

▶️ 100 companies - $39/mo

▶️ 300 companies - $89/mo

▶️ 500 companies - $109/mo

▶️ 1,000 companies - $189/mo

▶️ 2,000 companies - $299/mo

▶️ 5,000 companies - $469/mo

▶️ 10,000 companies - $749/mo

▶️ 15,000 companies - $989/mo

▶️ 20,000 companies - $1,249/mo

▶️ 30,000 companies - $1,799/mo

▶️ 40,000 companies - $2,299/mo

However, if you want website personalization, you’ll have to pay an extra $200 per month.

There’s also a 14-day free trial available.

Pros & Cons

✅ Unlimited users on each plan.

✅ Lets you deliver personalized content for leads on your website.

❌ Limited visitor data, only basic contact details.

❌ Integration issues.

10. Signals

Signals uses intent data to help sales and marketing teams create data-driven B2B marketing strategies.

Its lead engagement options, particularly smart chatbots, are its key strength.


  • Lets you build flexible data-intent-powered workflows to streamline ABM operations in a way best suited for your business.
  • Customizable chatbots that use Signals’ intent data to create a tailored approach for each lead.
  • Predictive AI lead scoring based on factors such as how long visitors stay on your website, which pages they visit, whether they align with your ICP, etc.

Who is it for?

SMBs looking to improve their account-based sales and marketing operations by powering them with detailed intent data.


Signals has three pricing plans:

  • Team: $899/mo
  • Company: $1,799/mo
  • Enterprise: 5,199/mo

The plans primarily differ in terms of ID credits and access to more advanced features, such as AI Buying Intent Score and real-time alerts.

There’s no free trial, but you can book a demo with Signals’ team.

Signals also offer several add-ons for users who need extra features.

Pros &Cons

✅ Good customer support.

✅ Very customizable.

❌ Has too many features, making it overwhelming for smaller teams.

❌ Learning curve.

Next Steps: Boost Your ABM Campaigns and Convert More Leads with Warmly

No matter which solution you choose in the end, you can’t go wrong - after all, they made it on our list for a good reason.

However, if you’re more interested in optimizing both your marketing and sales efforts from a single platform, Warmly might be the best choice as it:

  • Discovers high-intent leads.
  • Provides the necessary intelligence on each, allowing sales and marketing professionals to create tailored, high-converting strategies.
  • Lets you engage them while they’re still on your website and when they’re most likely to convert.
  • Allows you to put parts of your sales pipeline on autopilot.

Sounds like something you’d like?

Sign up for Warmly’s free plan and start revealing qualified leads today.

Or book a personalized demo with our team to see it in live action first.

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12 Best Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

If you’re looking for the best alternative, you’re at the right place because our team:

  • Tested and its competitors to understand each tool’s capabilities.
  • Interviewed real-life users of and the other platforms we took for a test ride.
  • Pored over dozens of user reviews on software rating sites like G2 and Capterra, so you wouldn’t have to.

The result?

A hand-picked list of the top 12 alternatives, with a detailed breakdown of each solution’s features, use cases, pricing, and other factors vital for making an informed decision.

We know you’re eager to check out the list, but let’s quickly look at why people may search for a alternative in the first place.

Why Do You Need a Alternative? is a B2B marketing analytics and attribution platform that identifies anonymous website visitors and tracks their engagement with your marketing efforts.

As such, it has a few features certainly worth mentioning, like:

  • Multi-touch attribution, including LinkedIn ad campaign attribution, analysis, and retargeting, content attribution, and even offline events analytics, to provide users with a complete picture of their marketing campaigns’ performance and point them toward warm leads.
  • Funnel analysis, which maps out the entire customer journey, lets you track how leads progress through the pipeline, identify touchpoints, and detect bottlenecks.

‎For some users, however,’s downsides outweigh its strengths. ⤵️

1. Identifies only company-level website visitors

While has solid website visitor identification accuracy, it can only identify companies, not individual users.


This can be an issue when dealing with large companies with hundreds or thousands of employees, as pinpointing the exact stakeholders to target could be tricky. 

2. Unintuitive user interface and limited use cases

Many customers mention that its dashboards, analytics reports, and overall interface are difficult to navigate.



So, unless you have a large team of seasoned marketing professionals with enough expertise and time to figure out’s interface, you’ll end up paying for a wide range of features you can’t use to their fullest.


It’s also worth mentioning that is built to optimize marketing efforts, not sales. 


This approach can help align sales and marketing in the long run, but if you’re looking for a sales-dedicated solution first, won’t deliver.

3. More advanced features are gated pricing plans differ in the number of users, company identification credits, and features included.

Unfortunately, most of its key ABM functionalities, such as customer journey analysis and multichannel marketing attribution, are available only in its highest tier.

Other relevant features, such as LinkedIn attribution, account scoring, and basic workflow automations, are also included in the two most expensive plans alone.

This makes cost-prohibitive for smaller businesses.


And now - our curated list.

What Are the Best Alternatives and Competitors in 2024?

1. Warmly - Enriches website visitors with granular intent data and helps convert them.

2. Koala - Reveals PLG-driven intent data.

3. Qualified - AI-driven buyer intelligence tool.

4. Demandbase - Account-based marketing platform.

5. Clay - Waterfall data enrichment tool.

6. Pocus - Signal-based sales automation platform with a focus on product usage.

7. Dealfront - Website visitor identification paired with a rich database of GDPR-compliant data.

8. Lead Forensics - Website traffic deanonymization platform with a B2B contact database.

9. Zoominfo - Comprehensive sales platform.

10. Common Room - Customer intelligence platform that tracks buyer signals across multiple touchpoints.

11. - AI-powered sales intelligence tool for GTM teams.

12. Visitor Queue - Website visitor identification combined with real-time website personalization.

1. Warmly

Warmly helps you harness your website’s full sales potential by:

  • Identifying website visitors.
  • Enriching them with intent data.
  • Allowing you to score, qualify, and route leads.
  • Engaging the hottest leads when they’re most likely to convert.

Note: Although Warmly is our solution, we included it on the top 12 list because we’re confident it delivers in those areas where leaves much to be desired.

Of course, we’ll be as objective and unbiased in reviewing it as with any other tool on the list. And if you think we’re exaggerating, you can always sign up for Warmly’s free forever plan and check it out firsthand.

So, let’s closely examine why some users choose Warmly as their preferred alternative.

Feature #1: Website intent

Similarly to, Warmly deanonymizes your website traffic.

However, Warmly’s approach to website visitor identification has a couple of differences.

Firstly, it identifies both companies and individual accounts with high accuracy rates (65% and 15%, respectively), meaning you’ll often know the exact persons visiting your website in real-time.

The setup is easy, so you don’t have to worry if you’re not too technical. You just paste a snippet of Warmly’s code into your website, and you’ll see actual people and companies surfing it in hours.

Note: You can also track visitors who come through specific outreach campaigns by pasting the piece of code into the emails you send. This allows for better marketing attribution and lets you cover more than one lead generation pipeline. 

The real magic happens once Warmly’s identified website visitors because it proceeds to enrich every one of them with:

1 - Essential data you’d expect from any decent intent data solution, such as:

  • Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, geographic locations, phone numbers, etc.). 
  • Technographic data (a business’s tech stack).
  • CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your reps, etc.).
  • SEP data (e.g., interactions with outreach campaigns).
  • And much more.

2 - Detailed intent data, including:

  • First-party intent data, i.e., insights into your visitors’ website sessions that show which pages they visited, where they stayed the longest, which content they downloaded, forms they filled out, etc.
  • Third-party intent data that includes buyer intent signals your visitors left across the web, such as recently searched for topics, visits to competitors’ pages, relevant social media posts, etc.

Why is intent data so important?

Identifying high-intent visitors means you’ll know which are most likely to convert right now.

Namely, granular intent data paints a broader and more complete picture of your visitors' likelihood of converting by providing deep insights into their online buyer behavior, both on your website and beyond.

Additionally, your reps will have all the intelligence on each lead necessary to create tailored sales strategies that are bound to resonate better with leads than a generic approach.

Feature #2: Lead routing and engagement

To avoid high-quality leads falling through the cracks, you can set up automated lead routing by having real-time Slack alerts notify reps when an important opportunity appears.

The notifications can be triggered by any action you configure as relevant, such as:

  1. When a high-value lead that fits your ICP profile like a glove lands on your website.
  2. When they ask a high-intent question in the chatbot (inquires about pricing details, a specific product feature, etc.).
  3. When they specifically request to speak with an actual human.

The automated alerts will immediately go off, looping in sales reps while leads’ interest is peaking.

Sales reps can take it from there by continuing the conversation via text chat or opting to video call them, which brings us to Warmly’s Live Video Chat feature.

When you go to the “Warm Calls” part of Warmly’s dashboard, you’ll see all the companies and people currently on your website.

Clicking on the visitor reveals all the data Warmly has on them and lets you monitor their web session in real time. 

When your sales reps assess the time is right, they can hop on a video call with them straight from Warmly’s dashboard.

Here’s an example 👇

Feature #3: Orchestrator

Warmly lets you put prospecting on autopilot thanks to Orchestrator.

This AI-powered feature adds leads matching your criteria into automated outreach sequences, ensuring no high-intent account goes under the radar.

The automated sequences include:

  • Emailing leads.
  • Firing a contextual chat message.
  • Connecting with them on LinkedIn.

Orchestrator will personalize each email and message it sends based on Warmly’s insights, helping you build rapport.

The best part about the Orchestrator is that you can customize it to your unique needs and outreach goals by specifying the three Ws of sales prospecting: WHO, WHAT, and WHEN.

Give it a go yourself 👇 or watch it in action


Warmly has a generous free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 people and companies visiting your website. This plan is perfect for getting a taste of one of the platform’s essential features.

If you expect higher traffic volumes and need more advanced capabilities, there are three paid plans to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with sales intelligence tools such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense, allowing you to get a bundle of products at the price of one.


All its paid plans include access to these data solutions, meaning you’ll pay for one platform and get an entire bundle of products.

The revenue orchestration platform also integrates with OpenAI and most modern sales tools (SEPs, CRMs, etc.) to ensure easy implementation into your existing tech stack.

How does Warmly compare to

Warmly has an edge over because it reveals individual visitors as well as companies. 

Both platforms deliver excellent accuracy rates, identifying more than 60% of companies.

It’s worth noting that Warmly offers a wider range of features, especially those designed for on-site lead engagement (e.g., AI Chat, live chat, video calls, etc.), whereas offers nothing similar.

On the other hand, has a superior set of marketing attribution tools, allowing users to track their campaigns’ performance and lead generation success across multiple marketing channels.

While keeps its best features hidden behind a paywall, Warmly includes all its features in every paid plan, which makes it a perfect solution for teams of various sizes and budgets.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies both companies and individuals visiting your website.

✅ Enriches leads with granular first- and third-party intent data.

✅ Puts sales prospecting on autopilot.

✅ Versatile sales engagement capabilities.

✅ All paid plans include all features + deep integrations with several data providers.

❌ Annual pricing options only.

2. Koala 

Best for: Enriching website visitors with first-party intent data and product usage intelligence.

Similar to: Warmly, Qualified

Koala is an intent data tool that identifies hot sales opportunities on your website and product, improving lead generation and cross- and up-selling.

It’s a good alternative if you need more detailed intent data paired with intelligence on how existing users interact with your product.


  • Intent scoring lets you identify surging and heating accounts and prioritize them.
  • Provides product usage data intelligence that enables you to monitor how customers interact with your product and identify milestones, which is perfect for PLG companies.
  • Reveals individuals and companies surfing your website and enriches them with first-party intent data.

Who is it for?

Koala is best suited for PLG companies interested in tracking their customers’ product journeys and generating new leads on their website.


Koala has a free forever plan, which includes up to 3 users and 250 identified visitors.

If you decide you need more, you can upgrade to one of two plans:

  1. Starter: $500/mo, up to 3 users ($300 a year per additional user), unlimited visitors.
  2. Business: Custom plan, includes custom number of users, access to automation capabilities, lead scoring, signal reports, and more.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies both companies and individual prospects.

✅ Collects product usage data and transforms it into valuable insights for PLG teams.

✅ Lead routing options.

❌ Best features available on its most expensive plan. 

❌ Doesn’t provide third-party intent data.

3. Qualified

Best for: Engaging high-intent visitors on your website.

Similar to: Koala, Warmly.

Qualified is an AI-driven website visitor identification platform with several on-site sales engagement capabilities.

Its deep integration with Salesforce makes it a great alternative for Salesforce users who need more features in website traffic-tracking software.


  • AI Pounce significantly reduces time-to-lead by engaging the hottest leads Qualified revealed and enriched with intent data.
  • AI Offers that surface the most relevant marketing offers to quality leads based on the data and intent signals the platform picked up.
  • AI-powered chatbot that answers leads’ queries, qualifies them by asking relevant questions, schedules meetings, etc.

Who is it for?

Since it’s built on Salesforce’s platform, Qualified is geared toward CRM users who can maximize its sales engagement capabilities.


Qualified has three payment plans:

  1. Growth: $3,500 per month, up to 15 users, includes basic AI features, purchase intent signals, data enrichment, and sales engagement options.
  2. Premier: Custom price, includes more advanced options, such as advanced Salesforce integration and ABM-oriented integrations.
  3. Enterprise: Custom price, built for enterprise-level users. Includes AI Chatbot, custom data retention policies, etc.

There’s no free trial for any plan.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies website visitors at both company and individual levels.

✅ Direct integration with Salesforce for optimal syncing and enrichment experience (but this makes it a less favorable option for users of other CRM tools). 

✅ Detects intent signals and uses them to automate other parts of the pipeline (e.g., engagement, making offers, etc.).

❌ Costly.. 

❌ Steep learning curve.

4. Demandbase

Best for: ABM marketing

Similar to: Warmly.

Demandbase is an account-based marketing platform that uses sales intelligence and intent data to help you deliver more personalized lead experiences.

It’s a good alternative for users running big ABM campaigns that need more advanced analytics features and orchestration options.


  • Highly customizable predictive analytics to help you score accounts and prioritize high-value ones.
  • Lets you personalize website experiences for each identified account by providing unique images, copy, and CTAs based on the intelligence Demandbase has on them.
  • Automated sales and marketing workflows built on top of detected intent signals and account intelligence.

Who is it for?

Teams looking for a platform optimized for account-based sales and marketing.


Demandbase has three essential plans that include access to all its core features:

  1. Professional
  2. Enterprise
  3. Elite

No prices are published for any plan.

Also, some of Demandbase’s features, such as its B2B data and personalization options, are available as add-ons only.

If you’re not interested in paying for all of Demandbase’s products, the platform lets you buy “A La Carte,” i.e., purchase only those you need.

In that case, you can choose from 4 product packages:

1 - ABX, which includes 3 plans:

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Elite

2 - Advertising, that comes with two plans:

  • Self-Serve
  • Supported

3 - Sales Intelligence with:

  • Enterprise
  • Elite

4 - Data

No prices are published, so you must contact sales for more details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lets you build data-driven workflows.

✅ Powerful analytics.

❌ Non-transparent pricing, indicating it’s expensive.

❌ Learning curve.

❌ Limited integration capabilities.

5. Clay

Best for: Cross-referencing dozens of data sources for optimal coverage.

Similar to: No one. 

Clay is a waterfall enrichment solution that collects relevant data from numerous online sources. This data can be used to build targeted lead lists, enrich CRMs, improve inbound and outbound sales, and more.

Compared to, Clay delivers more versatile data from multiple sources instead of focusing on your website and product alone.


  • Pulls and compares data from 75+ online sources.
  • Conversational AI-powered web scraper, Claygent, which collects and summarizes important lead information from any place on the web.
  • Options for setting up custom lead scoring systems based on criteria uniquely relevant to your business.

Who is it for?

RevOps are most comfortable using Clay due to its Excel-like interface. Sales and marketing teams might not be that thrilled, though.


Clay has a free forever plan that provides 100 monthly search credits and limited access to its features.

If you need more credits and features, you can choose from 4 pricing tiers:

  1. Starter: $149/mo
  2. Explorer: $349/mo
  3. Pro: $800/mo
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing

The Pro plan has a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Dynamic lead enrichment that provides high matching rates.

✅ Lets you automate parts of your outbound sales operations, such as generating personalized emails, adding contacts to outreach sequences based on specific criteria, etc.

❌ Steep learning curve.

❌ Credit-based pricing means the costs can easily sneak up on you.

6. Pocus

Best for: Identifying revenue opportunities from product usage.

Similar to: CommonRoom, Warmly.

Pocus lets users automate and streamline sales processes by harnessing the power of AI and intent signals.

It has more sales automation options than, so it might be a good option for users looking for a “set it and forget it” approach to sales pipeline management.


  • AI-powered automations called playbooks let you build various signal-based sales workflows.
  • AI recommendations that help you determine which playbooks perform well and which need to be improved.
  • Identifies website visitors and enriches them with intent data.

Who is it for?

Product-led companies doing sales prospecting from product usage.


Pocus doesn’t disclose its pricing structure online. You can book a demo with their sales team.

Pros & Cons

✅ Rich library of playbook templates to help you kickstart inbound and outbound sales.

✅ Seamless integrations with the most popular CRMs.

❌ Difficult to understand data sources, making check-ups and assessments tricky.

❌ Probably expensive.

7. Dealfront

Best for: Accessing European B2B contact and company records.

Similar to: Lead Forensics, Zoominfo

Dealfront (formerly Leadfeeder/Echobot) identifies anonymous website traffic in addition to providing a vast B2B database of GDPR-compliant data.

Due to better data coverage for specific European regions, it’s a viable alternative for users who primarily target the European market.


  • Extensive B2B database focusing on European data (40M+ companies and 180M+ contacts).
  • AI-powered identifier of “lookalike” companies most similar to your best-performing clients.
  • Identifies companies visiting your website.

Who is it for?

Dealfront is best suited for European teams—or businesses operating in Europe—that are interested in having a static database of relevant B2B data in addition to website traffic tracking.


Dealfront has separate pricing for sales intelligence and website visitor deanonymization.

There are no fixed prices for its sales intelligence package, as each price depends on several factors, such as:

  • The data packages you need, based on your target geographies
  • How many people on your team need access to the platform
  • What type of actions they perform as part of your sales and marketing strategy

When it comes to website traffic identification, there’s a free plan that lets you reveal up to 100 anonymous visitors per month, excluding all the key features.

The paid plan starts at €99 per month, with the final price depending on the number of identified companies.

It includes 25 free credits for revealing key contact details like email addresses and phone numbers and has a 14-day free trial, so you can try it before committing. 

Pros & Cons

✅ One of the largest databases of GDPR-compliant B2B data.

✅ Provides highly accurate data for specific regions such as DACH and Benelux.

❌ Its website visitor identification isn’t very accurate.

❌ Separate payment plans for sales intelligence and website visitor identification.

❌ Limited functionality.

8. Lead Forensics

Best for: Website visitor identification that comes with a solid international B2B contact database.

Similar to: Zoominfo, Dealfront

Lead Forensics identifies companies landing on your website and enriches them with basic B2B contact and first-party intent data.

Lead Forensics provides unlimited seats in all plans, making it a good alternative for big teams keener on static B2B data than product-led data.


  • Identifies companies visiting your website and delivers details of their website session along with contact details and similar B2B data.
  • Tracks leads who come to your website through online ads, allowing for more precise marketing attribution.
  • Real-time notifications when a business from your ICP list lands on your website.

Who is it for?

B2B sales and marketing teams that need a no-fluff website visitor identification tool that provides only essential info on company-level accounts.


Lead Forensics has two plans:

  1. Essential, for SMBs
  2. Automate, for enterprise businesses

Lead Forensics doesn’t publish its pricing structure, meaning you must contact its team directly for a quote.

There’s a one-week free trial for both plans.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lets you create lead segments for easier tracking of qualified leads.

✅ Good data accuracy.

❌ Identifies only company-account visitors.

❌ Opaque pricing structure, with multiple customers mentioning it’s expensive.

9. Zoominfo

Best for: Managing the entire sales funnel.

Similar to:, Outreach.

Zoominfo is a comprehensive sales operating system that packs everything you need to handle the entire sales cycle into a single platform.

However, Zoominfo’s unique selling point is its massive B2B database with excellent NAM coverage. This makes it a preferred alternative to for users who need a rich database paired with versatile sales orchestration features.


  • Extensive B2B database with over 260M professional and 100M company profiles and 135M verified phone numbers.
  • Identifies businesses that land on your website and enriches them with key stakeholder contact details.
  • Chorus conversational intelligence that picks up and analyzes key moments, intent signals, and other relevant points in lead and customer correspondence (emails, phone calls, meetings), providing actionable insights for sales reps.

Who is it for?

Enterprise businesses looking for an all-in-one sales solution.


Zoominfo has separate plans for Sales, Marketing, and Talent teams.

No prices are disclosed, so you’ll have to contact its sales team for a custom quote.

The exact price will depend on:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other opaque factors.

Pros & Cons

✅ One of the largest B2B databases in the world with high accuracy rates.

✅ Wide range of features that can handle most sales processes.

❌ Primarily NAM coverage, other regions are not represented as well.

❌ Expensive.

10. Common Room

Best for: Capturing buyer intent signals across sources.

Similar to: Pocus, Clay.

Common Room can detect and track many intent signals from social media platforms, community and collaboration apps, company news, and more.

It uses these intent signals as a foundation for building a wide range of automated sales workflows - something doesn’t provide to that extent.


  • AI-powered engine for capturing, summarizing, and scoring intent signals from every account across any available source.
  • Advanced lead scoring.
  • Chrome extension for prospecting anywhere on the web.

Who is it for?

Businesses focused on community-led growth and account-based sales and marketing since it detects and tracks intent signals from multiple sources.


Common Room has a free plan limited to 500 contacts and 50 organizations, 2 users, and 2 integrations.

More advanced users can pick one of Common Room’s three paid plans:

  1. Starter:$625/mo, 2 users, up to 35k contacts
  2. Team: $1,250/mo, 3 users, up to 100k contacts
  3. Enterprise: Custom price, 10 users, up to 200k contacts with options for purchasing more

The Team plan has a 14-day free trial.

Note: All plans are annual.

Pros & Cons

✅ Options for setting up automated workflows.

✅ Tracks intent signals across the web.

❌ Annual billing only.

❌ Limited customization options.


Best for: Tracking all customer-facing activities to analyze reps’ performance and help improve it.

Similar to: Common Room, Koala is an AI-powered sales intelligence platform that collects and analyzes customer interactions, helping you uncover hidden opportunities, boost sales reps’ efficiency, and more.

In contrast to, it focuses more on your sales reps’ activities and the progress of each deal and relationship.

Features Reviews, Prices & Ratings | GetApp Canada 2024
  • GenAI-driven interface that you can instruct in natural language to give you quick account summaries, highlight deals that are at risk, or find specific deal details.
  • Captures all the contacts your GTM team engages, perpetually enriching your CRM with new data.
  • Creates detailed org charts to help you track how deals advance, identify hidden opportunities, and monitor the overall relationship with specific deals.

Who is it for?

GTM teams who want to improve their sales reps’ efficiency by keeping close tabs on their communication with leads and gain detailed insights into each deal’s health and advancement.


Unfortunately, chose not to publish pricing details.

There’s no free trial either, so you can only book a demo or contact its sales for a custom quote.

Pros & Cons

✅ AI-powered insights that provide visibility into GTM engagement and activity.

✅ User-friendly interface.

❌ Non-transparent pricing structure.

❌ Issues with CRM syncing and data accuracy.

12. Visitor Queue

Best for: Real-time website personalization.

Similar to: Demandbase

Visitor Queue is a UK-based website visitor identification tool with a twist: it lets you personalize your website for specific leads and target audiences.

If website personalization sounds like an interesting addition to your lead generation strategy, this might be a solid alternative to consider.


  • Advanced filtering options for creating lead segments or excluding website visitors who don’t match your Ideal Customer Profile from showing up in your dashboard.
  • Auto-Assignment, that lets you set lead routing on autopilot.
  • Website analytics benchmarking that compares your website performance and traits against industry benchmarks.

Who is it for?

Account-based sales and marketing teams who’d like to deliver customized experiences for leads.


Believe it or not, Visitor Queue has as many as 11 pricing plans based on the number of unique companies captured per month:

▶️ 100 companies - $39/mo

▶️ 300 companies - $89/mo

▶️ 500 companies - $109/mo

▶️ 1,000 companies - $189/mo

▶️ 2,000 companies - $299/mo

▶️ 5,000 companies - $469/mo

▶️ 10,000 companies - $749/mo

▶️ 15,000 companies - $989/mo

▶️ 20,000 companies - $1,249/mo

▶️ 30,000 companies - $1,799/mo

▶️ 40,000 companies - $2,299/mo

However, if you want website personalization to come with, you’ll have to pay an extra $200 per month.

There’s also a 14-day free trial available.

Pros & Cons

✅ Unlimited users on each plan.

✅ Lets you deliver personalized content for leads on your website.

❌ Limited visitor data, only basic contact details.

❌ Integration issues.

Next Steps: Picking the Perfect Alternative

Although we provided all the information you’ll need to make a data-driven decision and shortlisted only the best alternatives, choosing one solution among so many powerful tools is no easy task.

Each has something unique to offer, so it all comes down to your goals, business requirements, and, last but not least, budget size.

There’s one sure way to determine which tool gets the job done your way—and that’s to test it to get a feel for its interface, capabilities, and alignment with your team.


While you’re here, try Warmly, which offers a free forever plan with no strings attached.

Subscribe today, and start generating hot new leads from the comfort of your website in hours.

Still unsure? Book a live demo with our team and see firsthand what it can do for your business.

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Best 10 Koala Alternatives & Competitors to Try in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

Exploring Koala alternatives to find the perfect intent data tool for your specific use case?

Koala is great to start, but when you’re building your V1 and ready to scale, it’s time to graduate to a solution that can do full chat, automation & workflows.

We prepared a list of the top 10 Koala alternatives, compiling each platform’s key features, strengths and limitations, pricing, and use cases - in one place to help you make an informed decision.

To ensure you’ll get the most complete overview of all software tools, we:

  • Tested some of them ourselves to get a feeling of their UI and UX.
  • Talked to real users to hear their take on their pros and cons.
  • Sifted through dozens of user reviews on reputable software rating sites (e.g., Capterra and G2) so you wouldn’t have to.

But first, let’s get a closer look into why you might need a Koala alternative.

Why Switch to a Koala Alternative?

Although Koala has only been on the market briefly, it’s already gained popularity among users thanks to its solid product offering.

Some of its standout features include:

  • Tracks product usage data and translates it to actionable insights, letting you monitor your customers’ product journeys and detect important milestones.
  • Intent and ICP scoring, allowing sales reps to identify surging accounts and prioritize those that fit into your ICP the best. 

However, Koala has several downsides that users may find to be dealbreakers over some of the alternatives listed below.

1. Missing 3rd-party enrichment and visitor data

Koala focuses on first-party intent data collected from your website, email marketing campaigns, and product usage.

It doesn’t provide options for tracking third-party intent data (your lead’s entire digital buyer journey, including researched topics, interactions with competitors’ ads, etc.).


It also can't identify visitors in real-time. As a result, you may miss "hot" leads or won't have the data you need to engage.


2. Not enough sales engagement and automation options

Koala lets users set up automated outbound campaigns that add prospects showing relevant intent to email sequences.

It also enables automatic lead routing and activity monitoring via Slack alerts.

That’s pretty much all Koala offers regarding sales automation and engagement.

You can’t create intricate sales playbooks or directly engage leads when they’re showing high intent (compared to Warmly, for example).


3. Its best features are gated for top-tier users

Most users consider Koala's best features to be automated outbound campaigns, lead scoring, intent signals reports, and auto CRM syncs.


The problem?

All of them are available only on Koala's most expensive Custom plan, meaning that lower-tier users won’t be able to enjoy its most powerful capabilities.

This will be a major issue if you cannot commit to expensive tooling before testing its value.

And now, let’s get to the juicy part - the list of the top 10 Koala alternatives.

What Are the Best Koala Alternatives in 2024?

  1. Warmly - Identifies website visitors, enriches them with quality intent data, and helps you convert them.
  2. Qualified - AI-powered conversational marketing platform.
  3. Pocus - Signal-based selling platform for go-to-market teams.
  4. Common Room - Customer intelligence solution that uses AI to pick up intent signals from multiple sources.
  5. Clay - Waterfall data enrichment platform.
  6. Demandbase - Account-based marketing software that lets you automate key sales processes.
  7. Lead Forensics - Lead generation tool with a large B2B contact database and options for identifying anonymous website traffic.
  8. Zoominfo - All-in-one sales platform.
  9. 6Sense - Intent data provider that tracks and uncovers third-party buying intent signals.
  10. Signals - Sales and marketing automation tool whose workflows are triggered by intent signals.

1. Warmly

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform built for sales and marketing teams looking to unlock their website’s full revenue potential.

Unlike Koala, Warmly can identify individual leads visiting your site and automate all engagement channels based on enrichment and intent data.

These 3 features make prospects choose Warmly over Koala 👇

Feature #1: Website traffic deanonymization

Like Koala, Warmly identifies anonymous website visitors at both company and prospect levels, in stark contrast to most website traffic tracking software.

All it takes is pasting a snippet of Warmly’s code into your website, and the platform will reveal the people and businesses surfing it in real-time.

Additionally, you can paste the code into outbound email campaigns to track leads that came through each, allowing you to cover more than one lead generation channel.

Similarly to Koala, Warmly proceeds to enrich each identified lead with relevant data, including:

  • Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, company addresses, phone numbers, etc.). 
  • Technographic data (software tools and technology a business uses).
  • CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your reps, etc.).
  • SEP data (e.g., interactions with specific outreach campaigns).
  • And much more.

In addition to these data enrichment essentials, the revenue orchestration platform also reveals buyer intent data.

Here’s where the first key difference between Warmly and Koala comes into play, as Warmly provides not one but two types of intent data:

  1. First-party intent data that includes all the details of your leads’ web sessions, such as the pages they visited, which pages they spent most time on, what content they downloaded, etc.
  2. Third-party intent data that provides insight into leads’ entire buyer journey by uncovering recent topics they researched on the web, visits to competitors’ websites, interactions with Google and social media ads, etc.

Why is this important?

First-party intent data is a powerful tool in every marketing and sales strategy because the way leads interact with your website lets reps recognize when they’re ready to buy.

However, only when you combine it with third-party intent data do you get a complete picture of a lead’s likelihood to convert.

The outcome?

Sales and marketing reps will be enabled to:

  1. Design better targeted and hyper-personalized sales and marketing campaigns tailored to each lead based on in-depth insights.
  2. Qualify and score leads more precisely and accurately.
  3. Identify the hottest leads and zoom in on them first.
  4. Recognize potential leads that fit your Ideal Customer Profile best and create designated engaging and nurturing strategies.

Feature #2: Orchestrator

This AI-powered capability lets you run prospecting and outreach on autopilot.

AI Prospector automatically adds website visitors who match certain criteria - e.g., fit your ICP, exhibit high-intent behavior, etc. - to sequences, such as:

  • Sending a personalized web chat message.
  • Firing a contextual email.
  • Connecting with them on LinkedIn.

One of the best parts of the AI Prospector is that it can be fully customized to meet your business requirements and goals, allowing you to configure the WHO, WHAT, and WHEN of prospecting.

As a result, you’ll get an omnipresent SDR ready to engage your ideal leads whenever Warmly detects them on your website.

Give it a go yourself 👇or watch it in action

Feature #3: Live prospecting 

In addition to the AI Prospector, Widely provides a suite of other functionalities that let you handle all aspects of prospecting and lead engagement from a single point of control.

Firstly, you can set up Slack notifications that will automatically alert sales reps whenever:

  • A high-value lead lands on your website.
  • A lead makes a high-intent query in the chatbot or asks to speak to a real human.
  • Take other actions that qualify them as high-intent accounts.

You can configure the alerts to route each lead to the most appropriate sales rep based on various criteria (e.g., location, industry, account ownership, etc.).

This way, you’ll ensure that no qualified lead goes through your website unnoticed, as sales reps will be notified whenever an important opportunity occurs.

When it comes to options for engaging leads, Warmly provides two:

  1. Live chat that lets sales reps take over from the platform’s AI-powered chatbot.
  2. Live video calls that let reps hop on video calls with warm leads straight from Warmly’s dashboard.

Both features can be accessed from the “Warm Calls” section of Warmly’s dashboard, which:

  • Shows who’s on your website right now.
  • Provides every visitor’s curated data profile.
  • Lets you monitor their web sessions in real time.
  • Enables you to engage them immediately.


Warmly has a free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 people and companies visiting your website, which is perfect for getting a taste of one of the platform’s essential capabilities.

If you expect higher traffic volumes and need more features, you can pick one of three plans:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with sales intelligence tools such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense.


Warmly provides access to these providers’ databases on all its paid plans, meaning you’ll get an entire bundle of products for the price of one.

It also integrates with OpenAI and most modern sales tools (SEPs, CRMs, etc.).

How does Warmly compare to Koala?

Both Koala and Warmly provide accurate and granular website visitor identification, revealing companies and individual prospects.

However, that’s where all similarity stops.

While Koala focuses on PLG and account-based marketing features, providing options for monitoring product usage and automated ICP fit scoring, Warmly aims to deliver a more "execution-based" solution.

Unlike Koala, which only lets you automate outbound follow-up emails, Warmly provides a wide set of prospecting and engagement options, ranging from live calls and chats to AI-powered autopilot prospecting and chatbots.

Note that while Koala has lower entry prices than Warmly, its best features are available only on its highest tier.

Koala does have amazing lead scoring capabilities. It's a solid choice if that's what you're looking for.

Ultimately, both Koala and Warmly are good intent data solutions in their own way.

Koala might be a better fit for PLG companies that are more interested in tracking how users interact with their product than creating lead scores that also include website activity and firmographics.

And if you’re looking for intent signals, plus the ability to engage prospects based on those signals, Warmly is for you.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies companies and individuals visiting your website.

✅ Enriches leads with granular first- and third-party intent data.

✅ Sales prospecting on autopilot.

✅ Sales engagement options.

✅ All paid plans include all its features.

❌ Annual pricing options only.

2. Qualified

Best for: Engaging high-intent visitors on your website.

Similar to: Warmly, 6Sense.

Qualified is a website visitor tracking platform that includes an AI-powered chatbot assistant.

It’s a good alternative to Koala if you’re looking to harness the power of AI to automate various sales and marketing processes, such as lead routing, engagement, crafting tailored offers, etc.


  • AI Pounce engages visitors using a highly personalized approach based on the intent data Qualified revealed.
  • AI-powered chatbot SDR that answers leads’ queries, asks questions to qualify them, schedules meetings, etc.
  • Optimized for Salesforce data enrichment because it’s built on its platform.

Who is it for?

Qualified is the best match for enterprise-grade Salesforce users who want to enrich their CRMs with quality data automatically and have an AI assistant to help them manage other sales processes.


Qualified has three payment plans:

  1. Growth: $42k/year MINIMUM, up to 15 users, includes basic AI features, purchase intent signals, data enrichment, and sales engagement options.
  2. Premier: Custom price, includes more advanced options, such as advanced Salesforce integration and ABM-oriented integrations.
  3. Enterprise: Custom price, built for enterprise-level users. Includes AI Chatbot, custom data retention policies, etc.

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies website visitors at both company and individual levels.

✅ Deep Salesforce integration for optimal syncing and enrichment experience. 

✅ Tracks intent signals.

❌ Very expensive. 

❌ Geared toward Salesforce - doesn't support HubSpot.

❌ Can only automate website chats.

‎ Doesn't reveal contact-level data.

3. Pocus

Best for: Identifying revenue opportunities from product usage.

Similar to: Common Room, Endgame.

Pocus is an AI-driven product-led sales platform that lets users streamline sales operations using AI, product, and intent data.

It provides more options for building automated workflows than Koala, making it a good alternative for users looking to put a solid chunk of their product-led sales opportunities on autopilot.


  • AI-powered automations called playbooks let you build intricate signal-based sales workflows.
  • AI recommendations that help you determine which playbooks perform well and which need to be improved.
  • Seamless integration with product data sources like Segment and Snowflake.
  • Enriches CRMs with intent data gathered from 14+ providers.

Who is it for?

Product-led companies doing sales prospecting from product usage.


Pocus doesn’t disclose its pricing structure online.

All you can do is book a demo and see what its team has to offer for your specific use case.

Pros & Cons

✅ Rich library of playbook templates to help you kickstart inbound and outbound sales.

✅ Seamless integrations with the most popular CRMs.

❌ Requires product data cleanups before it's usable by sales teams.

❌ Difficult to understand data sources, making check-ups and assessments tricky.

❌ Seems to be viable for Enterprise-sized PLG companies only.

4. Common Room

Best for: Tracking various intent signals across sources.

Similar to: Pocus, Warmly.

Common Room is optimized for picking up a wide range of intent signals from all kinds of online sources, including social media posts, collaboration and community apps, company news and events, etc.

Unlike Koala, it lets you set up sales workflows based on the intent signals it captures.


  • AI-driven waterfall data enrichment to ensure high accuracy and matching rates.
  • Chrome extension that lets you find prospects anywhere on the web.
  • AI-powered tool for capturing, summarizing, and scoring buying signals from every user and account across any trackable source.

Who is it for?

Mid-to-large-sized companies with high website traffic volumes.


Common Room has a free plan limited to 500 contacts and 50 organizations, 2 users, and 2 integrations.

More advanced users can pick one of Common Room’s three paid plans:

  1. Starter:$625/mo, 2 users, up to 35k contacts
  2. Team: $1,250/mo, 3 users, up to 100k contacts
  3. Enterprise: Custom price, 10 users, up to 200k contacts with options for purchasing more

The platform offers a 14-day free trial for its Team plan.

Note: All plans are annual.

Pros & Cons

✅ Options for setting up automated workflows.

✅ Tracks intent signals across the web.

❌ Annual billing only.

❌ Limited customization options.

Can't support waterfall enrichment.

5. Clay

Best for: Maximizing data coverage while saving time.

Similar to: No one.

Clay is a waterfall enrichment solution. It collects relevant data from dozens of online sources and translates it into actionable insights, letting users create targeted lead lists.

It provides better data coverage than Koala and has an AI-driven research agent that enables highly specific online searches.


  • Lets you build and enrich targeted lead lists by cross-referencing over 70 data sources.
  • Conversational AI-powered web scraper, Claygent, that you can use to collect and summarize relevant data on your leads anywhere on the web.
  • Options for setting up custom lead scoring systems.

Who is it for?

Clay’s spreadsheet interface makes it RevOps teams' favorite data enrichment tool, while sales and marketing people often find it too complicated.


Clay has a free forever plan that provides 100 search credits per month and limited access to its features.

If you need more credits and features, you can choose from 4 pricing tiers:

  1. Starter: $149/mo
  2. Explorer: $349/mo
  3. Pro: $800/mo
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing

The Pro plan has a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Dynamic lead enrichment that provides high matching rates.

✅ Lets you automate parts of your outbound sales operations, such as generating personalized emails, adding contacts to outreach sequences based on specific criteria, etc.

❌ Steep learning curve.

❌ Credit-based pricing can easily result in overspending.

6. Demandbase

Best for: Account-based marketing.

Similar to: LeadForensics

Demandbase is another buyer intent software that lets you build automated workflows on top of intent signals.

It’s a viable Koala alternative if you plan to run large-scale ABM campaigns and need access to advanced analytics and marketing automation.

  • Optimizes B2B advertising across levels by using intent data, detailed analytics for KPI tracking, multichannel reach, and segmentation.
  • Highly customizable predictive analytics to help you score accounts and prioritize high-value ones.
  • Provides in-depth B2B sales intelligence data.

Who is it for?

Sales and marketing teams looking to power their ABM strategies with intent data and sales intelligence.


Demandbase has three essential plans that include access to all its core features:

  1. Professional
  2. Enterprise
  3. Elite

No prices are published for any plan.

Also, some of Demandbase’s features, such as its B2B data and personalization options, are available as add-ons only.

If you’re not interested in paying for all of Demandbase’s products, the platform lets you buy “A La Carte,” i.e., purchase only those you need.

In that case, you can choose from 4 product packages:

1 - ABX, which includes 3 plans:

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Elite

2 - Advertising, that comes with two plans:

  • Self-Serve
  • Supported

3 - Sales Intelligence with:

  • Enterprise
  • Elite

4 - Data

‎Again, no prices are published, so you’ll have to contact sales for more details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Excellent B2B advertising feature suite. 

✅ Lets you build data-driven workflows.

❌ Non-transparent pricing, indicating it’s expensive.

❌ Learning curve.

❌ Limited integrations.

7. Lead Forensics

Best for: Website visitor identification coupled with a solid proprietary B2B database.

Similar to: Zoominfo

Lead Forensics identifies companies landing on your website and enriches them with first-party intent data and essential B2B data you’d expect from a data enrichment platform.

If you have a large team that doesn’t need granular intent data, Lead Forensics might be the best Koala alternative because it provides unlimited seats in all plans.


  • Identifies companies visiting your website and provides details of their website session along with contact details and other basic information.
  • Options for uploading your ICP lists and getting real-time notifications when a business from the list lands on your website.
  • Lets you track leads who’ve come to your website through online ads, allowing for better marketing attribution.

Who is it for?

B2B sales teams that need straightforward website identification software paired with a solid B2B contact database.


Lead Forensics has two plans:

  1. Essential, built for SMBs
  2. Automate, for enterprise businesses

Lead Forensics doesn’t publish its pricing structure, meaning you have to contact its team directly for a quote.

There’s a one-week free trial for both plans.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lets you create lead segments for easier tracking of high-value visitors.

✅ Good data accuracy.

❌ Identifies only company-account visitors.

❌ Opaque pricing structure, with multiple G2 reviewers mentioning it’s costly.

8. Zoominfo 

Best for: Managing entire sales processes.

Similar to:, Outreach, HubSpot

Zoominfo is an all-in-one sales operating system that provides users with everything they need to handle the complete sales cycle - from prospecting to converting high-quality leads.

Zoominfo’s key advantage, which makes it widely popular among users, is its massive B2B database. 

So, if that’s the primary thing your team is after - in addition to sales automation features - Zoominfo is a superior choice to Koala.


  • Extensive B2B database with over 260M professional and 100M company profiles and 135M verified phone numbers.
  • Sales automation capabilities for streamlining phone and email outreach. 
  • Identifies businesses that land on your website and enriches them with key stakeholder contact details.

Who is it for?

Zoominfo is the best pick for enterprise-scale users looking for a comprehensive sales solution.


Zoominfo has separate plans for Sales, Talent, and Marketing teams.

No prices are disclosed, so you’ll have to contact its sales team for a custom quote.

The exact price will depend on:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other opaque factors.

Pros & Cons

✅ One of the largest B2B databases in the world with high accuracy rates.

✅ Vast range of features apt for covering most sales processes.

❌ Limited intent data.

❌ Primarily NAM coverage, other regions are not represented as well.

❌ Expensive.

9. 6Sense

Best for: Accessing reliable, accurate, and actionable B2B data.

Similar to: Demandbase, Qualified

6Sense is best known for its data, as it detects and analyzes 500B+ intent signals per month, in addition to tracking millions of buyer and company profiles, technologies, etc.

It also lets users create data-driven workflows to streamline their sales and marketing efforts, making it a good Koala competitor.

💡 ‎Note: Warmly includes access to 6sense intent data and others like Clearbit and Bombora on all plans.


  • Identifies website visitors and ties them in with the intent data it revealed, creating detailed lead profiles for easier scoring, qualification, and routing.
  • Lead capturing form optimization.
  • Automatic data enrichment for acquiring, enhancing, cleaning, and syncing relevant data in your CRMs.

Who is it for?

Sales and marketing teams that need first-rate intent data first and foremost.


6Sense has a free plan that includes only 50 monthly credits with access to some of its basic features.

For more, you can upgrade to one of three premium options:

  • Team 
  • Growth
  • Enterprise

6Sense is yet another platform that doesn’t publish prices for any of its plans.

💡 ‎Note: Warmly includes access to 6sense intent data and others like Clearbit and Bombora on all plans.

Pros & Cons

✅ Quality intent data.

✅ Sales prioritization dashboards for a compact overview of your most relevant and surging accounts.

❌ Expensive.

❌ Difficult to navigate.

10. Signals

Best for: Engaging and scoring website visitors via an Artificial Intelligence-driven chatbot.

Similar to: Qualified, Warmly, Koala.

Signals is another platform that leverages intent data to help sales and marketing teams create data-driven outreach strategies.

Its lead engagement options, particularly smart chatbots, make it a better choice than Koala for users who expect more versatility from their solution.


  • Lets you build flexible data-intent-powered workflows to streamline sales operations in a way best suited for your business.
  • Customizable chatbots that use Signals’ intent data to create a tailored approach for each lead.
  • Predictive AI lead scoring based on relevant criteria such as how long visitors stay on your website, which pages they visit, whether they align with your ICP, etc.

Who is it for?

SMBs looking to improve their sales operations by fueling them with relevant sales intelligence and intent signals.


Signals has three pricing plans:

  • Team: $899/mo
  • Company: $1,799/mo
  • Enterprise: 5,199/mo

The plans primarily differ in terms of ID credits and access to more advanced features, such as AI Buying Intent Score and real-time alerts.

There’s no free trial, but you can book a demo with Signals’ team.

Signals also offer several add-ons for users who need extra features.

Pros &Cons

✅ Stellar customer support.

✅ Very customizable.

❌ Has too many features, making it somewhat overwhelming for smaller teams.

❌ Learning curve.

Next Steps: Choosing the Perfect Koala Alternative for You

Now that you have all the necessary info, making the final call should be easier.

All that’s left to do is weigh each tool’s use cases, unique strengths, and potential drawbacks against your specific needs and expectations.

The best way to find out how well a platform aligns with your goals?

You can take it for a test ride—provided there’s a free trial—to get the hang of what it can do for you.

One thing is certain. 

If you’re looking to maximize your website’s conversion potential and access a wide suite of features without spending a fortune, Warmly is the best platform to start with.

Subscribe to its free plan and learn how it can boost your sales efficiency before you know it.

Prefer to see it in action first? No problem! Book a live demo tailored to your business and explore its functionality before signing up.

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Zoominfo Pricing Guide for 2024: Is It Worth It?

Time to read

Alan Zhao

Zoominfo’s pricing is notorious for being opaque, confusing, and expensive.

Assessing whether it’s worth the cost is no easy task.

In this guide, we’ll explain Zoominfo's pricing policy, including the factors that influence the total platform costs.

Once you have a clearer picture of its pricing, you might decide ZoomInfo isn't for you. Don’t worry—we’ve also got you covered.

We’ll offer an alternative solution that ticks all the boxes Zoominfo doesn’t, giving you another option to consider.

But first, let’s delve into the key subject - Zoominfo pricing options.

Zoominfo Pricing Plans

Marketed as a “Sales OS,” Zoominfo offers a wide range of features to meet the needs of various user types.

As a result, it offers three separate plans for Sales, Marketing, and Talent teams.

There are no fixed subscription fees for any of the plans because they depend on several factors.

According to Zoominfo’s team, the total price is influenced by:

  1. Features and functionality you want included in the package.
  2. Number of licenses, i.e., number of users.
  3. Credit usage.

Other Zoominfo Pricing Factors to Consider

In addition to this basic information, there are a few more details you need to be aware of to gain a better understanding of just how expensive Zoominfo can get:

1. The credit cost varies

A credit-based pricing model is always problematic to some extent, as credits tend to be used up much faster than expected.

With Zoominfo, however, things get even more complicated.

The cost of Zoominfo credits depends on the type and depth of information a user requires. The credit price increases if you need more in-depth B2B intelligence, such as technographic, org charts, department budgets, and real-time alerts when a relevant company event happens. 

Basic credits offer only demographic and firmographic details.

2. Some of Zoominfo’s most advanced features are add-ons

Although you might think that Zoominfo’s Sales and Marketing plans include all the core features you need to streamline vital sales processes, that’s not the case. 

Functionalities crucial for your outreach efforts to succeed, such as tracking intent signals and sales engagement options, are only available as add-on solutions (Streaming Intent and Engage) that Zoominfo charges separately. 

This means that its best features are hidden behind a high paywall.


The pricing for add-ons is also credit-based.

3. Integrations will cost you extra

Zoominfo integrates with various CRMs, sales automation, and marketing automation tools. 

However, there’s usually a base cost for installing and using these integrations, requiring a purchase of minimum bulk credits for initial use.

If your usage exceeds the credit limit, you can always buy more - resulting in extra costs.

Now that we have clarified some of Zoominfo's pricing's most confusing aspects, let’s examine the key features each of its pricing tiers includes.

4. You’re locked into yearlong contracts

ZoomInfo doesn’t do monthly contracts. To purchase the solution, their account executives will force you into an annual agreement. 

It’s a worthwhile option if you’re convinced it is the right solution for you, as annual contracts are cheaper than monthly recurring ones. However, this can be an issue if you’re still on the fence and want to validate the product.

Zoominfo Sales Plan

Zoominfo Sales is designed for sales teams looking to accelerate the sales cycle.

As such, it includes:

  • Access to its vast B2B contact database that provides intelligence such as accurate email addresses, direct dial numbers, and mobile phone numbers.
  • Chorus conversational intelligence.
  • Website visitor tracking.
  • Deep company insights and basic intent data.
  • Sales engagement apps and integrations.

However, as explained above, if you need more granular intent data and access to Zoominfo’s native sales engagement options, the total price will be increased.

This kind of pricing policy is especially problematic for smaller-scale users with tight budgets.


If your credit consumption exceeds the limits, you’ll have to pay extra for additional credits.

The Sales plan comes with a free trial, but we can’t say how long the trial period is, as there’s no clear information on that either.

Zoominfo Marketing Plan

Zoominfo built this plan to help marketing teams create better-targeted marketing campaigns and increase their ROI.

It provides features like:

  • Essential B2B contact data and company insights. 
  • Out-of-the-box integrations with various marketing solutions (e.g., HubSpot, Marketo, etc.).
  • Ad Targeting perfect for account-based marketing.
  • Lead-capturing form optimization.
  • Website Chat.
  • Website visitor tracking.

There’s no free trial for the Marketing plan, but you can book a demo.

Zoominfo Talent Plan

In addition to its sales and marketing solutions, Zoominfo lets HR teams leverage its vast datasets.

To help recruiters be more efficient in finding the best talent, the Talent Plan includes the following features:

  • Accurate contact data and sophisticated filtering for advanced searches.
  • Integrations with engagement and similar apps.
  • Real-time relevant candidate alerts.
  • Team collaboration options.

Like Marketing, the Talent plan doesn’t have a free trial, but you can book a demo.

Is Zoominfo Expensive?

Let’s look at what we know so far about Zoominfo pricing:

  1. It’s credit-based, which is a major issue for big-scale users who ingest larger data volumes.
  2. Not all credits cost the same - the more in-depth intelligence you need, the more you’ll pay.
  3. Although its website claims to include a wide range of features in each plan, once you scratch beneath the surface a bit more, you find that the most advanced ones are charged extra.
  4. The pricing plans are annual, although depending on your package, you can negotiate other payment options and frequencies.
  5. Its team doesn’t even publish a rough estimate of the pricing range, so we are urging you to contact them directly for a quote.

Considering all the factors, it’s fair to say that Zoominfo is definitely on the more expensive end of the scale.


Another point worth mentioning, as it sheds a specific light on Zoominfo’s value for money, is that quite a few users complain about Zoominfo’s data, mentioning inaccuracies, missing and stale data, etc.



How Much Does ZoomInfo Actually Cost?

According to software reseller Vendr, here is what ZoomInfo will actually cost you: 

SalesOS Pricing

  • For companies with a headcount of 200, pricing ranges from $24,800 to $44,200
  • For companies with a headcount of 1,000, pricing ranges from $50,200 to $113,800
  • For companies with a headcount over 1,000, pricing ranges from $83,200 to $161,900

What Happens at Renewal? 

Again, according to software reseller Vendr, ZoomInfo customers can get discounts at renewal 👇

  • "We were able to achieve an additional 6.41% discount upon renewal to help get the annual value closer to budget constraints. Insight was posted recently."
  • "We were able to get the annual 10% uplift removed by committing to an early renewal (signed 45 days in advance). Insight was posted recently."

A Better Option than Zoominfo?

If paying what might easily turn out to be thousands of dollars for a platform that doesn’t really deliver optimal results doesn’t sound tempting, we’ve got an alternative that might be more to your liking, as it:

  • Has transparent pricing with no hidden costs.
  • Doesn’t come with expensive add-ons.
  • Doesn’t charge you extra for its integrations.

This solution is Warmly - a revenue orchestration platform that lets you reveal, enrich, and convert website visitors.

In the following section, we’ll explore how Warmly achieves this.

Warmly’s Features

Warmly aims to provide a suite of tools capable of tackling complete sales funnel management.

However, three of its features make it a particularly suitable alternative to Zoominfo:

  1. AI Prospector
  2. Sales engagement
  3. Lead enrichment

Let’s break them down one by one.

1. AI Prospector

The AI Prospector is the SDR that’s available 24/7, constantly on the look out for warm leads, and ready to engage them whenever.

This feature lets you add leads that fit certain criteria to automated outreach sequences, such as:

  1. Connecting with them on LinkedIn. 
  2. Sending a personalized cold email.
  3. Firing a chatbot message.

This lets you engage warm leads while they’re surfing your website - that is, when their interest in your product is probably the highest.

The AI Prospector is highly configurable, allowing you to specify WHO the AI Prospector should focus on, WHAT it should do, and WHEN  it should do it:

By automating simple engagement actions such as this, you’ll provide SDRs with more time to do what they excel at: nurture leads and close more deals.

Try it yourself 👇or watch it in action

2. Sales engagement (Warm Calls and Routing)

No sales platform is complete without sales engagement options.

Unlike Zoominfo, which charges extra for its Engage capability, Warmly provides sales engagement features on all its paid plans.

In addition to an AI-powered chatbot, which you can train to engage potential leads in a way that best resonates with your business goals and brand image, you have options to reach out to leads via text or video chat straight from Warmly.

If you head to the “Warm Calls” section of Warmly’s dashboard, you’ll see the people and businesses visiting your website right now.

Next to each identified visitor, you can find a detailed overview of all the data Warmly has on them, from firmographics to intent data. This enables sales reps to easily determine how well they fit into your ICP and how warm they are.

From there, reps can go for one of two options:

  1. Send leads a chat message, specifying they’re talking to an actual person and making it personal by mentioning the page they’re currently on, their company, location, or other relevant insight Warmly revealed.
  2. Engage them in a video call.

Live video chat was one of Warmly’s functionalities that helped Caddis Systems increase website conversions by 500% in 7 days.

In both cases, the intelligence your reps will have on every lead will help them design a more personalized, tailored approach that’s more likely to result in a conversion.

Additionally, you can set up Slack notifications to alert sales reps when:

  • A high-value lead lands on your website.
  • A lead makes a high-intent query in the chatbot (e.g., asks about pricing, a particular feature, etc.).
  • A lead requires to speak to an actual human.

Slack alerts can be configured to forward specific leads to the most suitable sales rep based on a range of criteria (account ownership, location, previous interactions, etc.), allowing you to handle lead routing at the same time.

3. Lead enrichment

Like Zoominfo, Warmly includes options for identifying anonymous website visitors, but there’s a significant difference between the two platforms.

Zoominfo can only reveal companies that land on your website.

Warmly, on the other hand, identifies both companies and people, often allowing you to uncover the exact stakeholders surfing your website right now.

All it takes is pasting a piece of Warmly’s code into your website, and you’ll start identifying about 15% of individuals and 65% of companies that land on your website.

You can also paste the code snippet into email outreach campaigns, which allows you to track leads coming from particular sequences and makes attribution much easier.

Behavioral Signals used this trick to detect leads coming through their email campaigns. Combining this with other Warmly’s features allowed them to source $7M in their sales pipeline.

Learn how to start tracking website visitors here.

While Warmly doesn’t have a large static B2B database like Zoominfo, it still enriches your leads with all the essential data, including:

  1. Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, company locations, mobile phone numbers, etc.). 
  2. Technographic data (a business’s tech stack).
  3. CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your sales reps, etc.).
  4. SEP data (interactions with previous outreach efforts, e.g., email campaigns, ads, etc.)

However, it doesn’t stop there, as it also provides first and third-party buyer intent data:

  1. First-party buyer intent data includes valuable insights into leads’ interactions with your website, such as:
  • The pages they visited.
  • Which pages they spent the most time on.
  • The content they downloaded.
  • Which forms they filled out, and more.

2. Third-party intent data, on the other hand, is a sort of a digital breadcrumb trail, giving insight into leads’ entire web journeys, including things like:

  • Recently researched web topics.
  • Visits to competitors’ websites.
  • Job posts.
  • Social media interactions, etc.

Quality intent data plays a key role in businesses’ sales and marketing strategies, as it can uncover hidden gems that can boost conversion rates. 

Find out how intent data boosted VioletX’s growth by 400%.

Thanks to it, your sales and marketing reps can:

  1. Easily recognize the hottest leads among website visitors and focus on them first.
  2. Create tailored outreach approaches for each lead.
  3. Determine when they’re most likely to convert and engage them at that exact time.
  4. Qualify and score leads with more efficiency and precision.

Note: Warmly provides intent data in all paid tiers without additional charges.


Warmly integrates with powerful data solutions, such as Bombora, 6Sense, Clearbit, etc., providing access to their datasets in each pricing plan.

This means you’ll get a bundle of data products for the price of one solution, which packs a wide range of features designed to accelerate your sales pipeline.

Warmly also has seamless integrations with all the popular CRM and sales solutions, allowing it to fit into various tech stacks easily.


Warmly has a free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 individuals and companies visiting your website. This plan is perfect for trying out one of the platform’s essential capabilities.

If you expect higher monthly web traffic and need additional features, there are three paid tiers to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

💡 ‎ Note: All the paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense.

Convert More Qualified Leads with Warmly

There’s no denying that Zoominfo is a powerful tool with thousands of satisfied users.

It offers a broad set of features, with an emphasis on its vast B2B database, which probably has the most complete coverage of North American businesses.

At the same time, it can’t be said that Zoominfo is an affordable solution.

Its credit-based pricing, the fact that it charges different amounts for different data types, and its non-transparent pricing structure make it a less-than-ideal option for many.

So, if you want access to in-depth intent data sourced from world-class providers, accurate website visitor identification, and lead engagement options without worrying you’ll break the bank - Warmly might be what you’re looking for.

Our clients agree:

Jessica Z., Verified G2 Reviewer

Its straightforward pricing leaves no room for doubt and worries while giving you all you need to enhance lead generation and increase conversion rates.

The best way to find out if Warmly is your kind of solution? 

Sign up for its free plan and give it a try firsthand. 

Or, if you’d prefer to see all of its features in live action first, book a personalized demo with our team.

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16 Sales Intelligence Tools to Close More Deals in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

Sales intelligence tools are a valuable addition to any business’s tech stack, as they allow for:

  • Better-targeted prospecting.
  • More successful lead generation efforts.
  • Creating personalized sales strategies.
  • Improving conversion rates across levels.

However, to enjoy all the benefits of sales intelligence software, you’ll have to find one perfect for your needs, market, and goals - and we’re here to help.

We did all the tedious research for you and came up with the 16 best B2B sales intelligence platforms for modern sales teams.

Most importantly, we included a wide range of tools so you can find the best solution for your specific sales strategy.

Let’s go! 

Factors to Consider when Buying a B2B Sales Intelligence Solution

A few quick tips before we get to our list ⤵️

Is the Data Accurate? 

A sales intelligence platform is only as good as its data. If the data is outdated, inaccurate, or lacking, the entire platform will only succeed in creating a mess in your sales process.

Does it have the right type of data?

Some sales intelligence software provides only the most basic lead and prospect information, such as contact details. However, you'll need more granular data for more precise and efficient lead generation, including technographic, first and third-party buyer intent, etc.

Can you scale without breaking the bank?

Can the platform scale easily with your business, or will an increase in needs and data volumes break the bank? 

This is one of the most crucial questions before committing to a tool, and the hidden drawbacks of tools like ZoomInfo and Demandbase. 

Does it play well with your tech stack?

Ensure that your platform of choice integrates well with the rest of your tool stack, particularly emphasizing other sales solutions like CRM and SEP platforms.

And now, let’s finally look at our curated list.

What Are the Best Sales Intelligence Tools in 2024?

  1. Warmly - Best for identifying and converting website visitors.
  2. Gong - AI-powered revenue intelligence platform.
  3. Clari - Enterprise revenue platform that provides sales intelligence, engagement, and forecasting options.
  4. - AI-driven sales intelligence tool for GTM teams.
  5. RevenueGrid - Sales intelligence platform perfect for Salesforce users.
  6. Affinity - Relationship intelligence platform.
  7. Outreach - Sales execution platform built for sales leaders.
  8. - AI meeting assistant that collects vital insights from interactions with leads.
  9. Clay - Cross-references data across 70+ reliable data sources for optimal coverage.
  10. - All-in-one sales automation and intelligence platform.
  11. Lusha - B2B sales data intelligence and prospecting tool.
  12. Keyplay - B2B database with custom filtering and advanced lead scoring.
  13. Cognism - International coverage of B2B sales intelligence.
  14. LeadGenius - Custom-curated sales data intelligence for particular industries.
  15. Zoominfo - Enterprise-level sales operating system.
  16. Crunchbase - Massive database of private company data.

1. Warmly

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform that lets users:

  • Identify anonymous website visitors.
  • Enrich them with in-depth data.
  • Convert them by leveraging Warmly’s in-depth insights and sales engagement options.

Let’s take a closer look at some of its standout features:

Feature #1: Reveals leads on your website

Warmly reveals the companies and individuals that land on your website, allowing you to easily figure out who might be interested in buying right now.

Website visitor tracking is very easy to set up: Paste a snippet of Warmly’s code into your website, and you’ll start identifying anonymous website visitors in hours.

You can also track leads that come through specific outreach campaigns. Pasting the code snippet into your cold emails will do the trick, and Warmly will take care of the rest.

Knowing who’s visiting your website is just the start. Next, Warmly enriches your records with the intent data sales teams need to craft campaigns that book meetings.

Feature #2: Intent enrichment

Warmly will enrich each identified lead or account with data going beyond what most sales intelligence platforms usually offer.

In addition to firmographics, demographics, CRM, technographic data, etc., Warmly also reveals intent data, including:

First-party intent data 

These are insights into visitors’ website sessions, uncovering details such as the pages they visited, the pages they spent most time on, PDFs they downloaded, forms they filled out, etc.

Third-party intent data 

This type of intent data paints a much wider picture of a potential lead’s interest in your solution, as it provides insights into their overall web activity, including recently searched-for topics, social media posts, job posts, etc.

Thanks to Warmly’s deep integrations with intent data solutions such as Bombora, 6Sense, People’s Data Labs, etc., you'll have access to both intent data types.

Feature #3: Warm calls

Warmly provides several options for engaging hot leads while they’re on your website, one of which is Warm Calls.

The “Warm Calls” section of Warmly’s dashboard reveals who’s visiting your website right now, in addition to all the details and intent intelligence it has on them.

This lets SDRs assess which leads are most likely to convert right now and engage them by hopping on a video call straight from Warmly.

Moreover, you can set up Slack notifications that will alert sales reps when a high-quality lead lands on your website.

This allows reps to tune into leads’ website sessions and engage them via chat or video call when the time is right.


Warmly has a free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 people and companies visiting your website, which is perfect for getting a taste of one of the platform’s essential capabilities.

If you expect higher traffic volumes and need more features, you can pick one of three plans:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with sales intelligence tools such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense, allowing you to get a bundle of products at the price of one.


As mentioned above, Warmly’s plans include expensive data solutions that you would otherwise have to purchase separately. 

It comes bundled with Clearbit, Bombora, People Data Labs, 6Sense, and OpenAI and integrates with most modern sales platforms (CRMs, SEPs, etc.).

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies both companies and individuals visiting your website.

✅ Enriches each revealed visitor with granular first and third-party intent data.

✅ Includes access to comprehensive data solutions on all its paid plans.

✅ Sales engagement features.

✅ Job Change Tracking and Warm Intro functionalities for further advancing lead generation and outreach efforts.

❌ Annual plans only.

2. Gong

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform that harnesses the power of AI to analyze all interactions your team has had with prospective customers, translating them into actionable insights.


  • Gong’s AI model processes the entire context of all correspondence with your leads, highlighting key topics, top questions, and overall relationship dynamics.
  • Tracks over 300 unique signals to predict the outcome of any deal, allowing reps to prioritize winning deals.
  • Detailed analytics reports that track KPIs and can be integrated with CRMs or other business intelligence tools.


Gong doesn’t have fixed subscription fees.

Instead, it has potential users fill out a simple questionnaire and specify their team size and requirements to get a custom quote. 

The pricing depends on the number and type of licenses you need.

Pros & Cons

✅ Easy to use.

✅ Its AI model provides concise and actionable insights that boost sales reps’ efficiency.

✅ Can be used for coaching new reps.

❌ Non-transparent pricing.

❌ Limited features compared to some other sales intelligence software on the list.

3. Clari

This sales intelligence platform offers a suite of 6 key products that can be used individually or combined to cover various parts of the sales pipeline.

Note that each product is charged separately.


  • Allows for setting up multi-step automated sales engagement cadences across LinkedIn, email, SMS, etc.
  • Lets you create collaborative workspaces enriched with intent signals for sales and revenue teams for a joined overview and control over key deals and accounts.
  • Forecast feature gathers crucial data across several points of truth, allowing you to predict revenue and equip reps with actionable insights.

Clari - Recent News & Activity


Clari is another sales intelligence tool that doesn’t disclose its prices.

It has separate plans for each of its 6 core packages:

  • Inspect - For managing deals, accounts, teams, etc.
  • Groove - Sales engagement.
  • Align - Accelerates the sales cycle by creating collaborative workspaces.
  • Copilot - Conversational intelligence.
  • Forecast - Predicts revenue and deal success.
  • Capture - Auto sync of all relevant data with your CRMs.

Pros & Cons

✅ High accuracy of its forecasting capabilities.

✅ Wide range of features for sales and RevOps teams.

❌ Each of its 6 products is charged individually.

❌ Limited intent signals.

4. is another sales intelligence platform that harnesses the power of AI to collect and analyze all customer-facing activities and match them to appropriate contacts, accounts, and opportunities in your CRM.

Features Reviews, Prices & Ratings | GetApp Canada 2024
  • GenAI-powered interface that you can instruct in natural language to give you quick account summaries, ask for specific details on a deal, or have it highlight deals that are at risk.
  • Captures all the contacts your GTM team engages and constantly enriches your CRM with new data.
  • Automatically creates detailed org charts to help you track how deals advance, identify hidden opportunities, and monitor the overall relationship with specific deals.


Unfortunately, doesn’t publish any pricing details.

There’s no free trial either, so you can only book a demo or contact its sales for a custom quote.

Pros & Cons

✅ Its AI-powered insights provide visibility into vital parts of your pipeline.

✅ User-friendly interface.

❌ Opaque pricing structure.

❌ Issues with data syncing and accuracy.

5. Revenue Grid

Revenue Grid deeply integrates with Salesforce, allowing seamless data syncing and enrichment.

This makes it a perfect sales intelligence tool for sales and marketing teams that use this CRM.


  • Automatically captures all sales activity and data and adds them to Salesforce.
  • Inbox sidebar lets you manage Salesforce from your inbox (e.g., create and edit records, use Salesforce email templates, etc.).
  • Revenue Signals alert reps when an important change happens in an account or suggests which action to take next.

Sidebar customization - Revenue Grid Knowledge Base


Revenue Grid has one essential plan, Activity Capture 360, which includes its core features, such as CRM syncs, meeting scheduler, etc.

It has two more modules you can subscribe to at an extra cost for additional features:

  1. Sales Engagement
  2. Revenue Forecasting

Revenue Grid doesn’t publish prices for any of its plans.

Pros & Cons

✅ Seamless integration with Salesforce that allows you to sync your emails and calendar with the CRM as well.

✅ Intuitive interface.

❌ Individual lead analytics can be off.

❌ Sometimes links data with incorrect fields or accounts.

6. Affinity 

Affinity is a relationship intelligence solution built for users who rely on building and maintaining rapport with potential customers to find, nurture, and close more deals.

As such, it’s primarily used by sales professionals, financial services providers, real estate businesses, etc.


  • Tracks and automatically records all sales activity any team member has taken in your CRM.
  • Provides detailed analytics reports of deal flows, allowing you to understand where deals are coming from, how they’re advancing, who on the team is having the biggest impact, etc.
  • Sheds light on connections you and your team members have with key stakeholders in high-value accounts, uncovering the potentially best path to successfully closing deals.

Affinity Software - 2024 Reviews, Pricing & Demo


Affinity has 4 plans to choose from:

Essential: $2,000/user/year for contact creation and enrichment, activity capture, and dealflow management.

Scale: $2,300/user/year for everything in Essentials plus analytics, mobile app, and more volume.

Advanced: $2,700/user/year for everything in Scale plus AI, scaled activity tracking, and deeper enrichment. 

Essential: Contact Sales for everything in Advanced plus SSO, permissions, data exports, and API access.

Pros & Cons

✅ Reveals potentially relevant relationships between your organization and valuable leads that can help you close more deals.

✅ Relieves your sales teams of tedious manual work by automatically populating CRM records.

❌ Has a learning curve.

❌ Issues with managing larger data sets.

7. Outreach 

Outreach provides valuable sales insights for both sales reps and sales leaders.

SDRs can use the intel to close more deals, while GTM team leaders are enabled to monitor the entire pipeline.


  • An easy-to-navigate dashboard that tracks sales teams’ performance across the pipeline.
  • Conversational intelligence that attends and records live meetings, captures real-time transcription and delivers on-demand information.
  • Buyer sentiment analysis that allows sales reps to optimize their outreach strategies.


Similarly to some other tools on our list, Outreach has five separate packages for its core functionality:

  1. Engage: Sales engagement capabilities
  2. Call: Includes live call monitoring, integrated sales dialer, call summary, etc.
  3. Meet: Provides access to conversational intelligence
  4. Deal: A unified view of all deals and their stages
  5. Forecast: Predicts revenue and deal success

And yes, you guessed it right - Outreach is yet another platform that doesn’t disclose its prices.

Pros & Cons

✅ Provides a solid overview of important sales metrics, allowing leaders to make data-driven decisions.

✅ Lets you set up automated sales engagement sequences.

❌ Prone to glitches and freezing.

❌ Issues with CRM integrations.

8. transcribes, summarizes, and analyzes meetings with leads, providing sales reps and managers with insights into key moments, topics, and action items. 


  • Transcribes and summarizes meetings across Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, and other video call platforms.
  • Lets you create custom topic trackers to easily find details relevant to your business goals.
  • Allows you to filter conversations by speaker, detect buyer sentiment, identify talk-to-listen ratio, etc. - Recording & Transcription App Integration - Pipedrive  Marketplace

Pricing has a free forever plan with unlimited transcriptions, limited AI summaries, and 800 minutes of storage per seat, and access to some of its basic features.

More advanced users can choose from three paid plans:

  • Pro: $18 per user per month
  • Business: $29 per user per month
  • Enterprise: $39 per user per month

Pros & Cons

✅ Has a mobile app, providing on-the-go access to its meeting assistant.

✅ Highly accurate transcriptions and summaries.

✅ Affordable.

❌ Has a learning curve.

❌ Issues with accurately identifying buyer sentiment.

9. Clay

Clay is a data enrichment solution that collects data from 75+ sources, transforming it into actionable sales intelligence.

If you’re a fan of Excel, you’ll love its spreadsheet interface. If not, Clay might be too complex for your liking.


Score leads based on several criteria |

  • Waterfall data enrichment goes through tens of different data sources to find matches, maximizing coverage while saving time.
  • AI-powered web scraper that scrapes company websites, LinkedIn search results, and other online sources for information.
  • Advanced filtering options let you quickly find the data you need.


Clay has a free forever plan that provides 100 search credits per month and limited access to its features.

If you need more credits and features, you can choose from 4 pricing tiers:

  1. Starter: $149/mo
  2. Explorer: $349/mo
  3. Pro: $800/mo
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing

You can try Clay out with a 14-day free trial of its Pro plan.

Pros and Cons

✅ Dynamic data enrichment, with data aggregated from 70+ different sources.

✅ AI message drafter uses the intelligence Clay collected to create personalized emails.

❌ Complex interface.

❌ The costs can quickly add up due to its credit-based pricing model.

10. Apollo

Apollo is a B2B sales intelligence tool with features like lead prospecting, sequences and sales coaching. It lets users manage the entire sales process from a single platform.

Its versatile pricing plans and powerful yet simple interface make it a top choice for running smart sales processes.

Features, a full-stack sales tech platform, bags $100M at a $1.6B  valuation | Medial
  • Large B2B database with 275M contacts and 73M companies boasting high accuracy rates.
  • AI-powered conversational intelligence engine that analyzes communication with leads, including emails, phone calls, meetings, etc., providing actionable insights for sales reps.
  • Email deliverability improvement through guided inbox setups, authentication checks, actionable deliverability scores, etc.
  • Multi-touch and multi-channel cadences, with both automated and manual options. 


Apollo has a free forever plan that includes unlimited email finder credits, 5 phone number credits, and 10 contact export credits.

If you need more, you can upgrade to one of three paid plans:

  1. Basic: $59 per user per month
  2. Professional: $99 per user per month
  3. Organization: $149 per user per month

Note: Professional and Basic plans come with a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Solid data accuracy.

✅ Lots of features.

✅ Advanced analytics with a 360-degree view of your sales performance KPIs.

❌ The costs can easily sneak up thanks to its dual credit system (you spend one credit for revealing an email address and another for getting a phone number).

❌ Key features hidden behind a paywall.

❌ Clunky CRM integrations.

11. Lusha

Lusha is a powerful sales prospecting tool and B2B intelligence database with good international coverage.

On the sales intelligence front, it’s a cost-friendly solution for businesses looking to leverage buying signals and activity data to fire personalized sequences. 


  • 45M CCPA-compliant North American contacts and 21M GDPR-compliant European contacts.
  • Chrome extension for 1-click prospecting on LinkedIn or company websites.
  • Allows for creating automated email outreach sequences that leverage Lusha’s data.
  • Smart lead scoring with factors like industry trends, engagement activity, job changes, technographics, and more. 


Lusha has a free-forever plan with 50 email and 15 phone credits.

If you need more, you can upgrade to one of three paid plans:

  1. Pro: Starting at $49 per user per month 
  2. Premium: Starting at $79 per user per month
  3. Scale: Custom price

The total costs will depend on the number of phone credits you need. 

Each plan claims to include unlimited email credits. However, there’s actually a cap on 2,000 revealed emails per month, so keep that in mind.

Pros & Cons

✅ Good coverage of buying signals for lead scores.

✅ Easy to use and affordable.

✅ Allows for 1-click LinkedIn prospecting.

❌ Gatekeeps most sales intelligence features (bulk enrichment, CRM enrichment, intent signals, etc.) for top-tier users.

❌ Limited phone number data and issues with its accuracy.

12. Keyplay

This B2B sales intelligence software allows users to create custom lead scoring and set up bespoke buying signals they want to track.

This makes it a good solution for account-based marketing and sales.


  • Lets you filter account lists with very detailed criteria like hires by role or type of sign-up flow for advanced searches.
  • Allows you to build custom lead scoring systems without using code and set up custom signal tracking tailored to your business needs and ICP.
  • AI Lookalike helps you find accounts that match your best-performing clients and deals.


Keyplay doesn’t have a free trial for its paid plans.

However, it does have a free forever plan that provides access to its basic features, and subscribing to the PeerSignal community lets you access a more limited number of records. 

If you need more records and advanced features, you can subscribe to one of two paid plans:

  1. Growth: $12,000/year
  2. Scale: Custom pricing

Pros and Cons

✅ Highly customizable lead scoring features. 

✅ Nuanced signal tracking, including HR tech, accounting software, recruiting activity, etc., helping you find attractive prospects more efficiently.

❌ Integrates with just two CRMs, Hubspot and Salesforce.

❌ Annual plans only.

13. Cognism

Cognism is a B2B sales intelligence database that provides tools to refine your ICP and target account list, ensuring a strategic and targeted approach.

It’s important to note that it doesn’t have advanced features engagement features like some of the other solutions on this list.


  • B2B database with 70M verified mobile phone numbers (47 million cell phone numbers in the US alone) and global data coverage.
  • Several CRM enrichment options for keeping your data fresh and accurate.
  • Diamond Data Verification is used to verify phone numbers by calls, ensuring accuracy.
  • Combines lead, account and event data to provide a full picture on every record.


Cognism doesn’t have one-size-fits-all pricing packages. Instead, the price is tailored to each customer’s needs.

However, there are several things we can tell you about the price:

  • There are two types of data to choose from: Platinum and Diamond, with the latter being more accurate as it goes through several verification layers.
  • The price comes with a flat platform fee that includes support, maintenance, onboarding, and initial setup. 

For more details, it’s best to contact Cognism’s sales.

Pros & Cons

✅ Global data coverage with high matching rates.

✅ Chrome extension for LinkedIn prospecting.

✅ More verified phone numbers than most B2B sales intelligence tools.

❌ Opaque pricing structure.

❌ You need a more advanced data package to access phone-verified phone numbers.

14. LeadGenius

This sales intelligence tool is an excellent option for marketing and sales teams whose sales and marketing efforts are focused on specific industries.

Namely, the platform provides bespoke data curated explicitly for each client.


  • Provides on-demand precision data and detailed insights based on users’ ICP, target market, and other unique business requirements.
  • Combines AI-powered engines and human experts to ensure the data is industry-relevant and verified.
  • Artificial Intelligence-powered web scraper that collects custom-tailored actionable insights from anywhere on the web.


LeadGenius is yet another sales intelligence solution with a non-transparent pricing policy.

The only thing stated is that each price is based on the needs and scale of a user’s business.

Contact sales for more pricing details.

Pros & Cons

✅ Collects and delivers on-demand precision data tailored to a business’s unique goals and needs.

✅ Includes several verification layers.

✅ Tracks 40M+ businesses and 350M+ decision-makers. 

❌ Limited functionality, no sales automation, customer engagement, etc., meaning you’ll have to invest in more tools to manage the entire sales funnel.

❌ Non-transparent pricing.

15. Zoominfo 

Zoominfo has one of the largest B2B sales data intelligence databases, making it an attractive solution for marketing and sales teams looking to manage the entire sales pipeline from a single platform.

However, its hefty price tag makes it the best option primarily for enterprise-level users.


  • Extensive database with over 100M company and 260M professional profiles, and 135M verified phone numbers.
  • Sales automation options that enable adding leads to various sequences (e.g., cold email campaigns, LinkedIn connector campaigns, etc.) triggered by specific buying signals.
  • Copilot, AI-driven assistant that can summarize key info on each important lead, give outreach suggestions based on Zoominfo’s data, uncover potential sales opportunities, etc.


Zoominfo has separate plans for Talent, Marketing, and Sales teams.

The website doesn’t reveal actual numbers, so you’ll have to contact sales for a custom quote.

The exact price will depend on several factors, including:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other opaque factors.

Pros & Cons

✅ Wide range of features.

✅ Solid CRM integrations.

✅ User-friendly interface.

❌ Primarily NAM coverage, doesn’t have as much data on other regions.

❌ Limited intent data.

❌ Expensive.

16. Crunchbase

Crunchbase boasts one of the largest intelligence databases for private company data, with a special focus on financial data (funding rounds, investors, etc.).

This makes it a valuable tool not only for B2B sales and marketing teams but also for startups looking for investors or investors looking for good investment options.


  • Holds data on more than 2M companies.
  • Provides a wide range of valuable insights, from a company’s financial health to industry trends, good investment opportunities, etc.
  • Chrome extension that lets you pull data from websites and LinkedIn search results.


Crunchbase has 2 pricing packages:

  1. Pro: $99 per user per month when billed monthly or $49 on the annual plan
  2. Enterprise: Custom pricing

The Pro plan has a 7-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Provides relevant data for versatile user types and use cases.

✅ User-friendly interface.

❌ Most of its data is on North American companies, EMEA is not well covered.

❌ Real-time updates and automated CRM enrichment are available only on the Enterprise plan.

Boost Conversion Rates with Warmly’s In-Depth Intent Data

There you have it, folks, everything from static B2B sales intelligence databases to dynamic intent data providers, sales automation tools, and more.

All that’s left is to decide which one is best for you.

This depends on various factors, but the key question is whether you’re looking for sales intelligence alone or would prefer a more comprehensive solution.

If you go for the second option, then Warmly might be the platform you’re looking for because it:

  • Lets you harness your website’s full potential as a lead-generation source.
  • Delivers much more than a static database, providing insight into who’s most likely to buy your product right now.
  • Offers functionality for engaging leads straight from your website.

The best way to find out if Warmly can help you accelerate the sales cycle?

Sign up for its free plan or book a live demo with our team to see it in action.

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Clearbit Pricing: Is There a Better Option in 2024?

Time to read

Alan Zhao

If you’re seriously considering buying Clearbit, we bet one thing is bugging you—Clearbit’s pricing.

With so little reliable online information and all the changes this data provider has undergone since late 2023, understanding whether it offers good value for your hard-earned money can be tricky.

This guide is here to help you understand Clearbit's pricing policy, helping you answer the question: Is Clearbit worth it?

Plans are rumored to start at around $3,600 per year with limited volume and go up to $100,000+ for larger companies.

Should you decide that Clearbit is not the most affordable option after we’ve detailed its product offering, we’ll provide an alternative solution with transparent pricing and a very special trait you may care about to drive more sales.

Let’s begin by covering the changes introduced into Clearbit's pricing and features since the HubSpot acquisition.

What’s New with Clearbit Pricing?

As you probably know, Clearbit was officially acquired by HubSpot in November 2023, becoming the “HubSpot Native Data Provider.”

This resulted in a total transformation of Clearbit’s pricing plans and the discontinuation or conversion of some features into add-ons.


Before the acquisition, Clearbit had a couple of tiers:

  • Enrichment Plans, which included:
  • Free 
  • Growth 
  • Business 
  • Platform Plans, such as the Standard Bundle

Shortly after the acquisition, Clearbit created a new pricing structure called Sales Intelligence for Hubspot, including a Free, Growth, and Business plan.

However, the pricing structure has changed slightly in the meantime.

Clearbit’s Pricing Plans

Judging by the information available on Clearbit’s website and documentation, the pricing structure now looks like this:

▶️ Clearbit has no free trial.

▶️ There’s a single volume-based plan called Clearbit for Business.

▶️ Forms, Capture, and Advertising features are add-ons that incur additional costs.

▶️ There are a number of free tools with usage volume limitations.

Firstly, we’ll look at the tools you can use for free.

Does Clearbit Have Free Tools?

The several features Clearbit offers for free are a continuation of its Free Plan, which was available until last year.

They include the following:

  1. Visitors. The Visitor dashboard reveals up to 50 companies that visit your website.
  2. HubSpot CRM Integration. Sync companies identified in your Target Markets and Visitors directly with your HubSpot CRM.
  3. Target Markets. With it, you can access any B2B company on the web and create a comprehensive audience of companies that might be qualified leads. The free version displays up to 100 companies.
  4. Clearbit Connect. A free Chrome extension that finds verified emails from anywhere on the web. You get 10 free reveal credits.

Once you upgrade to its premium version, you’ll get more credits for each feature.

Clearbit for Business

Clearbit for Business is Clearbit’s only paid plan at the moment.

It’s primarily focused on data enrichment, meaning that subscribing will provide you with:

  • Real-time data enrichment, with data from 250+ sources condensed into 100+ people and company attributes.
  • Website visitor identification at a company level.
  • Target Markets without the 100-company cap.

The Clearbit Prospector feature, which lets you sift through its datasets to find people and companies that fit into your ICP, seems to have been discontinued.

How Much Does Clearbit Actually Cost? 

When it comes to the actual price of the Clearbit for Business plan, there are no fixed subscription fees, as the cost depends on a few factors:

  • Number of contacts in your database.
  • Number of monthly credits.
  • Add-on capabilities.

We’ve heard from Clearbit customers and public reviews that contracts quickly reach 5 figures and can easily ramp to $80,000+ for large organizations. 

White-labeling Clearbit’s API will guarantee a 5-figure annual contract.

So, to get a closer estimate of how much Clearbit would cost your organization, it’s best to contact its sales for a custom quote.

Note that the credits offered on the paid plan are notoriously easy to spend, meaning you might need to purchase more before they renew. 


Unused credits, on the other hand, cannot be rolled over to the next month.

Also, the fact that the pricing depends on your database size can be problematic for large-scale users.


Clearbit Add-Ons

Clearbit offers several of its capabilities as add-ons, meaning you are charged extra to include them in the Clearbit for Business plan.

The three optional add-ons include Forms, Advertising, and Capture.

1 - Forms

Forms allow for form shortening and dynamic enrichment. This means that the lead-capturing form will auto-fill with Clearbit's data on a lead as soon as they enter their email, hiding all the additional fields. 

2 - Capture

Capture automatically creates Salesforce records of the website visitors Clearbit identified who fit into your target Audience. This feature is designed for Salesforce users, as the regular paid plan includes automatic sync with HubSpot.

3 - Advertising

This capability allows you to be more specific about the audiences that see your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google ads. You can show them to new companies or employees not in your records yet, display them to companies and individuals from Clearbit’s dataset that fit into your Ideal Customer Profile, or retarget specific people from your existing records.

Unfortunately, we can’t say how much Clearbit charges for its add-ons because its team again chose not to disclose actual prices.

One thing is for sure, though. Whenever a company chooses not to publish its pricing fair and square, it’s expensive, almost without exception. 

Any Surprises at Renewal? 


Want to Access Clearbit without Breaking the Bank?

Let’s sum up a few key points of Clearbit pricing:

  • After HubSpot acquired it, Clearbit dropped to one paid plan and offered several free tools with tight limitations.
  • Clearbit’s pricing is primarily volume-based, depending on the size of the datasets you want to enrich and the number of credits you spend per month.
  • It has limited credits that get eaten up quickly since credit is consumed whenever Clearbit successfully appends data to a record and when a form is filled out/shortened.
  • If you need access to form optimization or have a CRM other than HubSpot, you’ll have to pay extra for additional capabilities.
  • Its pricing structure is opaque, leaving potential customers wondering how much it will actually cost them.


All these factors together amount to a simple conclusion - Clearbit can get very expensive, fast.


When weighing Clearbit’s pros and cons, you should also remember that it has fairly limited features, with the biggest emphasis on enrichment features. 

What should you do if you: 

  • Want Clearbit’s data? 
  • Find it too expensive?
  • Want more than B2B enrichment data?

🎯 Enter Warmly - a revenue orchestration platform that lets you reveal, enrich, and convert website visitors.

In addition to having a wider range of features than Clearbit, Warmly has another ace up its sleeve - it includes access to Clearbit’s vast database in all its paid plans.

Let’s explore some of Warmly’s core functionalities and integrations to understand better what makes it a popular alternative to Clearbit for many sales and marketing teams.

Warmly’s Features

Although Warmly has a variety of features that can help improve B2B lead generation and sales efficiency, here we’ll look into the 3 key features that make it a unique solution:

  • Website Intent
  • AI Prospector
  • Sales Engagement

1. Website traffic deanonymization

Similarly to Clearbit, Warmly identifies anonymous website visitors, providing sales teams with a rich source of potential leads.

However, while Clearbit can reveal only companies that landed on your website, Warmly takes it a step further by revealing individual prospects.

All it takes is pasting Warmly’s code snippet into your website, and you’ll start uncovering about 65% of companies and 15% of individual accounts that visit your website in minutes.

Tip: You can add the snippet to emails to track leads who’ve come through specific email campaigns. As a result, you’ll improve attribution and be able to tweak and adjust email campaigns that underperform.

2. Record enrichment

Warmly integrates with most popular CRMs, allowing for easy data syncs between the platforms.

Therefore, once it identifies the individuals and companies visiting your website, Warmly proceeds to enrich your CRM records - or create new ones when new leads are revealed - with all the relevant data it has on them, such as:

  1. Firmographic, including all relevant company details, such as phone numbers, email addresses, locations, etc.
  2. Technographic, uncovering a business’s tech stack.
  3. SEP data, like engagement with specific email campaigns.
  4. CRM data, such as account ownership, deal stage, ongoing and closed deals, etc.

Most importantly, Warmly regularly updates its data, ensuring that your records stay fresh, relevant, and accurate.

3. Intent enrichment

In addition to traditional record enrichment, Warmly also delivers intent data, allowing users to get a better idea of:

  1. Who their hottest leads are.
  2. When’s the best time to reach out.
  3. What sales approach is most likely to work with them.

The platform delivers two types of intent data:

  • First-party intent data, which are essentially leads’ interactions with your website. It includes insights such as the pages they visited, time spent on each page, downloaded whitepapers, etc.
  • Third-party intent data that provides a deeper understanding of a lead’s readiness to buy, It includes intel like topics they recently searched for on the web, social media posts, companies’ job posts, etc.

Gaining insights both into your leads’ website session and following the entire trail of digital breadcrumbs they left while interacting with other websites, social media, ads, etc., lets you qualify and score leads more confidently.

Embedded Data Sources 

As mentioned above, Warmly’s plans include expensive data solutions that you would otherwise have to purchase separately - Clearbit included. 

In addition to Clearbit, it comes bundled with Bombora, People Data Labs, 6Sense, Connect the Dots, and OpenAI and has seamless integrations with most modern sales platforms (CRMs, SEPs, etc.).


Warmly has a free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 individuals and companies visiting your website. This plan is perfect for trying out one of the platform’s essential capabilities.

If you expect higher monthly web traffic and need additional features, there are three paid tiers to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All the paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense.

Ready to Start Converting More Website Visitors?

Ultimately, there’s no simple answer to whether Clearbit is worth it.

It’s undoubtedly a powerful data enrichment solution that compiles data from hundreds of reliable web sources, providing high matching rates and quality intent data.

However, its non-transparent and credit-based pricing structure can be off-putting for many, especially since Clearbit doesn’t include that many features in its offering.

Warmly, on the other hand, offers straightforward pricing and a comprehensive suite of features.

It also includes Clearbit—as well as several other data solutions—in all of its paid plans, making it a more attractive alternative in more ways than one.

As remarked by one of our users:

Juan C., Verified G2 Reviewer

But why take just our (or Juan’s) word for it?

Sign up for Warmly’s free plan and start revealing website visitors today.

Or, if you’d like to see all of its functionalities in action, book a live demo with our team.

Related reading

Clearbit vs Zoominfo vs Warmly: Which One Is the Best in 2024?

10 Best Sales Prospecting Tools in 2024

The 12 Top Lead Enrichment Tools for GTM Teams in 2024

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11 Best B2B Lead Generation Tools in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

B2B lead generation tools are a necessary element in any serious business’s tech stack, as they:

  • Boost efficiency and productivity of marketing and sales teams.
  • Support business growth and expansion thanks to their scalability.
  • Help find higher-quality leads.
  • Improve outreach and marketing campaigns’ targeting and success rates.
  • Provide a competitive advantage by discovering qualified leads faster and reducing time-to-lead.

However, finding the best lead generation software for your use case can be tricky, as there are so many viable solutions.

Our detailed review is here to help you narrow down your search.

We compiled a list of the 10 best B2B lead generation tools, with an in-depth breakdown of each solution’s features, pricing, shortcomings, and more.

Let’s begin!

A Few Extra Notes to Help You Decide

There are several factors you should consider to ensure you’ll make the best possible choice, including:

1. Will costs sneak up on you? 

Different users have different budget sizes, so what’s affordable to you might be too expensive for others. It’s up to you to assess.

Nonetheless, to avoid breaking the bank regardless of your budget size, focus on solutions with transparent pricing structures and no hidden costs that could sneak up on you.  

2. Can it integrate with your stack?

Even the most powerful tool won’t do you any good if it doesn’t play well with your existing tech stack. 

It’s much easier to find a lead generation provider that integrates with your CRM, SEP, and other intelligence platforms than replace them altogether.

3. Does it play where your leads play?

Some lead generation platforms are optimized for a single channel—such as email or social media—while others are more versatile and allow for a multichannel approach.

When picking a solution, focus on those optimized for your primary lead generation channel and target audience.

And now, it's time for the best part - the top 10 list!

What Are the Best B2B Lead Generation Tools?

  1. Warmly - Captures qualified leads on your website and helps convert them.
  2. Clay - Compiles data from 75+ validated sources to help you build targeted lead lists.
  3. OptinMonster - Optimizes your website for lead generation.
  4. Zoominfo - Enterprise-level sales tool.
  5. Dealfront - Helps generate leads by combining sales intelligence with website traffic tracking.
  6. LinkedIn Sales Navigator - Good choice for LinkedIn-based lead generation.
  7. Hootsuite - Solid option if social media is your primary lead generation channel.
  8. Leadpages - Builds converting landing pages.
  9. LeadGenius - Industry-specific lead generation platform.
  10. - Versatile sales engagement and intelligence tool.
  11. Keyplay  - Provides advanced filtering and custom lead-scoring features.

1. Warmly

Warmly is a lead enrichment solution that captures quality leads on your website and enriches them with intent data.

The revenue orchestration platform also provides options for engaging and converting leads without leaving your website.

Let’s get a closer look at some of its key features.

Feature #1: Reveal leads on your website

Your website can be a rich source of high-quality leads, provided you have the tools to identify them.

And that’s one of the things Warmly does - it reveals both companies and individuals that land on your website, often allowing you to pinpoint the exact person visiting your website right now.

Gaining insight into who’s visiting your website is an essential part of any lead generation strategy, as it helps you understand:

  1. Whether your website is even attracting the right audience.
  2. Which businesses are your potential leads based on their interest in your product.

However, those insights alone are not enough for accurate lead scoring and qualification, as you still know nothing about what pages your visitors are looking at, whether they’ve already shown interest in similar solutions, etc.

That’s why Warmly enriches each identified visitor with buyer intent data, providing a complete picture of their likelihood to convert.

Website visitor tracking, coupled with intent data, helped Arc move from a “best guess” approach to attribution to a 200% ROI in 6 months.

This data includes:

  1. Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, company locations, phone numbers, etc.). 
  2. Technographic data (a business’s tech stack).
  3. CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your sales reps, etc.).
  4. First-party buyer intent data, i.e., website session insights, including pages visited, time spent on each page, downloaded content, etc.
  5. Third-party buyer intent data, such as topics recently searched for on the web.
  6. And much more.

This type of granular intent data provides all the key intel that successful lead generation depends on:

  1. Who are your hottest leads?
  2. When is the perfect time to contact them?
  3. What is the best method of reaching out?

It’s also worth mentioning that you don’t have to be a tech geek to make the most of Warmly’s website visitor identification and enrichment feature.

All you need to do is paste a snippet of Warmly’s code into your website, and you’ll start detecting high-value leads in hours.

Tip: You can also add Warmly’s snippet to emails, enabling you to track leads who’ve come through specific cold email campaigns. This allows for better marketing attribution and lead targeting.

Feature #2: AI Prospector

Finding an SDR who’ll be present at all times and always ready to engage hot leads is not a simple task, especially considering things like different time zones.

Once the platform has identified anonymous website visitors and enriched them with intent data, you can have Warmly’s AI Prospector automatically engage prospective customers who match specific criteria (e.g., location, seniority, pages visited, etc.) by:

  • Firing a personalized email.
  • Connecting with them on LinkedIn.
  • Sending a chat message that will resonate with them (e.g., by referring to the web page they’re currently looking at).

AI Prospector is highly configurable. You can specify WHO you want it to contact, WHAT action to take, and WHEN to do it:


  • Which accounts should be targeted based on the chosen segments (e.g., company size, industry, etc.)
  • What specific personas from each account should be added to workflows (e.g., sales reps, marketing executives, etc.)


  • How many contacts from each account should be targeted
  • Which action should be taken (e.g., send personalized email or LinkedIn message)


  • How often should the Prospector search for profiles fitting the set criteria and run workflows

This way, you’ll constantly have new warm leads trickling down the funnel on autopilot.

Try it yourself 👇or watch it in action

 Feature #3: Routing and alerts

While the AI Prospector can handle repetitive sales processes, some tasks—like lead nurturing and successful deal closing—require human attention.

Warmly lets you set up automated Slack notifications that will alert a sales rep when:

  • A high-caliber lead matching the criteria you set up lands on your website.
  • A lead asks a high-intent question in the web chat (e.g., inquires about the price, free trial, demo, a particular product feature, etc.) or specifically requires to speak with an actual human.

This way, sales reps will be immediately notified when a hot lead is surfing your website, allowing them to engage them while their interest in your solution is at its peak.

Moreover, the Slack notifications are highly configurable, letting you handle lead routing on autopilot.

Namely, you get to decide what lead will be assigned to which SDR based on:

  • Prior interaction with the lead.
  • Account ownership.
  • The rep’s experience with a given account’s industry.
  • Other relevant criteria.


Warmly has a free forever plan that lets you reveal up to 500 individuals and companies visiting your website. This plan is perfect for trying out one of the platform’s essential capabilities.

Inbox Pirates were able to close a 4-figure deal in just two weeks on Warmly’s free plan.

If you expect higher monthly web traffic and need more features, there are three paid plans to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense.

Integration options

All of Warmly’s plans provide access to expensive data solutions that you would otherwise have to buy separately. 

It comes bundled with Clearbit, Bombora, People Data Labs, 6Sense, and OpenAI and integrates with most modern sales platforms (CRMs, SEPs, etc.).

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies website visitors at company and prospect level.

✅ Enriches each identified lead with in-depth intent data, allowing for precise lead qualification and scoring.

✅ Provides sales engagement options.

✅ User-friendly.

✅ All plans include comprehensive data solutions.

❌ Big jump from the free to the first paid plan.

2. Clay

Clay is a waterfall enrichment solution, meaning it consolidates relevant data from dozens of online sources. This allows users to create targeted lead lists enriched with accurate data.

Its Excel-like interface makes it a favorite tool of RevOps teams, while sales and marketing people may find it a bit too complex.


  • Cross-references 75+ data sources, maximizing data coverage and making lead generation and prospecting more accurate and targeted.
  • Conversational AI-powered web scraper, Claygent, that can be instructed to pull and summarize relevant data on your leads.
  • Vast library of customizable templates for outbound lead generation campaigns.


Clay has a free forever plan that provides 100 monthly search credits and limited access to its features.

If you need more credits and features, you can choose from 4 pricing tiers:

  1. Starter: $149/mo
  2. Explorer: $349/mo
  3. Pro: $800/mo
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing

The Pro plan has a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ Dynamic lead enrichment that provides high matching rates.

✅ Integrates with a solid range of CRMs and other sales tools.

✅ Allows for automating writing personalized email copy, setting up automated lead scoring systems, etc.

❌ Steep learning curve.

❌ Credit-based pricing can easily result in overspending.

3. Zoominfo

Zoominfo is a powerful sales operating system with a large B2B database and sales engagement features. It primarily covers North American companies and contacts. 

The platform offers complete sales pipeline management, sales cadences, and sales coaching. ZoomInfo is a solid option if you rely on direct sales to generate leads. 


  • B2B database with over 260M professional and 90M company profiles and 135M verified business phone numbers.
  • Chorus conversational intelligence that analyzes correspondence with leads and customers, allowing you to discover hidden opportunities, determine which parts of your pipeline underperform, etc.
  • Enriches lead capture forms, meaning you’ll get all the necessary data on a lead from just their email, as the platform will auto-populate the rest.


Zoominfo has separate plans for Talent, Sales, and Marketing teams, each providing access to features most useful to that team.

It doesn’t reveal actual prices, meaning you’ll have to ask sales for a custom quote.

The exact price will depend on several factors, including:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other opaque factors.

Pros & Cons

✅ One of the biggest B2B databases.

✅ Accurate data.

✅ Feature-rich, including sales automation, lead enrichment, advertising, etc.

❌ Very expensive, best suited for enterprises.

❌ Limited intent data.

❌ Its website traffic deanonymization functionality can only reveal companies.

4. Dealfront

Dealfront is the result of the merger of Leadfeeder (a website visitor identification solution) and Echobot (a sales intelligence platform).

It provides a B2B database oriented on European data, and options for tracking website traffic.


  • Identifies companies visiting your website.
  • Provides data on 40M+ companies and 180M+ contacts, with 30M+ companies and 83M+ contacts in Europe alone.
  • Allows you to build and display targeted ad campaigns to raise brand awareness among companies matching your ICP or retarget website visitors.


Dealfront has separate plans for sales intelligence and website traffic deanonymization.

Dealfront's sales intelligence plan does not have flat fees, so you’ll need to contact its sales team to get a quote.

For its website visitor identification feature, there’s a limited free plan that identifies up to 100 monthly website visitors, excluding all other Dealfront features.

The paid plan starts at €99 per month, with the final price depending on the number of identified companies.

You also get 25 free credits for revealing contact details like email addresses and phone numbers. If you exceed the limit, you’ll pay extra.

Note: The website visitor identification plan has a 14-day free trial.

Pros & Cons

✅ GDPR compliant.

✅ Excellent coverage of European data and specific regions such as DACH and Benelux.

✅ Over 30 trigger events you can set up to alert you when a relevant change in an important lead’s profile occurs (e.g., job changes, bankruptcy notices, etc.).

❌ Limited international coverage - tricky if your market is outside the EU.

❌ Its website visitor identification leaves much to be desired, as it often delivers inaccurate results and can only track companies.

5. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is LinkedIn’s native prospecting and lead generation platform.

It allows users to improve their LinkedIn outreach efforts by letting them tap into the platform’s rich prospect pool. 

From Navigator, you can search for companies and contacts that fit the demographics of your best customers and build lead lists. 


  • Advanced filtering options that allow for segmented and precise searches across verticals.
  • Tracks key signals indicating the right time to engage inbound leads (e.g., job change, specific LinkedIn post, etc.).
  • Provides valuable insights to help you discern which accounts best match your ICP.
  • Export lead lists to utilize them in sales engagement tools. 


LinkedIn Sales Navigator is notorious for its pricing. It’s one of LinkedIn’s most expensive solutions.

It has three pricing tiers:

  1. Core at $74.31 per month when billed annually. 
  2. Advanced at $125.87 per month when billed annually.
  3. Advanced Plus at a custom price.

If you need access to features such as CRM integrations, data verification, etc., you'll have to upgrade to the Advanced Plus plan.

Pros & Cons

✅ Optimized for LinkedIn prospecting and lead generation.

✅ Provides 50 InMails per month to reach out to potential leads even when you’re not connected.

❌ Best features are kept behind a high paywall.

❌ Doesn’t directly integrate with other platforms. 

6. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a B2B sales and marketing software tool built for businesses that use social media for lead generation.

It’s our best pick if you rely on social media content for lead generation. 


  • It lets you automate and schedule posts on various social media platforms, allowing for a “set it and forget it” approach.
  • Gives valuable insights into the best time to post based on your target audience preferences, location, time zone, etc.
  • AI-content generator optimized for creating captions.


Hootsuite offers three pricing plans:

  1. Professional: $99/mo, includes 1 user and 10 social accounts
  2. Team: $249/mo, includes 3 users and 20 social accounts
  3. Enterprise: Custom price, starts at 5 users and 50 social accounts

The first two plans have a 30-day free trial.

Note: All plans are annual.

Pros & Cons

✅ Easy to use.

✅ Integrates with all major social media platforms.

✅ Affordable and scalable.

❌ Prone to glitches.

❌ No social media automation like Phantom Buster.

7. Leadpages

Leadpages allows users to create custom landing pages and websites optimized for lead generation and conversion.

It’s similar to Unbounce, with handy conversion tools to capture leads. We’ve heard from customers that combining a website optimizer with Warmly’s website deanonymization is the best way to drive more revenue from your existing traffic. 


  • Vast library of pre-built landing page templates to help users with various skill levels and marketing expertise create converting pages.
  • A visual drag-and-drop landing page builder paired with an AI-powered text generator.
  • Leads Library for a quick overview of leads generated through Leadpages’ solutions.


Leadpages offers three plans:

  • Standard: $49/mo, 5 landing pages
  • Pro: $99/mo, unlimited landing pages
  • Advanced: Custom price for larger teams that need more customization options

There’s a 14-day free trial period that lets you try Leadpages before committing. 

Pros & Cons

✅ Excellent customer support.

✅ Intuitive interface and lots of customizable templates for an easy start.

❌ Limited functionality.

❌ Its website-building options leave much to be desired (versus a Webflow).

8. LeadGenius

LeadGenius is different than most lead generation and prospecting tools because it doesn’t have a standard B2B database.

Instead, it delivers on-demand data for B2B marketing and sales teams targeting highly specific industries.


  • Provides custom-curated precision data and insights based on users’ ICP, target market, and other specific needs and criteria.
  • Combines the power of AI and human insight to ensure that the data is accurate and relevant to the industry in question.
  • Configurable AI-powered web scraper you can train to collect specific insights from anywhere on the web.


LeadGenius opted against revealing its prices.

The website only states that each price is based on the needs and scale of a user’s business.

Pros and Cons

✅ Enables highly specific and tailored data enrichment.

✅ Covers 40M+ businesses and 350M+ decision-makers. 

✅ Combines several control layers when collecting and verifying data, including both AI-driven and human checks.

❌ Non-transparent pricing.

❌ Limited features.


Apollo is a well-known sales engagement platform designed to help B2B sales and marketing teams streamline their lead generation efforts and other sales operations.

It includes everything from a B2B database to prospecting and sales automation. 


  • Massive B2B database with 275M contacts and 73M companies with high matching rates.
  • AI-powered lead scoring based on the criteria you set up according to your ICP.
  • Meeting scheduler that allows for setting up and holding various meeting types from its platform.


This sales tool has a free forever plan that provides unlimited email finder credits, 5 phone number credits, and 10 contact export credits.

Users who need more can upgrade to one of three paid plans:

  1. Basic Plan: $59 per user per month
  2. Professional Plan: $99 per user per month
  3. Organization Plan: $149 per user per month

You get a discount if you opt for annual billing.

Note: All paid plans except Organization come with a 14-day free trial.

Pros and Cons

✅ Wide variety of robust features that enable complete sales pipeline management.

✅ User-friendly interface.

✅ Solid data accuracy.

❌ Low-quality integrations, making data exports difficult.

❌ Most advanced features are omitted from its basic plan, pushing you to upgrade.

❌ Dual credit system, meaning that you spend one credit for revealing an email address and another for getting a phone number.

10. Keyplay

Keyplay helps users find leads that match their ICP by allowing them to set up custom intent signals and lead scoring systems.

It’s a good option if you need to filter leads by somewhat non-traditional criteria.


  • AI Lookalike helps you find accounts that match your best-performing clients and deals.
  • Allows you to build custom lead scoring systems without using code.
  • Tracks intent signals and lets you set up custom signals tailored to your industry and needs.


Keyplay doesn’t have a free trial for its paid plans.

It does, however, have a free forever plan that provides access to its basic features, and subscribing to the PeerSignal community lets you access a more limited number of records. 

If you need more records and advanced features, you can subscribe to one of two paid plans:

  1. Growth: $12,000/year
  2. Scale: Custom pricing

Pros and Cons

✅ Highly customizable lead scoring features. 

✅ Nuanced signal tracking, including HR tech, accounting software, recruiting activity, etc., helping you find qualified leads more efficiently.

✅ User-friendly interface.

❌ Integrates with only two CRMs, Hubspot and Salesforce.

❌ Offers only annual paid plans.

11. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is another lead generation software for people who want their website to be the primary lead source.

It takes a different approach from Warmly, focusing its feature set on optimizing websites for conversions.


  • Exit-Intent Technology that detects when website visitors are about to leave and offers personalized discounts, shows relevant campaigns, etc.
  • OnSite Retargeting lets you show fresh and targeted campaigns and offers to recurring visitors or subscribers.
  • Page-level targeting that displays personalized offers based on the section of your website potential customers are currently on.


OptinMonster has 4 pricing plans:

  • Basic Plan: $9.97/mo
  • Plus Plan: $19.97/mo
  • Pro Plan: $29.97/mo
  • Growth Plan: 49.97/mo

Note that these are all yearly plans.

Although there’s no free trial, the company's sales team promises a complete refund if you're unsatisfied within the first 14 days of subscribing.

Pros & Cons

✅ Lots of integrations, including email marketing tools, CRMs, etc.

✅ Many versatile website optimization options, such as pop-ups, lead capture forms, coupon wheels, etc.

✅ A/B testing and detailed analytics.

❌ Has a learning curve.

❌ Its form builder is difficult to use.

❌ Its most advanced features are reserved for high-tier users.

Boost Lead Generation and Improve Conversion Rates with Warmly

All the solutions that made it on our list are good, so it all comes down to your specific needs, goals, and budget.

However, if you care about driving your website’s lead generation potential way up, Warmly might be your ideal solution.

With it, you can easily identify high-quality leads on your website and reach out precisely when they’re ready to convert—all from a single platform.

The best way to find out if Warmly is right for you is to subscribe to its free forever plan and try it yourself.

You can always book a live demo with our team to see it in action first.

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9 Best Data Enrichment Tools in 2024

Time to read

Alan Zhao

Reliable data enrichment tools are the one thing you can’t go without if you’re in B2B sales or marketing, as they enable:

  • Highly targeted prospecting.
  • More successful lead generation.
  • Better conversion rates across channels.

In this article, we’ll offer a curated list of the 9 best data enrichment tools, analyzing each platform’s strengths, drawbacks, and pricing policies to help you make an informed decision. 

But first, let’s quickly explain what factors you need to consider when choosing a data enrichment tool.

Key Things to Look for in a Data Enrichment Platform

1. Data Accuracy

Suppose a data enrichment platform keeps giving you inaccurate or stale data or struggles to find information on a lead. Your campaign’s response rate will be low, bounce rate high, and you’ll waste money buying crappy leads.

It’s the most common drawback flagged in public reviews for tools like ZoomInfo and Demandbase.

2. Data granularity

Some platforms provide only basic contact information, which is not enough to create efficient marketing and sales campaigns.

Without granular buyer intent data, you can’t qualify leads, recognize the hottest ones, and engage them when they’re ready to convert.

That’s why tools like Warmly, Koala, Clay, and Keyplay are being widely adopted by modern GTM teams.

3. Suitability for your target audience

Different lead enrichment software provides different data types, which can be relevant if you’re focused on a highly specific vertical.

Make sure that the platform you choose is specialized for the exact industry your target market is in or that it is versatile enough to cover different verticals, data types, and use cases.

For example, Dealfront is recognized as a reliable data enrichment tool for the EU, but struggles with US-based records.

4. Range of features and integration capabilities

Chances are you’ll need separate tools for sales engagement, website traffic identification, buying intent signal detection, sales engagement, etc.

Your lead enrichment solution needs to fit in that mix. Try finding a solution that provides broader core functionalities and can easily be integrated into your existing GTM stack.

And now, let’s see which data enrichment platforms made it to our top 9 list ⤵️

What Are the Best Lead Enrichment Tools in 2024?

1. Warmly - Identifies website visitors, enriches them with detailed intent data, and helps you convert them.

2. Zoominfo - Sales OS with a massive static B2B database.

3. Albacross - Reveals B2B intent data for the European market.

4. Clearbit - Data enrichment veteran (recently acquired by HubSpot).

5. Koala - Newcomer in the intent data enrichment/website traffic identification arena.

6. Clay - Waterfall data enrichment provider.

7. Datanyze - Affordable data enrichment tool with a Chrome extension for 1-click prospecting.

8. LeadGenius - Custom-curated B2B data for vertical-specific users.

9. BuiltWith - Technographic data enrichment.

1. Warmly 

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform built for users looking to make the most of their website’s hidden potential.

It identifies website visitors, enriches them with granular intent data, and provides options for converting them on the spot.

Feature #1: Website traffic deanonymization 

Knowing who’s visiting your website can significantly improve lead generation and boost your sales efforts by pointing your sales reps toward potentially hot leads.

Warmly reveals website visitors in real time, letting you drive more revenue from your existing web traffic.

However, the platform comes with a nifty trick up its sleeve.

Unlike most website traffic tracking software, it identifies both company and individual-level visitors with high accuracy rates, often allowing you to capture the exact person surfing your website right now.

The whole process is very easy, too, meaning you don’t have to be a tech genius to start identifying anonymous website visitors.

All it takes is pasting a snippet of Warmly’s code into your website, and you’ll start revealing companies and people surfing your website right now.

Tip: The snippet can also be added to your email campaigns. That way, you’ll know which leads came through a specific campaign, allowing for easier attribution and creating a tailored lead nurturing strategy.

But it doesn’t end there. 

Warmly enriches each identified visitor with in-depth intelligence, as we’ll explain below.

Feature #2: Record enrichment

Once Warmly reveals the individuals and companies surfing your website, it creates new records in your CRM or enriches existing ones with the data it uncovered, such as:

  1. Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, company names and addresses, phone numbers, and other company details.). 
  2. Technographic data (software tools and technology a business uses).
  3. CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your reps, etc.).
  4. SEP data (engagement with email campaigns, chatbot interactions, etc.).
  5. And more.

As a result, your CRM data will always be fresh, clean, and accurate, eliminating the need for manual record entries and corrections.

Feature #3: Intent enrichment

In addition to identifying website visitors, Warmly provides options for tracking their website sessions.

This gives you access to first-party intent data on each revealed lead, as their interactions with your website can clearly indicate whether they’re interested in your solution and how much. 

This data includes:

  • Pages visited on your website.
  • Time spent on each.
  • Downloaded content, etc.

It’s important to note that, unlike most other data enrichment platforms that provide only one type of intent data, Warmly also offers third-party intent data.

Thanks to its deep integrations with comprehensive data solutions such as Bombora, 6Sense, Clearbit, etc., the platform lets you reveal:

  • Topics your leads recently searched for on the web.
  • Whether they visited competitors’ websites.
  • Job posts that can provide insights into what projects are a priority at a certain company, which operational challenges they face, etc.
  • Job change data, allowing you to automate the following processes (e.g., update the CRM with new data, add them to new advertising sequences, etc.) and ensure you won’t lose a high-performing client or warm lead.

Why should you care about intent data?

Intent data is important for several reasons.

It allows you to:

  • Immediately recognize website visitors who fit into your Ideal Customer Profile and focus on them from the start.
  • Identify the hottest leads on the brink of conversion and have your sales reps engage them while their interest is at its peak.
  • Create hyper-personalized, highly-targeted prospecting and sales outreach strategies based on the intel Warmly delivered.
  • Provide optimal customer experiences by creating a tailored approach for each lead.
  • Qualify and score leads with precision and accuracy.

Using a combination of first- and third-party intent data lets you create a 360-degree view of every lead’s readiness to buy.

This means sales professionals won’t have to wander in the dark anymore, struggling to single out high-value leads and find the best approach.

Instead, they can concentrate on what matters most—engaging and converting hot leads.

Find out how Stage booked a qualified meeting on day one of using Warmly, thanks to website intent.


Warmly offers a free forever plan that allows you to reveal and enrich up to 500 people and companies who visit your website.

You can close 4-figure deals even on the free plan - just like Inbox Pirates did.

If you expect higher monthly web traffic and want additional features, there are three paid options to choose from:

  1. Startup: $700/mo, includes 3 users, up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
  2. Business: From $1,440 to $1,740 per month, depending on the number of visitors you expect to have. It includes 10 seats.
  3. Enterprise: Custom plan. Created for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization. Includes 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

Note: All paid plans provide access to all of Warmly’s features and include integrations with Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense.


As mentioned above, Warmly’s plans include expensive data solutions that you would otherwise have to purchase separately. 

It comes bundled with Clearbit, Bombora, People Data Labs, 6Sense, and OpenAI and integrates with most modern sales platforms (CRMs, SEPs, etc.).

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies individual and company visitors.

✅ Enriches each revealed visitor with granular first and third-party intent data.

✅ Provides sales engagement options.

✅ Includes comprehensive data solutions on all its pricing tiers.

✅ User-friendly.

❌ Big jump from the free to the first paid plan.

2. Zoominfo 

Zoominfo has one of the most extensive static B2B databases available today, providing detailed contact information on companies and stakeholders.

Its wide range of integrations lets sales and marketing teams enrich leads across their solutions, like Salesforce or Marketo. 


  • B2B database with over 260M professional and 90M company profiles and 135M verified business phone numbers, focusing on the NAM market.
  • Advanced data enrichment options, including automatic data cleansing, auto-discovery of related companies and contacts, etc.
  • Lead-capturing form optimization allows you to shorten forms to a single or a few fields, and the platform will auto-populate the rest.


Zoominfo has three distinct plans for Talent, Sales, and Marketing teams.

No prices are disclosed, so you’ll have to contact sales for a custom quote.

The exact price will depend on several factors, including:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • Other opaque criteria.

Pros & Cons

✅ High data accuracy.

✅ Versatile, can be used by marketing, sales, and HR teams.

✅ Wide array of functionality.

❌ Very expensive.

❌ Limited intent data.

❌ Primarily NAM coverage, other regions are underrepresented.

3. Clearbit 

Clearbit is a real-time data enrichment tool that collects data from 250+ proprietary and external sources and transforms it into over 90 B2B attributes for individual and company profiles.

However, since it was recently acquired by HubSpot, Clearbit is primarily oriented toward HubSpot record enrichment and might not work as smoothly with other CRMs.


  • Automatic data refreshes when a change is detected.
  • Can reveal companies visiting your website.
  • Form optimization.
  • White-labeled API to enrich records in your own SaaS product.


Clearbit doesn’t reveal its pricing structure, meaning you’ll have to contact sales for more details.

The volume-based plan can include add-on functionalities like Forms, Advertising, and Capture. (The add-ons are probably charged extra).

❗Note: Warmly's pricing plans include access to Clearbit’s extensive database.

Pros & Cons

✅ Accurate data.

✅ Can be integrated into your app as a white-label solution.

✅ Pulls data from a variety of sources.

❌ Opaque pricing.

❌  Only company-level identification.

❌ Some of its key features are only available as add-ons.

4. Koala 

‎Koala reveals and enriches website visitors at account and prospect levels.

It’s a new platform, so it’s yet to make a name for itself, but its capabilities look promising.


  • Reveals first-party data (i.e., which pages potential leads visited, what articles they read, which documents they downloaded, etc.).
  • Provides an ICP score for each identified visitor.
  • Allows for setting up automated workflows, such as sending follow-up emails, syncing intent data with CRMs, etc.


Koala has a free forever plan, which includes up to 3 users and 250 identified visitors.

If you need more, you can choose between two plans:

  1. Starter: $500/mo, up to 3 users ($300 per additional user), unlimited visitors
  2. Business: Custom plan, includes custom number of users, access to key features such as automation, lead scoring, signal reports, and more

Pros & Cons

✅ Identifies companies and individuals visiting your website.

✅ Easy to navigate.

✅ Plays well with various CRM and sales solutions.

❌ First-party data only.

❌ Intent signals, lead scoring, and automations are available only on the priciest plan.

5. Clay 

Clay is a data enrichment tool popular for its “waterfall enrichment” capabilities. Clay’s data is extremely accurate since it cross-references data from 50+ sources. 

Its Excel-like interface makes it more suitable for revenue operations. Sales and marketing pros can struggle with it and have a hard time making the most out of Clay.


  • Analyzes and cross-references 50+ data sources to find accurate matches, optimizing data coverage while saving time.
  • AI-powered web scraper Claygent can be trained to do detailed lead research for you.
  • Has pre-built templates for standard marketing and sales processes.


Clay has a free forever plan that provides 90 monthly search credits and limited access to its essential features.

If you need more, you can choose from 4 plans:

  1. Starter: $149-$229/mo
  2. Explorer: $349-$699/mo
  3. Pro: $800-$2,000/mo
  4. Enterprise: Custom pricing

A 14-day free trial lets you taste Clay’s Pro plan.

Pros & Cons

✅ Versatile pricing plans.

✅ Dynamic data enrichment process, with data collected from dozens of sources.

✅ Seamless integrations with CRMs and cold email tools.

❌ Complex interface.

❌ The costs can easily sneak up on you.

6. Datanyze

Datanyze is a simple prospecting and data enrichment tool that offers a Chrome extension for scraping relevant B2B data online.

Its affordable pricing makes it a viable option for smaller-scale users with basic needs.


  • Browser extension that lets you reveal contact details anywhere on the web.
  • Enriches relevant prospects with “icebreaker” data, such as information from their social media profiles, local news publications, company news, etc., helping you create a warm conversation.
  • Market Share Reports deliver valuable insights into industry trends, rising technologies, and key market competitors (e.g., marketing automation, email hosting, etc.).


Datanyze has a 90-day free trial that includes just ten monthly contact information credits.

Since you’ll probably need more, you can upgrade to one of two plans:

  1. Nyze Pro 1: $29/mo, 80 credits, additional credit at $0.363
  2. Nyze Pro 2: $55/mo, 160 credits, additional credit at $0.344

Pros & Cons 

✅ Budget-friendly.

✅ Easy to use.

❌ Data is often outdated.

❌ Minimal functionality.

7. LeadGenius

LeadGenius provides custom-curated precision data for users dealing with highly specific markets.

It combines the power of AI with human insight to deliver the most accurate and tailored data.


  • Provides custom data unique to users’ businesses, Ideal Customer Profiles, and requirements.
  • Each relevant data point is verified by actual people, ensuring accuracy.
  • Has a dedicated team of experts to help you define your specific ICP attributes, allowing for more targeted prospecting.


LeadGenius is another data enrichment software with an opaque pricing structure.

The website only states that each price is based on the needs and scale of a user’s business.

Pros & Cons

✅ Excellent for industry-specific data enrichment.

✅ Tracks data on 40M+ businesses and 350M+ decision-makers.

✅ Has a customizable Chrome extension that can reveal bespoke data based on your criteria.

❌ Non-transparent pricing.

❌ Limited features - focused on enrichment alone.

8. Albacross 

Albacross is a website visitor identification and data enrichment platform geared toward European-based leads.

It’s a solid option if your prospects are in the EU. 


  • Identifies company-level website visitors and enriches them with first-party data.
  • Translates IP addresses into rich firmographic data with 90+ B2B attributes.
  • You can receive real-time alerts in your Customer Relationship Management systems or team collaboration tools when a company that fits into your ICP lands on your website.


Albacross has two pricing tiers:

  1. Self Service: €79 per month, lets you reveal up to 90 companies.
  2. Growth: Custom price, unlimited companies.

There’s a 14-day free trial for its Self Service plan.

Pros & Cons

✅ GDPR-compliant.

✅ User-friendly.

✅ Excellent customer support.

❌ The first pricing tier lets you identify just 90 anonymous website visitors per month.

❌ Reveals only company visitors.

❌ Poor CRM integrations.

9. BuiltWith

BuilWith is a data enrichment platform focusing on e-commerce and internet technology data.

This allows users to explore and determine their TAM, improve prospecting, and personalize outreach efforts.


  • Has a vast database with 100,000+ web technologies and 670M+ websites, providing valuable insights into which sites use shopping carts, analytics, hosting, etc.
  • Advanced filtering option for easier segmentation and lead routing.
  • Helps you find potential qualified leads by identifying companies that use technologies similar to your best-performing records or companies that might benefit from your product.


BuiltWith doesn’t have a free trial or a plan, meaning you have to subscribe to one of its three plans from the start:

  1. Basic: $295/mo
  2. Pro: $495/mo
  3. Team: $995/mo

Pros & Cons

✅ Fairly accurate.

✅ Delivers a nearly 360-degree view of a company’s technology stack.

❌ Its most affordable plan is very limited, pushing you to upgrade.

❌ Provides technographic data only.

What Next?

We tried to include versatile tools in our best data enrichment software list, ensuring a solution for different budget sizes, preferences, skill levels, and specific requirements.

Now that you’ve got all the details and information, it’s time to move on to the next step: 

Take a few tools that are your top picks for a test ride and see how well they suit you (provided they have a free trial).

While you’re here, why not start with Warmly? 

Its free forever plan lets you identify and enrich up to 500 company-level visitors per month while providing access to most of its features.

Subscribe to Warmly’s free plan to reveal, enrich, and convert hot leads.

Or, if you prefer to see Warmly’s key features in action before signing up, you can always book a live demo with our team.

Related reading:

10 Best Sales Prospecting Tools in 2024

The 12 Top Lead Enrichment Tools for GTM Teams in 2024

11 Best Dealfront Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

9 Best Lead Forensics Alternatives and Competitors in 2024

The 10 Best ZoomInfo Alternatives for 2024

8 Clearbit Competitors & Alternatives Worth Considering

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Clearbit vs Zoominfo vs Warmly: Which One Is the Best in 2024?

Time to read

Alan Zhao

‎Your search has come down to Clearbit vs ZoomInfo, but a question remains: Which platform is best for your specific use case?

Each tool has its perks, limitations, and areas where it excels. 

Clearbit excels at white labeling data enrichment, while ZoomInfo bundles everything you need to run sales operations. 

Problem is, static B2B databases are losing momentum, as modern sales teams realize how much more effective it is to engage prospects based on intent data and behavioral signals. 

That’s why this guide will include a bonus option - Warmly - as it successfully fills in the gaps left by the other two platforms.

So, in this in-depth review, we’ll discuss the features, pricing structure, integrations, and user experiences of all three enrichment tools, providing you with everything you need to make the right decision.

Here are a few key takeaways from our research:

  • Warmly is the ideal solution for identifying and converting website visitors at both company and individual levels. 
  • Clearbit is a good choice if you need real-time B2B data enrichment and access to first-party buying intent data of companies that landed on your website.
  • Zoominfo is best if you want all your sales processes under one platform, including B2B records, sales engagement, and coaching.

And now, without further ado, let’s start by analyzing each platform’s key features.

Don’t have time to read the entire piece? Sign up for Warmly’s free plan and try out its functionality firsthand.

Features - Clearbit vs Zoominfo vs Warmly

Although all three platforms are primarily geared toward lead enrichment and website traffic identification, they have unique features and capabilities you may care about more than others.

Let’s look at which core features set them apart, starting with Warmly.

Warmly Features

Warmly is a revenue orchestration platform that helps sales teams identify anonymous website visitors and engage them in ways that drive more deals.

It’s the top choice if you want to move away from cold leads and connect with people who are actually interested in your solution. 

In a nutshell: signal-based selling > cold selling.

The most popular Warmly features for Clearbit and ZoomInfo customers are the following:

1. Website Intent

While most website visitor identification tools can only reveal companies, Warmly identifies both companies and individual accounts with high accuracy rates.

It reveals approximately 65% of companies and 15% of individuals, allowing you to pinpoint the exact stakeholder surfing your website and adjust your outreach efforts accordingly. 

That’s not all.

Warmly enriches each identified visitor with granular buyer intent data so you can score leads based on their level of interest in your solution.

The platform detects and reveals several types of intent signals, including: 

  1. Firmographic data (job titles, email addresses, company info, cell phone numbers, etc.). 
  2. Technographic data (tools and technology a business primarily uses).
  3. CRM data (ongoing and closed deals, account owners, previous interactions with your SDRs, etc.).
  4. Website session insights, i.e., pages visited, time spent on each page, clicked links, downloaded content, etc.
  5. Third-party buyer intent data, such as topics recently searched for on the web.
  6. And much more.

Why are intent signals so important?

8 minutes after using Warmly for lead generation, Kandji booked 2 qualified meetings, that’s why.

Also, B2B databases like Clearbit are becoming commoditized, and they all have very similar data. In fact, Clearbit comes bundled with Warmly. Intent data is where the real money is at.

Combining website visitor identification with granular buyer intent data lets you:

  1. Quickly recognize individuals and businesses that fit into your Ideal Customer Profile and narrow down on them instead of dispersing your resources randomly.
  2. Easily detect high-quality leads, allowing your sales reps to focus their attention on them.
  3. Create hyper-personalized outreach strategies for each lead based on detailed insights provided by Warmly (third-party intent data, the pages visited on your website, downloaded resources, etc.).
  4. Engage leads when they’re most likely to convert.
  5. Provide your sales reps with vital intelligence on each lead, enabling them to close more deals.

Simply put, intent signals paired with website visitor tracking answer all the questions essential for sales and marketing teams looking to boost their performance, such as:

  • Who is visiting your website, i.e., does it attract your target audience or random visitors?
  • Who are your hottest leads?
  • When’s the right time to reach out?
  • How to approach them?

Learn how website intent enabled Stage to land a qualified meeting on the first day of using Warmly.

All you need to do is paste Warmly’s code snippet to your website, and you’ll start detecting warm leads within a few hours.

Note: You can also add the snippet to your emails, and track leads that come through specific marketing campaigns. This allows for better attribution and lets you better understand what approach works best with your target market.

2. AI Prospector

No sales rep can be available and present on your website 24/7.

This means that some high-quality leads will inevitably fall through the cracks simply because no one was there when it mattered the most.

Warmly’s AI Prospector takes care of this issue by allowing you to engage warm leads whenever necessary.

Once Warmly has identified qualified website visitors, the AI Prospector can add them to automated sequences, such as:

  • Connecting on LinkedIn.
  • Send personalized emails or add them to cadences on Outreach or Salesloft.
  • Firing a website chat.

You can define WHO the AI Prospector should include in the sequence, WHAT action it should take, and WHEN it should do it:


  • Which accounts should be targeted based on the chosen segments (e.g., company size, industry, etc.)
  • What specific personas from each account should be added to workflows (e.g., sales reps, marketing professionals, etc.)


  • How many prospects from each account should be contacted
  • Which action should be taken (e.g., send personalized email or LinkedIn message)


  • How often should the Prospector look for accounts and profiles that fit the set criteria and run sequences

Discover how AI Prospector and other Warmly functionalities helped Caddis Systems increase website conversions by 500% in 7 days.

As a result, no high-caliber prospect will ever go to waste again.

Try it yourself 👇or watch it in action

 💡Note: To access AI Prospector, you must be on one of Warmly’s paid plans.

3. Sales Engagement

In addition to revealing website traffic, enriching leads with intent data, and handling prospecting, Warmly lets you engage qualified leads straight from your website.

There are a few engagement options that you can use together or alternately for the best results.

AI Chat

The AI Chat is essentially an AI-powered chatbot that can be trained to fit how your prospects expect to be reached from your site.

For instance, you can configure it to:

  • Automatically initiate warm conversations with high-fit leads using the intel provided by Warmly.
  • Answer various product-specific questions.

However, sometimes, you’ll want actual humans to take over. For instance, a lead could:

  • Make a high-intent query, such as asking about the pricing or a detailed explanation of a product feature.
  • Ask to speak to an actual human.
  • Take any other action or make a query you configure as relevant in the settings.

When that happens, an SDR will immediately be notified via Slack, allowing them to step into the chat using one of the other two sales engagement options: text chat or video call.

Live chat and video calls 

You can use live chat and video calls separately from the AI Chat.

Namely, when you go to the “Warm Calls” section of Warmly’s dashboard, you’ll see who’s visiting your website right now.

If you detect a hot lead or a prospect who fits into your ICP, you can contact them via text chat or hop on a video call, using Warmly’s actionable insights to make a warm intro and increase the chances of getting a response.

This nifty feature helped Behavioral Signals go from first intent signals to actual meetings in just 2 weeks, leading to nearly $2M in their pipeline.

Clearbit Features

Clearbit is a real-time data enrichment platform combining data from 200+ public and proprietary sources into a comprehensive B2B database with 389M professional profiles and 50M company records.

This allows it to enrich your leads and account records as lists directly within the GTM platforms you use or in your product.

Its most popular features include:

1. Data Enrichment

‎Clearbit's key strength is its data enrichment feature. The platform enriches leads with over 100 relevant B2B data attributes like:

  • Business emails
  • Job roles
  • Social profiles
  • Seniority level, etc.

It also runs automatic updates of direct contact details, keeping data fresh. 

2. Reveals companies visiting your website

Clearbit has a rich IP address database that matches IPs against companies that land on your website. 

Then, it provides insights into the companies it identified, creating a clearer picture of their intent level and allowing you to adjust your sales and marketing efforts accordingly.

‎3. Form optimization

Potential customers are more likely to fill out short forms. 

Clearbit optimizes your forms by removing fields it can auto-populate. 

For example, website visitors can fill out only their email addresses, and Clearbit will automatically fill in the company name and domain.

Zoominfo Features

Zoominfo is a comprehensive sales platform for go-to-market teams that combines sales intelligence with various sales engagement and basic automation options.

While its massive B2B contact database - with 100M+ companies, 260M+ contact records and 135M+ verified mobile phone numbers - is Zoominfo’s key selling point, it has a few other features worth mentioning:

1. AI Copilot

This artificial intelligence-powered sales assistant delivers quick account summaries, provides sales reps with actionable insights into high-fit leads, recommends which actions they should take, and helps with drafting personalized emails.

2. Automated workflows

Zoominfo allows for creating simple automated sales workflows, such as adding leads to email campaigns, setting up reminders to connect with them on social media, including them in a call sequence, etc.

3. Chorus

Chorus is Zoominfo’s conversational intelligence tool (acquired in 2021). It analyzes emails and calls to help sales managers coach reps.

Integrations - Clearbit vs Zoominfo vs Warmly


Warmly integrates with all the relevant B2B intent data providers, such as Bombora, 6Sense, People Data Labs, and Clearbit. 

These solutions are usually purchased alongside Clearbit or ZoomInfo. With Warmly, they’re included in all pricing tiers.

Moreover, the platform has native integrations with OpenAI, Slack, ConnectTheDots, and most modern sales solutions (CRMs, SEPs, etc.).


Since Clearbit was recently acquired by HubSpot, the native integration with HubSpot is seamless.

It also has solid integrations with Salesforce, Marketo, Drift, Google Analytics, Chili Piper, and others. However, there is uncertainty around what HubSpot will do with Clearbit’s integration with other providers.


Zoominfo integrates with 70+ apps from different categories, such as CRMs, sales engagement platforms, automation tools, etc.

‎Its most notable integrations include Pipedrive, Salesloft, Zapier, JazzHR, Greenhouse, and more.

Integrations in a nutshell 

While Zoominfo has the largest number of individual app integrations - including vertical-specific software, such as HR - Warmly provides more integrations with intent data providers.

Most importantly, those integrations are included in each plan, whereas Zoominfo separates its integrations depending on the pricing tier you subscribe to.

Clearbit lags behind, mainly because it focuses on its native integration with HubSpot and its ability to be integrated into any solution, which can be positive if that’s what you need.

Pricing - Clearbit vs Zoominfo vs Warmly

Price is the factor that often matters most when deciding on a software tool—not the price itself but unknown variables surrounding pricing, which may not be clear from the start.

Below, we’ll explain each solution’s pricing structure so you can better assess its value.


Warmly has a generous free plan that lets you reveal and enrich up to 500 monthly website visitors. It also provides real-time Slack alerts and access to third-party intent signals.

If you have higher website traffic and want more features, you can choose between two tiers:

  1. Business: From $700 to $1,740 per month, depending on your expected traffic volume. It includes up to 10 seats and all of Warmly’s features.
  2. Enterprise: Custom pricing. Designed for users with an estimated traffic of 100,000+ visitors per month who need more customization options. Includes up to 20 seats, advanced AI personalization, custom integrations, etc.

💡 Note: All plans include integrations with sales intelligence platforms such as Clearbit, Bombora, and 6Sense.


Clearbit doesn’t disclose its pricing publicly, meaning it has custom plans tailored to each individual user.

However, there are a few things we do know:

  • It’s volume-based.
  • It starts at 5 figures ($10,000+) and can reach 6 or 7 figures. 
  • It can include add-ons such as:
  • Forms (form optimization).
  • Advertising (audience targeting and retargeting).
  • Capture (automatically create CRM accounts for website visitors who match your ICP).


Similarly to Clearbit, Zoominfo doesn't reveal its exact pricing.

It has three plans for Sales, Talent, and Marketing teams, all of which have custom pricing and lock you into 12-month contracts.

These custom packages differ primarily in the app integrations and features they include, as each is geared toward distinct user types.

You’ll have to contact Zoominfo’s team for a quote, but we know that the price will depend on several factors:

  • Features and functionality.
  • Number of licenses.
  • Credit usage.
  • The type of intelligence you need (more robust info such as technographic attributes and org charts will create additional costs).
  • Add-ons you want included (e.g., Streaming Intent for revealing buying intent in real-time).
  • The integrations you need.

💡 Note: ZoomInfo is considered an expensive sales engagement platform, starting at 5 figures and quickly climbing to 6 or 7 figures.

Reviews - What Are the Users Saying?

There’s nothing better than actual customer feedback to help you understand what to expect from each platform. 

Warmly Reviews

TLDR: Warmly sets itself apart with the quality of warm leads it reveals and is particularly favored by small and medium-sized businesses. 


“Simplicity in setting up and using from the start is what we like best about Warmly. The ability to see top-of-funnel leads visiting our website, what pages, how long, etc., and then being able to put them into the correct workflows.

It helps out rev ops leaders work from one platform to drive our ABO workflows and continue to build our top-of-funnel pipeline while generating better-qualified leads for our sales teams to pursue. The lead intelligence is also extremely helpful.” - G2 Review 


“I've been using Warmly for website visitor identification. First of all - the free trial gives you plenty of "leads" so you can see it first hand. Second - it seems to capture more of the organizations that visit our site (more warm leads). Third - the data is much more comprehensive. It's easier to see the page flow that users take, and it's able to see what forms they submit (at least for me - I use Elementor forms). Fourth - the UI is great, you can see the main pages visited directly on the main UI, so you can easily set up filters to separate high-intent traffic and general traffic.

The tool is significantly better than other web visitor tools. I've tried ~ three that are in the more traditional price range. This one identifies around double the leads with higher-quality data. The team really knows what they're doing.” - G2 Review


“'s ability to provide detailed analytics on company visits to our site is unparalleled, offering a granular view that extends to identifying specific individuals behind these interactions. This depth of insight is invaluable for tailoring engagement strategies and personalizing follow-ups, thereby enhancing the potential for converting interest into tangible business opportunities.” - G2 Review

Clearbit Reviews

TLDR: Clearbit does what it’s supposed to do, and does it well! If you’re considering Clearbit, it’s important to note that the platform has quite a learning curve if you want to integrate it into your product or existing sales tools, as remarked by several customers.


“From my perspective, I found Clearbit's platform to have a bit of a learning curve. It took me some time to navigate and fully utilize its features effectively. Additionally, I encountered occasional discrepancies in the data provided, which required me to verify information from other sources. Simplifying the user experience and ensuring more consistent data quality would greatly improve my overall experience with Clearbit.” - G2 Review

You might also experience other UX issues, as Clearbit’s interface isn’t as intuitive as you’d like.


“Clearbit has gone through a number of UX changes recently, and not all have been for the better. Their most recent visitor report, in particular, is much more difficult to read and use. Their credit-based system is fairly unintuitive, and our team has found that the names/titles they have from a data enrichment standpoint aren't terribly useful for our audience.” - G2 Review

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Clearbit is primarily focused on the US market and, as mentioned before, can reveal and enrich only companies visiting your website.


“Clearbit has really great firmographic information, especially for larger or medium size orgs. Primarily limited to the US, though. Has been very easy to implement. The implementation team and most recent CSM has been great, but we definitely experienced some issues with continuity due to changes on the Clearbit side with their organization. Match rate on the people size is much lower, but I understand that they are working on tightening things up.” - G2 Review

Zoominfo Reviews

TLDR: You can do everything in ZoomInfo. It excels at sales sequencing. Sometimes the data is inaccurate and intent signals are weak. Yearlong contracts also bother customers. 


“I would say the thing I dislike about ZoomInfo is not getting accurate intent signals on my feed that are pertaining to my specific customer base. I had already uploaded my module and set up my feed to get intent signals but it keeps showing companies that are not in my CRM.” - G2 Review

Moreover, several reviews mentioned Zoominfo’s data being outdated or incorrect.


“The main problem with Zoominfo sales is the authenticity of the contacts. Most of the time, we get outdated or wrong information.” - G2 Review

Also, there are issues with companies’ classification, which can lead to inaccurate search results and prolong your sales and marketing efforts.


“Also, the classification of industries/verticals can be sometimes completely misleading. When filtering the companies, it would be nice to have more information about their solutions/products in the description field.” - G2 Review

Wrapping Up? Here’s What We Recommend Next 

Hopefully, by now, you’ll have a clearer idea of the platform best for you.

If you’re looking for a massive static B2B database that focuses on North America, Zoominfo might be the best choice. 

Clearbit, on the other hand, provides more intent signals coupled with real time enrichment capabilities but includes only first-party data and doesn’t have a wide range of features like Warmly and Zoominfo.

Finally, look into Warmly if you want a solution that:

  • Identifies both companies and individuals visiting your website.
  • Reveals which of those visitors are willing to speak to your teams based on a combination of first and third-party intent data.
  • Lets you generate more qualified conversations by engaging leads while they’re still hot.

Sounds about right?

Subscribe to Warmly’s free plan and start revealing and converting hot leads today.

Or book a live demo to see it in action before signing up.

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