Being able to identify the companies that hit your website is great, but what’s even better is being able to identify the exact individual from a certain company that visited your website. Warmly is able to do this by introducing a query parameter that can be added by your sales and marketing teams to links back to your website within outbound email sequences. By doing so, your team will have incredibly powerful individual-level data that you can leverage in sales and marketing motions.
Plays › Identification
Using Query Parameters to
Identify Prospects
Impact of Play: Very High
How do I add Warmly’s query parameters to my outbound email campaigns?
It’s very simple! Take a look at the video in this Playbook, or head to your Warmly dashboard and go to the General Settings section within your Setting tab. Here you’ll find a brief video highlighting the entire process made by Warmly’s co-founder, Alan.
How can I segment by this query parameter and see it in action?
An easy way to segment by Warmly’s query parameter is to create a segment in Session -> Session referrer. Select the Operator to be ‘contains’ and the Value to be ‘w_email.’ Applying this segment in the Warm Visitors tab will highlight all of the individual traffic that has hit your website through Warmly’s query parameter. The traffic should all be identified, and if you click into any of the names, you’ll be able to see the w_email query parameter by selecting the button ‘See query params.’
What can I do with this data?
The world is your oyster! You now know that an individual who you emailed has visited your website and you know what they did while they were on it. We would recommend sending a personalized email to this individual based on their journey on your website (for example, if you noted that they were particularly interested in a specific case study, you might want to highlight that case study in your outreach), as well as leaning into their company from a prioritization perspective given a new signal of high intent.
This is play was written by Ryan Beyer, Head of Customer Success. Feel free to reach out at [email protected].
Ready to add Warmly to your website?
Get in touch with one of our onboarding specialists and see how it can fit into your sales workflow