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Using Warmly & LinkedIn Ads to Book Meetings (with Tom Watson)

Using Warmly & LinkedIn Ads to Book Meetings (with Tom Watson)

Tom Watson, a customer of Warmly, recently demonstrated how he integrates Warmly with LinkedIn Ads to generate leads and book meetings with potential clients. This approach has quickly become one of the highest-performing channels for his agency, generating six leads within a week of launching their campaign.

Strategy Implementation

Data Collection and Integration:

Tom leveraged Warmly's AI Prospector and website intent to gather information on time-intent users, including their emails and names. This person-level data was then pushed to HubSpot, filtering users who stayed on the website for more than five seconds. This initial step ensured that only engaged and ICP prospects were targeted.

Lead Generation through LinkedIn Ads:

Once the data was filtered through HubSpot, it was uploaded to LinkedIn Ads to target these engaged prospects directly. Within 72 hours, the campaign generated five leads, and over a week, six leads were acquired at an average cost of £10 per lead. This quick turnaround highlighted the efficiency of the integrated approach.

Email Campaign Integration:

Tom also utilized QuickMail for his email campaigns, incorporating a Warmly-generated UTM signature that captured prospects' email addresses when clicked. The Warmly platform tracked these interactions and linked them to HubSpot, allowing for detailed source tracking and ROI analysis. This integration ensured a seamless flow of information and enhanced tracking capabilities.


Ad Campaign Metrics:

  • Six leads were generated within a week.
  • The click-through rate (CTR) increased from an average of 0.3% to nearly 1.2%.
  • The average cost per lead was reduced to £3, significantly lower than the typical cost on LinkedIn.

Lead Conversion and ROI:

  • The integration of Warmly and LinkedIn Ads resulted in high-quality leads that matched the ideal customer profile.
  • Both automated and manual follow-ups ensured timely and personalized outreach, enhancing the chances of conversion.
  • Two leads converted directly through Warmly’s AI chat integration, demonstrating the platform’s effectiveness in real-time engagement.

Workflow Efficiency:

  • Slack notifications for lead updates ensured prompt action by the sales team.
  • Initially, manual follow-ups were preferred to maintain authenticity, but plans to automate the process for scalability were in place.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, Tom plans to:

  • Enhance LinkedIn Ads for even better performance and ROI.
  • Explore cold outreach strategies, including calls, to capture unresponsive leads.
  • Develop a comprehensive funnel to optimize lead nurturing and conversion across different channels.

Tom Watson’s use of Warmly with LinkedIn Ads is a prime example of how targeted data collection and strategic integration can lead to substantial improvements in lead generation and conversion. The success of this approach is evident in the high-quality leads and impressive ROI achieved within a short period.