Facilitate Better
Remote Culture

85% of people find it difficult to establish and deepen relationships remotely.

Solve this by having your interests front and center, allowing for more connections within your staff and boosting company morale.

*Available at a discount for existing Zoom customers.

Thousands of organizations run on Warmly

What does Warmly unlock for your team?

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Employee Satisfaction

Foster deeper employee connections and create better teams.

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Onboarding Time

Help new employees get to know the org and their team, faster.

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Employee Churn

Retain top company talent for longer.

Improve employee experience

Create more enjoyable meeting experiences to liven up any all-hands meeting and/or kick off team meetings with personal ice-breaker questions.

Zoom call with nametags created using Warmly

Self advocacy for your staff

Empower your staff to self-advocate for their pronouns and name pronunciations on their Nametags. Recognition and respect from their peers can lead to higher employee retention rates.

Intros without the awkwardness

Highlight your interests and find common ground with your employees using the bio feature. Without the back and forth pre-conversation questions, you’ll drive a more streamlined and efficient onboarding process.

Warmly nametag for Justin Kan, Co-founder at Twitch

Ready to engage and empower your employees?

Let us know if you'd like a live walkthrough of the product.